Vacant position as a teacher in math and science at Sameskolstyrelsen


7 days left
to apply for the job

Sameskolstyrelsen is looking for a teacher in math and science for grades 4-6

The Sameskolstyrelsen is a government agency with its office in Jåhkåmåhkke. They provide education in the Sami language and culture according to the curriculum for Sami schools. Currently, they are looking for a full-time teacher for grades 4-6 in math and science.

Job responsibilities:

  • Teaching math and science for grades 4-6


  • Teaching certification for primary school
  • Experience in teaching math and science

The Sameskolstyrelsen applies individual salary setting. All applicants must provide a extract from the police record before employment.

If you have protected personal data, you can send your application by mail or contact the agency's HR officer by phone: 0971/442 08.

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