Calculate Swedish Tax / Net Salary in Nybro municipality
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Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality
Nybro Municipality, located in Kalmar County, has a tax burden that affects both individuals' finances and the municipality's ability to deliver high-quality services. The municipal tax rate in Nybro is 22.33%, the county council tax is 11.86%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.52%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 34.19%.
Use of Tax Revenues
The tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A large part of the budget goes towards education, elderly care, and social services. Education is a prioritized sector, and the municipality actively works to improve the quality of education and create a safe and stimulating environment for students.
Elderly care is another important item in the municipality's budget. Nybro Municipality aims to provide high-quality services for the elderly, including home care and special accommodations. Social services also receive a significant portion of the tax revenues to provide support to families and individuals in need.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Nybro Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for elderly care and healthcare. At the same time, it is important to continue investing in education and infrastructure to attract new residents and businesses.
One of the opportunities for the municipality is to take advantage of its strategic location and good transportation connections to attract business establishments. By offering an attractive business environment, the municipality can increase its tax revenues and create more job opportunities, which in turn can contribute to a positive economic development.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Nybro Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-close environment with good opportunities for leisure activities and recreation. The quality of municipal services is high, and residents have access to good healthcare, education, and social services.
However, there is always room for improvement. The municipality continuously works on improving the quality of its services and streamlining its operations to make the most of tax revenues.
Effects on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Nybro Municipality means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes towards taxes. This can affect how much money is left in the wallet for private consumption and savings. To better understand how the tax burden affects your finances, you can use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary based on your gross salary.
It is important to remember that the tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance important services and activities that contribute to a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services. By paying taxes, residents contribute to creating a good environment to live and work in.
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 983 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Nybro är 22.33%
-8 575 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.86%
-4 554 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 509 300 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Nybro-s:t sigfrid stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 559 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 307 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 005 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Nybro är 22.33%
-8 575 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.86%
-4 554 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 523 200 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Nybro-s:t sigfrid stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 580 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 285 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 057 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Nybro är 22.33%
-8 575 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.86%
-4 554 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 540 700 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Nybro-s:t sigfrid stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 628 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 237 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 364 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Nybro är 22.33%
-8 575 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.86%
-4 554 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Nybro-s:t sigfrid stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 935 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 930 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 803 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Nybro är 22.33%
-8 575 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.86%
-4 554 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Nybro-s:t sigfrid stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-108 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 367 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 499 kr
stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 2525 [kommunalskatt] => 5331.2875 [landstingsskatt] => 2831.575 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 66.85 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 7501.525 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 2710.93416035 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 23875 [nettolon] => 20881.22166035 [landsting] => 11.86 [bruttolon] => 26400 [area_name] => NYBRO [kommun] => NYBRO [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13192 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => NYBRO [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun
Nybro kommun, belägen i Kalmar län, har ett skattetryck som påverkar både privatpersoners ekonomi och kommunens förmåga att leverera tjänster av hög kvalitet. Kommunalskatten i Nybro är 22.33%, landstingsskatten är 11.86%, och begravningsavgiften ligger på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.52%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 34.19%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
De skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En stor del av budgeten går till utbildning, äldreomsorg och socialtjänst. Skolan är en prioriterad sektor, och kommunen arbetar aktivt för att förbättra utbildningskvaliteten och skapa en trygg och stimulerande miljö för eleverna.
Äldreomsorgen är en annan viktig post i kommunens budget. Nybro kommun strävar efter att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster för äldre, inklusive hemtjänst och särskilda boenden. Socialtjänsten får också en betydande del av skatteintäkterna för att kunna erbjuda stöd till familjer och individer i behov.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Nybro kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för äldreomsorg och sjukvård. Samtidigt är det viktigt att fortsätta investera i utbildning och infrastruktur för att attrahera nya invånare och företag.
