Vacant position for a teacher in North Sami at Sámi School Board


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Sámi School Board is looking for a teacher in North Sami

The Sámi School Board is a government agency based in Jåhkåmåhkke. We provide education from preschool to grade 6 with a focus on the Sámi culture and language. We are now looking for a dedicated teacher with a teaching license in North Sami.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Plan, implement, and evaluate teaching according to the school's curriculum and the Sámi perspective.
  • Participate in the development of learning environments and other school activities.


  • Teaching degree with teaching license.
  • Good knowledge of North Sami and Sámi culture.
  • Positive outlook and ability to build good relationships.
  • Thorough, flexible, and responsive to students' needs.

We place great emphasis on personal suitability and documented ability to collaborate.


Individual salary setting is applied. Applicants must provide a criminal record extract.

Applications should be sent to the Sámi School Board in Jåhkåmåhkke.

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