Substitute Teacher Wanted at Hagvidson Preschool

EJB Nyponlunden AB

Västra Götalands län, Göteborg

Previous experience is desired

30 days left
to apply for the job

Hagvidson is an independent preschool in Fyreviken, located in the heart of Hovås in the old municipal building at Hovåsvägen 1, close to the sea and nature.

The preschool's guiding principles are: safety, participation, and joy.

We work based on a pedagogical vision of a sustainable future where lifestyle, health, and environment form a whole. We want the children to carry a sustainability perspective that applies to the individual, fellow human beings, and our nature. As part of this, we provide ample opportunities for outdoor education.

We aim to lay the foundation for a mindset where movement is a natural part of everyday life.

The preschool is working towards Green Flag certification. We have three departments: Vinga, Trubaduren, and Måseskär, accommodating a total of 60 children.

We believe that you:

Have worked in preschool or have similar experience

Are service-oriented

Enjoy working with children and can engage and inspire

Like being outdoors with the children

If you are well-versed in the curriculum, driven, and want to take responsibility, we see that as a great plus

If you have experience in planning, implementing, documenting, and evaluating educational activities, this is an asset

Are flexible, positive, and enjoy sharing experiences with other educators

You are a team player!

Your responsibilities

Your tasks as a substitute may include:

• dressing

• meal situations

• diaper changes and assistance during toilet visits

• participating in rest time, reading to the children

• supervision during indoor/outdoor activities,

It is important that you are attentive to the children's needs, engaged, and have a strong sense of responsibility. Connect with the children, do not focus solely on one child, but oversee the entire group.

Remember to always wear clothes suitable for activities with children both indoors and outdoors in various weather conditions.

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