Part-time employee needed for personal assistance

Assistans i Halmstad AB

Hallands län, Kungsbacka

Previous experience is desired

~30 300 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Socialt arbete och omsorg
Gymnasial utbildning

29 days left
to apply for the job

Assistans I Halmstad AB was founded in 2008. We operate based on a clearly stated value foundation and do everything to create the best conditions for individualized personal assistance based on each individual's unique needs.

I am a young man with autism and moderate intellectual disability. I am 25 years old and live in an apartment in central Kungsbacka.

I can speak with perfect pronunciation, but I speak very little spontaneously. I understand everyday spoken language, but you must speak perfect Swedish for me to understand.

I manage quite a lot in my daily life with supervision and verbal support. I sometimes need physical help with hygiene and toilet visits.

At home, you need to help me with cooking, cleaning, laundry, and similar tasks, but I do some of it myself together with you.

We are looking for a part-time employee.

You who apply should be cheerful and responsible. You should be attentive and positive in your approach. You can organize your tasks and have the ability to be flexible when the situation requires it. One of your tasks will be to accompany me to Lärvux and support me in my education. You should also be able to accompany me to activities such as swimming, bowling, choir, bingo, and other individual or organized gatherings.

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