Family Home Consultant Wanted with Experience

Ängebo Familjevård Öland AB

Kalmar län, Borgholm

Previous experience is desired

~38 800 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Socialt arbete och omsorg
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

24 days left
to apply for the job

Seeking a Family Home Consultant with at least 3 years of experience in supervising family homes that receive children.

You must also have a Supervisor Training aimed at supervising family homes that receive children, which should have provided 15 university credits.

You will work from home with office tasks and will conduct physical supervision in the family homes. For office work, Ängebo Familjevård provides a computer and a mobile phone. Travel is done with a company car that is used solely for work purposes.

The role of Family Home Consultant is a flexible job where you largely plan and schedule your supervision sessions in your family homes. Some planning is also done by the employer.

Your work will include, among other things: Family home visits (at least every three weeks) for supervision of family homes located south of a line between Gothenburg and Västervik, all the way down to Skåne. Record-keeping and monthly reporting to social caseworkers. Our own external staff supervision, currently in Kalmar. Training for both our own staff and for our family homes. SIP meetings and other meetings as requested by our clients. Placement of clients in family homes. Our own staff meetings, etc.

We would be happy to discuss more about the position in a personal meeting.

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