Calculate Swedish Tax / Net Salary in Vasteras municipality
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Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality
Västerås Municipality, located in Västmanland County, is one of Sweden's larger municipalities with a population of over 150,000 residents. The tax burden in the municipality is an important factor that affects the residents' economy and standard of living. Below is a detailed overview of the municipal tax, how tax revenues are used, and the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
The tax rate in Västerås Municipality consists of several components:
- Municipal Tax: 20.36%
- County Council Tax: 10.88%
- Funeral Fee: 0.28%
- Church Fee (for members): 1.33%
The total tax burden excluding the church fee amounts to 31.24%. For members of the Swedish Church, the total tax rate becomes 32.57%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Västerås Municipality are used to finance a range of services and activities that are crucial for the residents' welfare. Here are some of the key areas where tax money is used:
- Education: A significant portion of tax revenues goes towards funding primary schools, high schools, and adult education. The goal is to provide high-quality education for all children and youth in the municipality.
- Healthcare and Social Care: Elderly care, home care, and care for the disabled are other important areas funded by tax money.
- Infrastructure: Maintenance and development of roads, parks, and public buildings are also significant items in the municipality's budget.
- Culture and Recreation: Libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events also receive support through tax revenues.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Västerås Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing an aging population, which entails increased costs for healthcare and social care. Additionally, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and education to meet future demands.
At the same time, there are also opportunities. Västerås has a strong industrial base and a growing business sector, which can contribute to increased tax revenues and economic growth. The municipality actively works to attract new companies and investments, which can create more jobs and improve the economic situation.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Västerås is generally high. The municipality offers a good balance between city life and natural environments, making it an attractive place to live and work. The quality of education, healthcare, and social care is overall high, and there is a wide range of cultural and recreational activities available.
However, the tax burden can impact individuals' finances. With a total tax rate of 31.24% (excluding the church fee), residents may have less disposable income, which can affect their consumption and savings. To gain a better understanding of how the tax burden affects your net salary, it is recommended to use our tax calculator.
In conclusion, Västerås offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, but it is important to be aware of how the tax burden affects your own finances.
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 726 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Västerås är 20.36%
-7 818 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 10.88%
-4 178 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 509 300 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Västerås domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 434 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 431 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 746 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Västerås är 20.36%
-7 818 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 10.88%
-4 178 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 523 200 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Västerås domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 454 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 411 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 793 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Västerås är 20.36%
-7 818 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 10.88%
-4 178 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 540 700 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Västerås domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 497 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 368 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 074 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Västerås är 20.36%
-7 818 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 10.88%
-4 178 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Västerås domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 778 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 087 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 475 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Västerås är 20.36%
-7 818 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 10.88%
-4 178 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Västerås domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-108 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
31 171 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
20 694 kr
stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 2525 [kommunalskatt] => 4860.95 [landstingsskatt] => 2597.6 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 66.85 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 7501.525 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 2477.0278786 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 23875 [nettolon] => 21351.6278786 [landsting] => 10.88 [bruttolon] => 26400 [area_name] => VÄSTERÅS [kommun] => VASTERAS [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13330 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => VÄSTERÅS [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun
Västerås kommun, belägen i Västmanlands län, är en av Sveriges större kommuner med en befolkning på över 150 000 invånare. Skattetrycket i kommunen är en viktig faktor som påverkar invånarnas ekonomi och levnadsstandard. Här nedan följer en detaljerad genomgång av kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och övriga skatter
Skattesatsen i Västerås kommun består av flera komponenter:
- Kommunalskatt: 20.36%
- Landstingsskatt: 10.88%
- Begravningsavgift: 0.28%
- Kyrkoavgift (för de som är medlemmar): 1.33%
Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften uppgår till 31.24%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir den totala skattesatsen 32.57%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Västerås kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är avgörande för invånarnas välfärd. Här är några av de viktigaste områdena där skattepengarna används:
- Utbildning: En stor del av skatteintäkterna går till att finansiera grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildning. Målet är att erbjuda högkvalitativ utbildning för alla barn och ungdomar i kommunen.
- Vård och omsorg: Äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och vård av funktionshindrade är andra viktiga områden som finansieras av skattepengarna.
- Infrastruktur: Underhåll och utveckling av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader är också viktiga poster i kommunens budget.
- Kultur och fritid: Bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturella evenemang får också stöd genom skatteintäkterna.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Västerås kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En av de största utmaningarna är att hantera en åldrande befolkning, vilket innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg. Dessutom finns det ett behov av att investera i infrastruktur och utbildning för att möta framtidens krav.
