Subject Teacher in Science at Johannesskolan

Stift Agape Norrköping

Östergötlands län, Norrköping

Previous experience is desired

~39 000 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Pedagogik och lärarutbildning
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

58 days left
to apply for the job

Johannesskolan is a Christian free school in Norrköping. We have been around for 30 years and have sister schools in both Nyköping and Flen. In the same building as us is Vindruvans preschool.

We are located in a growing district, Sandtorp, with good connections to central Norrköping and other residential areas in the city.

For the school year 2024/2025, we have 190 students in grades F-9. The teaching groups consist of 12-22 students. You need to be able to create an accessible learning environment and use language-developing approaches as well as formative assessment in your teaching.

You are expected to create good relationships, a conducive study environment, and a structured learning environment that promotes learning and joy in work. A positive attitude and the ability to collaborate with colleagues, students, and parents are essential. Our value foundation work is characterized by positive character education according to the See the Good method.

We are looking for subject teachers who are qualified in the science subjects for grades 7-9. It is an advantage to have qualifications in other subjects as well. A suitable subject combination increases the employment rate. Longer experience in the teaching profession is also a plus.

You need to be familiar with the curriculum and keep yourself informed about research and developments in your subject. As a school, we work with teaching quality according to the BravoLesson concept. You should be able to make relevant choices regarding teaching materials and methodology. The role includes managing a subject department with associated tools and equipment.

As a confessional Christian school, we value your personal faith.

You will be part of the upper secondary team and participate in collegial learning. You should also be willing to take on a mentoring responsibility for a class if needed.

Note! Selection is ongoing.

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