Job Advertisement: Homework Help for Children

Livis Omsorg AB

Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

~27 500 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Matematik och övrig naturvetenskap
Gymnasial utbildning

30 days left
to apply for the job

Livis Omsorg AB is built on high care quality, respect for all, personal commitment, and individually tailored solutions. For us, every assignment is unique, and the goal is to provide the service expected for a calm and secure everyday life.


We are looking for someone who is educated and skilled in elementary school mathematics and can help children with their homework.

As a person, we want you to be structured, have excellent collaboration skills, be relationship-building, and have a good ability to engage with young people. We also want you to contribute with commitment and participation.

Working hours: 17:00 - 20:00 four times a week.

Open to all
We focus on your skills, not your other circumstances. We are open to adapting the role or workplace to your needs.

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