Job Advertisement: Staff for LSS Accommodation in Heby

LSS Omsorgen Grusbanan AB

Uppsala län, Heby

Previous experience is desired

~31 400 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Socialt arbete och omsorg
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

27 days left
to apply for the job

We are currently looking for additional staff for our LSS accommodation in Heby. We are seeking individuals for hourly employment and summer positions. The accommodation consists of six residential apartments and common areas. You will become part of a stable work group and have great opportunities to contribute to positive development. Our ambition is to shape the best accommodation for the future! We offer continuous internal training and supervision to create quality and development for you.

The people we work with in LSS activities are individuals with neuropsychiatric disabilities and autism, which can lead to behaviors where we as professionals need to redirect, support, and prevent.

We work systematically with low-arousal responses based on the individual's specific needs. This places high demands on the right attitude and approach to both the work and your fellow human beings.

Open to all
We focus on your skills, not your other circumstances. We are open to adapting the role or workplace to meet your needs.

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