Samtidigt finns det också möjligheter. Västerås har en stark industriell bas och ett växande näringsliv, vilket kan bidra till ökade skatteintäkter och ekonomisk tillväxt. Kommunen arbetar aktivt med att attrahera nya företag och investeringar, vilket kan skapa fler jobb och förbättra den ekonomiska situationen.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Västerås är generellt sett hög. Kommunen erbjuder en god balans mellan stadsliv och naturnära miljöer, vilket gör det till en attraktiv plats att bo och arbeta på. Kvaliteten på utbildning, vård och omsorg är överlag hög, och det finns ett brett utbud av kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter.
Dock kan skattetrycket påverka privatpersoners ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 31.24% (exklusive kyrkoavgiften) kan det bli mindre kvar i plånboken för invånarna, vilket kan påverka deras konsumtionsmöjligheter och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar din nettolön, rekommenderas att använda vår skattekalkylator.
Sammanfattningsvis erbjuder Västerås en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på kommunala tjänster, men det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur skattetrycket påverkar den egna ekonomin.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:48:41 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:49:00 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_200705_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality
Västerås Municipality, located in Västmanland County, is one of Sweden's larger municipalities with a population of over 150,000 residents. The tax burden in the municipality is an important factor that affects the residents' economy and standard of living. Below is a detailed overview of the municipal tax, how tax revenues are used, and the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
The tax rate in Västerås Municipality consists of several components:
- Municipal Tax: 20.36%
- County Council Tax: 10.88%
- Funeral Fee: 0.28%
- Church Fee (for members): 1.33%
The total tax burden excluding the church fee amounts to 31.24%. For members of the Swedish Church, the total tax rate becomes 32.57%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Västerås Municipality are used to finance a range of services and activities that are crucial for the residents' welfare. Here are some of the key areas where tax money is used:
- Education: A significant portion of tax revenues goes towards funding primary schools, high schools, and adult education. The goal is to provide high-quality education for all children and youth in the municipality.
- Healthcare and Social Care: Elderly care, home care, and care for the disabled are other important areas funded by tax money.
- Infrastructure: Maintenance and development of roads, parks, and public buildings are also significant items in the municipality's budget.
- Culture and Recreation: Libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events also receive support through tax revenues.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Västerås Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing an aging population, which entails increased costs for healthcare and social care. Additionally, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and education to meet future demands.
At the same time, there are also opportunities. Västerås has a strong industrial base and a growing business sector, which can contribute to increased tax revenues and economic growth. The municipality actively works to attract new companies and investments, which can create more jobs and improve the economic situation.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Västerås is generally high. The municipality offers a good balance between city life and natural environments, making it an attractive place to live and work. The quality of education, healthcare, and social care is overall high, and there is a wide range of cultural and recreational activities available.
However, the tax burden can impact individuals' finances. With a total tax rate of 31.24% (excluding the church fee), residents may have less disposable income, which can affect their consumption and savings. To gain a better understanding of how the tax burden affects your net salary, it is recommended to use our tax calculator.
In conclusion, Västerås offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, but it is important to be aware of how the tax burden affects your own finances.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13330 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => VÄSTERÅS [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun
Västerås kommun, belägen i Västmanlands län, är en av Sveriges större kommuner med en befolkning på över 150 000 invånare. Skattetrycket i kommunen är en viktig faktor som påverkar invånarnas ekonomi och levnadsstandard. Här nedan följer en detaljerad genomgång av kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och övriga skatter
Skattesatsen i Västerås kommun består av flera komponenter:
- Kommunalskatt: 20.36%
- Landstingsskatt: 10.88%
- Begravningsavgift: 0.28%
- Kyrkoavgift (för de som är medlemmar): 1.33%
Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften uppgår till 31.24%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir den totala skattesatsen 32.57%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Västerås kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är avgörande för invånarnas välfärd. Här är några av de viktigaste områdena där skattepengarna används:
- Utbildning: En stor del av skatteintäkterna går till att finansiera grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildning. Målet är att erbjuda högkvalitativ utbildning för alla barn och ungdomar i kommunen.
- Vård och omsorg: Äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och vård av funktionshindrade är andra viktiga områden som finansieras av skattepengarna.
- Infrastruktur: Underhåll och utveckling av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader är också viktiga poster i kommunens budget.
- Kultur och fritid: Bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturella evenemang får också stöd genom skatteintäkterna.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Västerås kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En av de största utmaningarna är att hantera en åldrande befolkning, vilket innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg. Dessutom finns det ett behov av att investera i infrastruktur och utbildning för att möta framtidens krav.
Samtidigt finns det också möjligheter. Västerås har en stark industriell bas och ett växande näringsliv, vilket kan bidra till ökade skatteintäkter och ekonomisk tillväxt. Kommunen arbetar aktivt med att attrahera nya företag och investeringar, vilket kan skapa fler jobb och förbättra den ekonomiska situationen.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Västerås är generellt sett hög. Kommunen erbjuder en god balans mellan stadsliv och naturnära miljöer, vilket gör det till en attraktiv plats att bo och arbeta på. Kvaliteten på utbildning, vård och omsorg är överlag hög, och det finns ett brett utbud av kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter.
