Job Opening for Authorized Accounting Consultant

Lundqvists Revisionsbyrå i Västerås AB

Västmanlands län, Västerås

Previous experience is desired

~43 000 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Företagsekonomi, handel och administration
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

7 days left
to apply for the job

Would you like to be part of our team?

We are a small accounting and auditing firm located in central Västerås. Our staff is naturally our most important resource. Consequently, we set very high standards for our staff, not only in terms of educational requirements but also in how they interact with our clients. We offer all our employees a chance to further their education. We are an authorized accounting and auditing firm through Far and continuously educate ourselves according to Far's established training requirements.

We are a modern auditing firm that goes the extra mile for our clients; every client should feel well taken care of and always receive both competent and professional assistance as well as a pleasant reception.

We provide accounting and auditing services to small and medium-sized companies with high demands for service and quality. We carry out all tasks commonly found within the industry and work objectively, independently, and with integrity.

Both authorized accounting consultants and auditors work with us, do you want the chance to become an authorized accounting consultant?

We are looking for both recent graduates from university or vocational programs and those with extensive experience in the accounting industry. We are seeking those who want to become Authorized Accounting Consultants and those who are already Authorized Accounting Consultants.

Do you want to work and develop in a small firm and work broadly with accounting, salaries, financial statements, annual reports, and tax returns?

If you have a strong commitment and interest in having your own client responsibility, taking your own initiatives, and developing your professional skills. As a person, you should be ambitious, responsible, meticulous, and able to handle stress. Knowledge of Capego and Fortnox is advantageous.

Contact us immediately by sending your written application with a CV via email to:

[email protected]

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