Personal Assistant Needed for Woman in Her 40s

Kura Omsorg i Sverige AB

31 days left
to apply for the job

We are looking for a personal assistant for a woman in her 40s.

The client wishes that you, as an applicant, are a girl between 20 and 50 years old who is meticulous and organized. The client is active and goes out in all weather. Her biggest interest is growing vegetables. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and doing physiotherapy.

The working hours are scheduled during the day, Monday to Wednesday from 08:30 to 13:30, but evening and weekend shifts may occur by agreement. However, not on public holidays or during the husband’s vacation.

Smokers are discouraged due to asthma and allergies.

A driver's license and access to a personal car are required.

There are both a cat and a dog in the home.

Since the work is in the client's home where there are children, a criminal record extract is required.

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