Dock kan skattetrycket påverka privatpersoners ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 31.24% (exklusive kyrkoavgiften) kan det bli mindre kvar i plånboken för invånarna, vilket kan påverka deras konsumtionsmöjligheter och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar din nettolön, rekommenderas att använda vår skattekalkylator.
Sammanfattningsvis erbjuder Västerås en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på kommunala tjänster, men det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur skattetrycket påverkar den egna ekonomin.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt","description": "Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:48:41 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:49:00 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_200705_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality
Västerås Municipality, located in Västmanland County, is one of Sweden's larger municipalities with a population of over 150,000 residents. The tax burden in the municipality is an important factor that affects the residents' economy and standard of living. Below is a detailed overview of the municipal tax, how tax revenues are used, and the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
The tax rate in Västerås Municipality consists of several components:
- Municipal Tax: 20.36%
- County Council Tax: 10.88%
- Funeral Fee: 0.28%
- Church Fee (for members): 1.33%
The total tax burden excluding the church fee amounts to 31.24%. For members of the Swedish Church, the total tax rate becomes 32.57%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Västerås Municipality are used to finance a range of services and activities that are crucial for the residents' welfare. Here are some of the key areas where tax money is used:
- Education: A significant portion of tax revenues goes towards funding primary schools, high schools, and adult education. The goal is to provide high-quality education for all children and youth in the municipality.
- Healthcare and Social Care: Elderly care, home care, and care for the disabled are other important areas funded by tax money.
- Infrastructure: Maintenance and development of roads, parks, and public buildings are also significant items in the municipality's budget.
- Culture and Recreation: Libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events also receive support through tax revenues.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Västerås Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing an aging population, which entails increased costs for healthcare and social care. Additionally, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and education to meet future demands.
At the same time, there are also opportunities. Västerås has a strong industrial base and a growing business sector, which can contribute to increased tax revenues and economic growth. The municipality actively works to attract new companies and investments, which can create more jobs and improve the economic situation.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Västerås is generally high. The municipality offers a good balance between city life and natural environments, making it an attractive place to live and work. The quality of education, healthcare, and social care is overall high, and there is a wide range of cultural and recreational activities available.
However, the tax burden can impact individuals' finances. With a total tax rate of 31.24% (excluding the church fee), residents may have less disposable income, which can affect their consumption and savings. To gain a better understanding of how the tax burden affects your net salary, it is recommended to use our tax calculator.
In conclusion, Västerås offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, but it is important to be aware of how the tax burden affects your own finances.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 3325 [kommunalskatt] => 1607.422 [landstingsskatt] => 858.976 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 22.106 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 2480.609 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 1167.7460193667 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 7895 [nettolon] => 9899.2420193667 [landsting] => 10.88 [bruttolon] => 11220 [area_name] => VÄSTERÅS [kommun] => VASTERAS [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13330 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => VÄSTERÅS [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun
Västerås kommun, belägen i Västmanlands län, är en av Sveriges större kommuner med en befolkning på över 150 000 invånare. Skattetrycket i kommunen är en viktig faktor som påverkar invånarnas ekonomi och levnadsstandard. Här nedan följer en detaljerad genomgång av kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och övriga skatter
Skattesatsen i Västerås kommun består av flera komponenter:
- Kommunalskatt: 20.36%
- Landstingsskatt: 10.88%
- Begravningsavgift: 0.28%
- Kyrkoavgift (för de som är medlemmar): 1.33%
Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften uppgår till 31.24%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir den totala skattesatsen 32.57%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Västerås kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är avgörande för invånarnas välfärd. Här är några av de viktigaste områdena där skattepengarna används:
- Utbildning: En stor del av skatteintäkterna går till att finansiera grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildning. Målet är att erbjuda högkvalitativ utbildning för alla barn och ungdomar i kommunen.
- Vård och omsorg: Äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och vård av funktionshindrade är andra viktiga områden som finansieras av skattepengarna.
- Infrastruktur: Underhåll och utveckling av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader är också viktiga poster i kommunens budget.
- Kultur och fritid: Bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturella evenemang får också stöd genom skatteintäkterna.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Västerås kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En av de största utmaningarna är att hantera en åldrande befolkning, vilket innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg. Dessutom finns det ett behov av att investera i infrastruktur och utbildning för att möta framtidens krav.
Samtidigt finns det också möjligheter. Västerås har en stark industriell bas och ett växande näringsliv, vilket kan bidra till ökade skatteintäkter och ekonomisk tillväxt. Kommunen arbetar aktivt med att attrahera nya företag och investeringar, vilket kan skapa fler jobb och förbättra den ekonomiska situationen.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Västerås är generellt sett hög. Kommunen erbjuder en god balans mellan stadsliv och naturnära miljöer, vilket gör det till en attraktiv plats att bo och arbeta på. Kvaliteten på utbildning, vård och omsorg är överlag hög, och det finns ett brett utbud av kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter.
