Develop Operations at Europe’s Best Hospital


Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

19 days left
to apply for the job

Join us in developing operations and processes at Europe’s best hospital!

Struggling to choose between working closely with operations and on a hospital-wide level? Look no further! Here is a unique opportunity to both improve care for Karolinska's key resources in surgery, intensive care, and sterilization technology while also driving hospital-wide development work!

You will be offered

  • the chance to work at one of the world’s best hospitals where we provide cutting-edge specialized care
  • to be part of an ambitious team responsible for supporting the operations, intensive care, and sterilization technology departments in data-driven decision-making and improvement work
  • a varied job that spans from strategic investigations to helping care make decisions “here and now”

Of course, you will also benefit from the general perks that Karolinska University Hospital offers.

About the position

In the coming years, we will undergo a major transformation with digitalization that gives us new opportunities to provide data to healthcare operations that enable good decisions and efficient working methods. We need to expand our team with individuals skilled in effectively structuring processes, driving change, and wanting to work data-driven. You will contribute to ensuring that Karolinska's patients receive the care they need while gaining a deep understanding of how a hospital operates and is managed. The tasks are varied and include:

  • driving operational and hospital-wide activities
  • close collaboration with the IT department to assist the operation in effectively implementing new system support, for example by project managing system implementations
  • developing tools and common processes together with analysts so that the operation can plan and follow up both care and resources in a data-driven manner
  • supporting healthcare managers in finding methods and approaches to change working methods based on data.

This position is an exciting opportunity to work closely with several of Karolinska's critical operations in surgery, intensive care, and sterilization technology while also contributing to hospital-wide development work. The work will be conducted in forms deemed most suitable for the specific task, individually and/or in various group constellations including project form (different roles and working methods are possible, including project leadership).

We are looking for someone who

  • plans, organizes, and prioritizes work effectively, sets and maintains timelines, and can lead projects in a way that drives towards set goals
  • has a strategic approach and works well with complex issues, analyzes and breaks down questions into components to find solutions that work for others
  • is responsive and solution-oriented and has the ability to inspire others to promote change
  • fosters good collaboration and sees the value of others' competencies to create good solutions
  • thrives in a fast-paced environment and enjoys varied tasks



  • Relevant academic education in healthcare or other experience deemed equivalent by the employer
  • Clinical care experience or otherwise acquired deep understanding of healthcare operations and its challenges/development needs, particularly regarding the conditions of care operations in daily work
  • Complementary education in project management, improvement work, leadership and governance, organizational theory
  • Experience in driving improvement work and independently conducting projects
  • Knowledge of data-driven work
  • Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite
  • Fluent in Swedish and very good knowledge of English in both spoken and written form


  • Experience in making a difference through quality work or operational or process development in healthcare
  • Good analytical ability and experience in creating decision support for others, for example through work closely with management teams and other decision-makers
  • Experience in requirements and needs analysis or another role involving close collaboration with the IT organization

Personal suitability is highly valued.

About the recruitment process

Selection and interviews will be ongoing during the application period. A probationary period may be applied.

In our recruitment process, we may use Assessio's tests MAP and Matrigma. MAP is a personality test and Matrigma is a non-verbal ability test, both based on occupational psychological research. The tests are used as a complement to your experiences and competencies, and the purpose is to make our selection process quality-assured and transparent.

Warm welcome with your application - Together we are Karolinska!

Applying for a job in Region Stockholm

We strive for equality and equity in our workplace and welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and circumstances.

We only accept applications via this system. Apply by clicking the “Apply” button. Applications by mail or email will not be considered. We kindly ask for no direct contact with staffing and recruitment companies or sellers of additional job advertisements.

Our recruitment system cannot handle anonymous applications or applicants with protected personal information. If you have protected personal information, please contact the contact person specified in the advertisement. Your application will then be handled outside the recruitment system. You should also be careful about what information you provide in your application and only include information that is relevant to the current position.

Region Stockholm is responsible for healthcare, public transport, regional development, and contributes to cultural life. Every day, around the clock. In the country's fastest-growing region. Together we create Europe’s most attractive metropolitan region.

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