Teacher Wanted at Profilskolan

Uni-Partner AB

Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

~39 000 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Pedagogik och lärarutbildning
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

29 days left
to apply for the job

Profilskolan is a school for grades 4-9 where:

* The level of goal fulfillment is high

* Students feel happy and safe

* Most students engage in sports and pursue their special interests during school hours

* Everyone knows everyone

* Decision-making processes are short

We are looking for you who:

* Are a teacher in primary school

* Are a clear leader in the classroom

* Are an inspiring and knowledgeable teacher

* Can individualize teaching and meet students at their own level

* Can build good relationships with students, parents, and colleagues

Your responsibilities include working as a class teacher in grade 5 as well as the usual tasks for teachers.

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