Dock kan skattetrycket påverka privatpersoners ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 31.24% (exklusive kyrkoavgiften) kan det bli mindre kvar i plånboken för invånarna, vilket kan påverka deras konsumtionsmöjligheter och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar din nettolön, rekommenderas att använda vår skattekalkylator.
Sammanfattningsvis erbjuder Västerås en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på kommunala tjänster, men det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur skattetrycket påverkar den egna ekonomin.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:48:41 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:49:00 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_200705_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality
Västerås Municipality, located in Västmanland County, is one of Sweden's larger municipalities with a population of over 150,000 residents. The tax burden in the municipality is an important factor that affects the residents' economy and standard of living. Below is a detailed overview of the municipal tax, how tax revenues are used, and the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
The tax rate in Västerås Municipality consists of several components:
- Municipal Tax: 20.36%
- County Council Tax: 10.88%
- Funeral Fee: 0.28%
- Church Fee (for members): 1.33%
The total tax burden excluding the church fee amounts to 31.24%. For members of the Swedish Church, the total tax rate becomes 32.57%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Västerås Municipality are used to finance a range of services and activities that are crucial for the residents' welfare. Here are some of the key areas where tax money is used:
- Education: A significant portion of tax revenues goes towards funding primary schools, high schools, and adult education. The goal is to provide high-quality education for all children and youth in the municipality.
- Healthcare and Social Care: Elderly care, home care, and care for the disabled are other important areas funded by tax money.
- Infrastructure: Maintenance and development of roads, parks, and public buildings are also significant items in the municipality's budget.
- Culture and Recreation: Libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events also receive support through tax revenues.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Västerås Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing an aging population, which entails increased costs for healthcare and social care. Additionally, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and education to meet future demands.
At the same time, there are also opportunities. Västerås has a strong industrial base and a growing business sector, which can contribute to increased tax revenues and economic growth. The municipality actively works to attract new companies and investments, which can create more jobs and improve the economic situation.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Västerås is generally high. The municipality offers a good balance between city life and natural environments, making it an attractive place to live and work. The quality of education, healthcare, and social care is overall high, and there is a wide range of cultural and recreational activities available.
However, the tax burden can impact individuals' finances. With a total tax rate of 31.24% (excluding the church fee), residents may have less disposable income, which can affect their consumption and savings. To gain a better understanding of how the tax burden affects your net salary, it is recommended to use our tax calculator.
In conclusion, Västerås offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, but it is important to be aware of how the tax burden affects your own finances.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13330 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => VÄSTERÅS [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun
Västerås kommun, belägen i Västmanlands län, är en av Sveriges större kommuner med en befolkning på över 150 000 invånare. Skattetrycket i kommunen är en viktig faktor som påverkar invånarnas ekonomi och levnadsstandard. Här nedan följer en detaljerad genomgång av kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och övriga skatter
Skattesatsen i Västerås kommun består av flera komponenter:
- Kommunalskatt: 20.36%
- Landstingsskatt: 10.88%
- Begravningsavgift: 0.28%
- Kyrkoavgift (för de som är medlemmar): 1.33%
Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften uppgår till 31.24%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir den totala skattesatsen 32.57%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Västerås kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är avgörande för invånarnas välfärd. Här är några av de viktigaste områdena där skattepengarna används:
- Utbildning: En stor del av skatteintäkterna går till att finansiera grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildning. Målet är att erbjuda högkvalitativ utbildning för alla barn och ungdomar i kommunen.
- Vård och omsorg: Äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och vård av funktionshindrade är andra viktiga områden som finansieras av skattepengarna.
- Infrastruktur: Underhåll och utveckling av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader är också viktiga poster i kommunens budget.
- Kultur och fritid: Bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturella evenemang får också stöd genom skatteintäkterna.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Västerås kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En av de största utmaningarna är att hantera en åldrande befolkning, vilket innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg. Dessutom finns det ett behov av att investera i infrastruktur och utbildning för att möta framtidens krav.
Samtidigt finns det också möjligheter. Västerås har en stark industriell bas och ett växande näringsliv, vilket kan bidra till ökade skatteintäkter och ekonomisk tillväxt. Kommunen arbetar aktivt med att attrahera nya företag och investeringar, vilket kan skapa fler jobb och förbättra den ekonomiska situationen.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Västerås är generellt sett hög. Kommunen erbjuder en god balans mellan stadsliv och naturnära miljöer, vilket gör det till en attraktiv plats att bo och arbeta på. Kvaliteten på utbildning, vård och omsorg är överlag hög, och det finns ett brett utbud av kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter.
Dock kan skattetrycket påverka privatpersoners ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 31.24% (exklusive kyrkoavgiften) kan det bli mindre kvar i plånboken för invånarna, vilket kan påverka deras konsumtionsmöjligheter och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar din nettolön, rekommenderas att använda vår skattekalkylator.
Sammanfattningsvis erbjuder Västerås en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på kommunala tjänster, men det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur skattetrycket påverkar den egna ekonomin.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt","description": "Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:48:41 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:49:00 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_200705_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality
Västerås Municipality, located in Västmanland County, is one of Sweden's larger municipalities with a population of over 150,000 residents. The tax burden in the municipality is an important factor that affects the residents' economy and standard of living. Below is a detailed overview of the municipal tax, how tax revenues are used, and the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
The tax rate in Västerås Municipality consists of several components:
- Municipal Tax: 20.36%
- County Council Tax: 10.88%
- Funeral Fee: 0.28%
- Church Fee (for members): 1.33%
The total tax burden excluding the church fee amounts to 31.24%. For members of the Swedish Church, the total tax rate becomes 32.57%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Västerås Municipality are used to finance a range of services and activities that are crucial for the residents' welfare. Here are some of the key areas where tax money is used:
- Education: A significant portion of tax revenues goes towards funding primary schools, high schools, and adult education. The goal is to provide high-quality education for all children and youth in the municipality.
- Healthcare and Social Care: Elderly care, home care, and care for the disabled are other important areas funded by tax money.
- Infrastructure: Maintenance and development of roads, parks, and public buildings are also significant items in the municipality's budget.
- Culture and Recreation: Libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events also receive support through tax revenues.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Västerås Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing an aging population, which entails increased costs for healthcare and social care. Additionally, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and education to meet future demands.
At the same time, there are also opportunities. Västerås has a strong industrial base and a growing business sector, which can contribute to increased tax revenues and economic growth. The municipality actively works to attract new companies and investments, which can create more jobs and improve the economic situation.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Västerås is generally high. The municipality offers a good balance between city life and natural environments, making it an attractive place to live and work. The quality of education, healthcare, and social care is overall high, and there is a wide range of cultural and recreational activities available.
However, the tax burden can impact individuals' finances. With a total tax rate of 31.24% (excluding the church fee), residents may have less disposable income, which can affect their consumption and savings. To gain a better understanding of how the tax burden affects your net salary, it is recommended to use our tax calculator.
In conclusion, Västerås offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, but it is important to be aware of how the tax burden affects your own finances.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Västerås kommun - En detaljerad översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Västerås kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Västerås Municipality - A Detailed Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Västerås Municipality, including municipal tax, use of tax revenues, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) )Municipality | Municipal | County council | Total |
UPPLANDS VÄSBY | 19.42% | 12.38% | 32.81% |
VALLENTUNA | 18.9% | 12.38% | 32.29% |
ÖSTERÅKER | 16.6% | 12.38% | 29.99% |
VÄRMDÖ | 18.98% | 12.38% | 32.37% |
JÄRFÄLLA | 19.24% | 12.38% | 32.63% |
EKERÖ | 19.22% | 12.38% | 32.61% |
HUDDINGE | 19.47% | 12.38% | 32.86% |
BOTKYRKA | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
SALEM | 19.67% | 12.38% | 33.06% |
HANINGE | 19.68% | 12.38% | 33.07% |
TYRESÖ | 19.5% | 12.38% | 32.89% |
UPPLANDS-BRO | 19.4% | 12.38% | 32.79% |
NYKVARN | 19.97% | 12.38% | 33.36% |
TÄBY | 17.55% | 12.38% | 30.94% |
DANDERYD | 18.25% | 12.38% | 31.64% |
SOLLENTUNA | 18.12% | 12.38% | 31.51% |
STOCKHOLM | 17.98% | 12.38% | 31.37% |
SÖDERTÄLJE | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
NACKA | 17.88% | 12.38% | 31.27% |
SUNDBYBERG | 19.25% | 12.38% | 32.64% |
SOLNA | 17.37% | 12.38% | 30.76% |
LIDINGÖ | 17.84% | 12.38% | 31.23% |
VAXHOLM | 19.3% | 12.38% | 32.69% |
NORRTÄLJE | 19.72% | 12.38% | 33.11% |
SIGTUNA | 20% | 12.38% | 33.39% |
NYNÄSHAMN | 19.85% | 12.38% | 33.24% |
HÅBO | 21.59% | 11.71% | 34.68% |
ÄLVKARLEBY | 22.69% | 11.71% | 35.78% |
KNIVSTA | 20.91% | 11.71% | 34% |
HEBY | 22.5% | 11.71% | 35.59% |
TIERP | 21.29% | 11.71% | 34.38% |
UPPSALA | 21.14% | 11.71% | 34.23% |
ENKÖPING | 21.34% | 11.71% | 34.43% |
ÖSTHAMMAR | 21.69% | 11.71% | 34.78% |
VINGÅKER | 22.67% | 10.83% | 34.88% |
GNESTA | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
NYKÖPING | 21.42% | 10.83% | 33.63% |
OXELÖSUND | 22.22% | 10.83% | 34.43% |
FLEN | 22.27% | 10.83% | 34.48% |
KATRINEHOLM | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
ESKILSTUNA | 22.02% | 10.83% | 34.23% |
STRÄNGNÄS | 21.67% | 10.83% | 33.88% |
TROSA | 21.4% | 10.83% | 33.61% |
ÖDESHÖG | 22.6% | 11.55% | 35.56% |
YDRE | 22.55% | 11.55% | 35.51% |
KINDA | 21.45% | 11.55% | 34.41% |
BOXHOLM | 21.82% | 11.55% | 34.78% |
ÅTVIDABERG | 22.39% | 11.55% | 35.35% |
FINSPÅNG | 22.15% | 11.55% | 35.11% |
VALDEMARSVIK | 22.48% | 11.55% | 35.44% |
LINKÖPING | 20.2% | 11.55% | 33.16% |
NORRKÖPING | 21.75% | 11.55% | 34.71% |
SÖDERKÖPING | 21.98% | 11.55% | 34.94% |
MOTALA | 21.7% | 11.55% | 34.66% |
VADSTENA | 22.8% | 11.55% | 35.76% |
MJÖLBY | 21.9% | 11.55% | 34.86% |
ANEBY | 22.09% | 11.76% | 35.31% |
GNOSJÖ | 22.24% | 11.76% | 35.46% |
MULLSJÖ | 22.34% | 11.76% | 35.56% |
HABO | 22.17% | 11.76% | 35.39% |
GISLAVED | 21.99% | 11.76% | 35.21% |
VAGGERYD | 21.49% | 11.76% | 34.71% |
JÖNKÖPING | 21.64% | 11.76% | 34.86% |
NÄSSJÖ | 22.54% | 11.76% | 35.76% |
VÄRNAMO | 21.52% | 11.76% | 34.74% |
SÄVSJÖ | 21.92% | 11.76% | 35.14% |
VETLANDA | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
EKSJÖ | 22.26% | 11.76% | 35.48% |
TRANÅS | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
UPPVIDINGE | 21.8% | 12% | 35.25% |
LESSEBO | 21.81% | 12% | 35.26% |
TINGSRYD | 22% | 12% | 35.45% |
ALVESTA | 21.42% | 12% | 34.87% |
ÄLMHULT | 21.86% | 12% | 35.31% |
MARKARYD | 21.31% | 12% | 34.76% |
VÄXJÖ | 20.19% | 12% | 33.64% |
LJUNGBY | 21.07% | 12% | 34.52% |
HÖGSBY | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
TORSÅS | 21.93% | 11.86% | 35.31% |
MÖRBYLÅNGA | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
HULTSFRED | 21.91% | 11.86% | 35.29% |
MÖNSTERÅS | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
EMMABODA | 21.96% | 11.86% | 35.34% |
KALMAR | 21.81% | 11.86% | 35.19% |
NYBRO | 22.33% | 11.86% | 35.71% |
OSKARSHAMN | 22.35% | 11.86% | 35.73% |
VÄSTERVIK | 21.16% | 11.86% | 34.54% |
VIMMERBY | 22.36% | 11.86% | 35.74% |
BORGHOLM | 21.58% | 11.86% | 34.96% |
GOTLAND | 33.6% | 0% | 35.48% |
OLOFSTRÖM | 21.71% | 12.04% | 35.07% |
KARLSKRONA | 21.65% | 12.04% | 35.01% |
RONNEBY | 21.64% | 12.04% | 35% |
KARLSHAMN | 22.23% | 12.04% | 35.59% |
SÖLVESBORG | 21.82% | 12.04% | 35.18% |
SVALÖV | 20.74% | 11.18% | 33.24% |
STAFFANSTORP | 19.09% | 11.18% | 31.59% |
BURLÖV | 20.09% | 11.18% | 32.59% |
VELLINGE | 18.5% | 11.18% | 31% |
ÖSTRA GÖINGE | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
ÖRKELLJUNGA | 19.06% | 11.18% | 31.56% |
BJUV | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
KÄVLINGE | 18.51% | 11.18% | 31.01% |
LOMMA | 19.64% | 11.18% | 32.14% |
SVEDALA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
SKURUP | 20.42% | 11.18% | 32.92% |
SJÖBO | 20.92% | 11.18% | 33.42% |
HÖRBY | 21.08% | 11.18% | 33.58% |
HÖÖR | 21.75% | 11.18% | 34.25% |
TOMELILLA | 20.61% | 11.18% | 33.11% |
BROMÖLLA | 22.56% | 11.18% | 35.06% |
OSBY | 22.81% | 11.18% | 35.31% |
PERSTORP | 20.81% | 11.18% | 33.31% |
KLIPPAN | 20.75% | 11.18% | 33.25% |
ÅSTORP | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
BÅSTAD | 20.23% | 11.18% | 32.73% |
MALMÖ | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LUND | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LANDSKRONA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
HELSINGBORG | 20.21% | 11.18% | 32.71% |
HÖGANÄS | 19.73% | 11.18% | 32.23% |
ESLÖV | 20.54% | 11.18% | 33.04% |
YSTAD | 20.11% | 11.18% | 32.61% |
TRELLEBORG | 20.4% | 11.18% | 32.9% |
KRISTIANSTAD | 21.46% | 11.18% | 33.96% |
SIMRISHAMN | 20.51% | 11.18% | 33.01% |
ÄNGELHOLM | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
HÄSSLEHOLM | 21.2% | 11.18% | 33.7% |
HYLTE | 22.45% | 11.4% | 35.28% |
HALMSTAD | 20.98% | 11.4% | 33.81% |
LAHOLM | 21.4% | 11.4% | 34.23% |
FALKENBERG | 21.1% | 11.4% | 33.93% |
VARBERG | 20.33% | 11.4% | 33.16% |
KUNGSBACKA | 21.33% | 11.4% | 34.16% |
HÄRRYDA | 20.5% | 11.48% | 33.33% |
PARTILLE | 19.96% | 11.48% | 32.79% |
ÖCKERÖ | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
STENUNGSUND | 21.64% | 11.48% | 34.47% |
TJÖRN | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
ORUST | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
SOTENÄS | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
MUNKEDAL | 23.38% | 11.48% | 36.21% |
TANUM | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
DALS-ED | 23.21% | 11.48% | 36.04% |
FÄRGELANDA | 22.91% | 11.48% | 35.74% |
ALE | 21.87% | 11.48% | 34.7% |
LERUM | 20.65% | 11.48% | 33.48% |
VÅRGÅRDA | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
BOLLEBYGD | 21.59% | 11.48% | 34.42% |
GRÄSTORP | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
ESSUNGA | 21.57% | 11.48% | 34.4% |
KARLSBORG | 21.32% | 11.48% | 34.15% |
GULLSPÅNG | 22.49% | 11.48% | 35.32% |
TRANEMO | 21.5% | 11.48% | 34.33% |
BENGTSFORS | 22.92% | 11.48% | 35.75% |
MELLERUD | 22.6% | 11.48% | 35.43% |
LILLA EDET | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
MARK | 21.51% | 11.48% | 34.34% |
SVENLJUNGA | 22.05% | 11.48% | 34.88% |
HERRLJUNGA | 21.94% | 11.48% | 34.77% |
VARA | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
GÖTENE | 22.12% | 11.48% | 34.95% |
TIBRO | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
TÖREBODA | 21.72% | 11.48% | 34.55% |
GÖTEBORG | 21.12% | 11.48% | 33.95% |
MÖLNDAL | 20.51% | 11.48% | 33.34% |
KUNGÄLV | 21.44% | 11.48% | 34.27% |
LYSEKIL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
UDDEVALLA | 22.16% | 11.48% | 34.99% |
STRÖMSTAD | 21.91% | 11.48% | 34.74% |
VÄNERSBORG | 22.21% | 11.48% | 35.04% |
TROLLHÄTTAN | 22.36% | 11.48% | 35.19% |
ALINGSÅS | 21.36% | 11.48% | 34.19% |
BORÅS | 21.31% | 11.48% | 34.14% |
ULRICEHAMN | 21.05% | 11.48% | 33.88% |
ÅMÅL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
MARIESTAD | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
LIDKÖPING | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
SKARA | 21.9% | 11.48% | 34.73% |
SKÖVDE | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
HJO | 22% | 11.48% | 34.83% |
TIDAHOLM | 22.07% | 11.48% | 34.9% |
FALKÖPING | 21.95% | 11.48% | 34.78% |
KIL | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
EDA | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
TORSBY | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
STORFORS | 22.7% | 11.68% | 35.79% |
HAMMARÖ | 22.92% | 11.68% | 36.01% |
MUNKFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
FORSHAGA | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
GRUMS | 22.5% | 11.68% | 35.59% |
ÅRJÄNG | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
SUNNE | 21.62% | 11.68% | 34.71% |
KARLSTAD | 21.27% | 11.68% | 34.36% |
KRISTINEHAMN | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
FILIPSTAD | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
HAGFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
ARVIKA | 21.75% | 11.68% | 34.84% |
SÄFFLE | 21.52% | 11.68% | 34.61% |
LEKEBERG | 22.43% | 12.3% | 36.05% |
LAXÅ | 22.18% | 12.3% | 35.8% |
HALLSBERG | 21.55% | 12.3% | 35.17% |
DEGERFORS | 23% | 12.3% | 36.62% |
HÄLLEFORS | 22.05% | 12.3% | 35.67% |
LJUSNARSBERG | 21.5% | 12.3% | 35.12% |
ÖREBRO | 21.35% | 12.3% | 34.97% |
KUMLA | 21.54% | 12.3% | 35.16% |
ASKERSUND | 21.85% | 12.3% | 35.47% |
KARLSKOGA | 22% | 12.3% | 35.62% |
NORA | 22.25% | 12.3% | 35.87% |
LINDESBERG | 22.3% | 12.3% | 35.92% |
SKINNSKATTEBERG | 22.46% | 10.88% | 34.67% |
SURAHAMMAR | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
KUNGSÖR | 22.03% | 10.88% | 34.24% |
HALLSTAHAMMAR | 21.81% | 10.88% | 34.02% |
NORBERG | 22.66% | 10.88% | 34.87% |
VÄSTERÅS | 20.36% | 10.88% | 32.57% |
SALA | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
FAGERSTA | 22.11% | 10.88% | 34.32% |
KÖPING | 22.16% | 10.88% | 34.37% |
ARBOGA | 22.41% | 10.88% | 34.62% |
VANSBRO | 22.29% | 11.64% | 35.36% |
MALUNG-SÄLEN | 22.56% | 11.64% | 35.63% |
GAGNEF | 22.28% | 11.64% | 35.35% |
LEKSAND | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
RÄTTVIK | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
ORSA | 22.31% | 11.64% | 35.38% |
ÄLVDALEN | 22.78% | 11.64% | 35.85% |
SMEDJEBACKEN | 22.45% | 11.64% | 35.52% |
MORA | 22.33% | 11.64% | 35.4% |
FALUN | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
BORLÄNGE | 22.41% | 11.64% | 35.48% |
SÄTER | 22.32% | 11.64% | 35.39% |
HEDEMORA | 22.16% | 11.64% | 35.23% |
AVESTA | 21.96% | 11.64% | 35.03% |
LUDVIKA | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
OCKELBO | 22.76% | 11.51% | 35.61% |
HOFORS | 22.86% | 11.51% | 35.71% |
OVANÅKER | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
NORDANSTIG | 22.51% | 11.51% | 35.36% |
LJUSDAL | 22.36% | 11.51% | 35.21% |
GÄVLE | 22.26% | 11.51% | 35.11% |
SANDVIKEN | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
SÖDERHAMN | 21.66% | 11.51% | 34.51% |
BOLLNÄS | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
HUDIKSVALL | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
ÅNGE | 23.33% | 11.29% | 36.28% |
TIMRÅ | 23.19% | 11.29% | 36.14% |
HÄRNÖSAND | 23.34% | 11.29% | 36.29% |
SUNDSVALL | 22.59% | 11.29% | 35.54% |
KRAMFORS | 23.14% | 11.29% | 36.09% |
SOLLEFTEÅ | 23.39% | 11.29% | 36.34% |
ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK | 22.71% | 11.29% | 35.66% |
RAGUNDA | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
BRÄCKE | 23.39% | 11.7% | 36.76% |
KROKOM | 22.17% | 11.7% | 35.54% |
STRÖMSUND | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
ÅRE | 22.22% | 11.7% | 35.59% |
BERG | 22.52% | 11.7% | 35.89% |
HÄRJEDALEN | 22.47% | 11.7% | 35.84% |
ÖSTERSUND | 22.02% | 11.7% | 35.39% |
NORDMALING | 23.25% | 11.35% | 35.98% |
BJURHOLM | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
VINDELN | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
ROBERTSFORS | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
NORSJÖ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
MALÅ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
STORUMAN | 23.1% | 11.35% | 35.83% |
SORSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
DOROTEA | 23.8% | 11.35% | 36.53% |
VÄNNÄS | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
VILHELMINA | 23.4% | 11.35% | 36.13% |
ÅSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
UMEÅ | 22.8% | 11.35% | 35.53% |
LYCKSELE | 23.05% | 11.35% | 35.78% |
SKELLEFTEÅ | 22.6% | 11.35% | 35.33% |
ARVIDSJAUR | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
ARJEPLOG | 23.5% | 11.34% | 36.11% |
JOKKMOKK | 22.95% | 11.34% | 35.56% |
ÖVERKALIX | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
KALIX | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÖVERTORNEÅ | 21.75% | 11.34% | 34.36% |
PAJALA | 23.4% | 11.34% | 36.01% |
GÄLLIVARE | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÄLVSBYN | 22.45% | 11.34% | 35.06% |
LULEÅ | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
PITEÅ | 22.25% | 11.34% | 34.86% |
BODEN | 22.6% | 11.34% | 35.21% |
HAPARANDA | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
KIRUNA | 23.05% | 11.34% | 35.66% |