En av möjligheterna för kommunen är att dra nytta av sin strategiska placering och goda kommunikationer för att locka till sig företagsetableringar. Genom att erbjuda en attraktiv företagsmiljö kan kommunen öka sina skatteintäkter och skapa fler arbetstillfällen, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till en positiv ekonomisk utveckling.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Nybro kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med goda möjligheter till fritidsaktiviteter och rekreation. Kvaliteten på de kommunala tjänsterna är hög, och invånarna har tillgång till bra vård, utbildning och socialtjänst.
Det finns dock alltid utrymme för förbättringar. Kommunen arbetar kontinuerligt med att höja kvaliteten på sina tjänster och att effektivisera verksamheten för att få ut mesta möjliga av skatteintäkterna.
Effekter på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar just din ekonomi kan du använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön.
Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att de skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera viktiga tjänster och verksamheter som bidrar till en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på de kommunala tjänsterna. Genom att betala skatt bidrar invånarna till att skapa en bra miljö att leva och verka i.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:16 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:28 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_180939_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality
Nybro Municipality, located in Kalmar County, has a tax burden that affects both individuals' finances and the municipality's ability to deliver high-quality services. The municipal tax rate in Nybro is 22.33%, the county council tax is 11.86%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.52%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 34.19%.
Use of Tax Revenues
The tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A large part of the budget goes towards education, elderly care, and social services. Education is a prioritized sector, and the municipality actively works to improve the quality of education and create a safe and stimulating environment for students.
Elderly care is another important item in the municipality's budget. Nybro Municipality aims to provide high-quality services for the elderly, including home care and special accommodations. Social services also receive a significant portion of the tax revenues to provide support to families and individuals in need.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Nybro Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for elderly care and healthcare. At the same time, it is important to continue investing in education and infrastructure to attract new residents and businesses.
One of the opportunities for the municipality is to take advantage of its strategic location and good transportation connections to attract business establishments. By offering an attractive business environment, the municipality can increase its tax revenues and create more job opportunities, which in turn can contribute to a positive economic development.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Nybro Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-close environment with good opportunities for leisure activities and recreation. The quality of municipal services is high, and residents have access to good healthcare, education, and social services.
However, there is always room for improvement. The municipality continuously works on improving the quality of its services and streamlining its operations to make the most of tax revenues.
Effects on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Nybro Municipality means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes towards taxes. This can affect how much money is left in the wallet for private consumption and savings. To better understand how the tax burden affects your finances, you can use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary based on your gross salary.
It is important to remember that the tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance important services and activities that contribute to a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services. By paying taxes, residents contribute to creating a good environment to live and work in.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13192 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => NYBRO [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun
Nybro kommun, belägen i Kalmar län, har ett skattetryck som påverkar både privatpersoners ekonomi och kommunens förmåga att leverera tjänster av hög kvalitet. Kommunalskatten i Nybro är 22.33%, landstingsskatten är 11.86%, och begravningsavgiften ligger på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.52%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 34.19%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
De skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En stor del av budgeten går till utbildning, äldreomsorg och socialtjänst. Skolan är en prioriterad sektor, och kommunen arbetar aktivt för att förbättra utbildningskvaliteten och skapa en trygg och stimulerande miljö för eleverna.
Äldreomsorgen är en annan viktig post i kommunens budget. Nybro kommun strävar efter att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster för äldre, inklusive hemtjänst och särskilda boenden. Socialtjänsten får också en betydande del av skatteintäkterna för att kunna erbjuda stöd till familjer och individer i behov.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Nybro kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för äldreomsorg och sjukvård. Samtidigt är det viktigt att fortsätta investera i utbildning och infrastruktur för att attrahera nya invånare och företag.
En av möjligheterna för kommunen är att dra nytta av sin strategiska placering och goda kommunikationer för att locka till sig företagsetableringar. Genom att erbjuda en attraktiv företagsmiljö kan kommunen öka sina skatteintäkter och skapa fler arbetstillfällen, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till en positiv ekonomisk utveckling.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Nybro kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med goda möjligheter till fritidsaktiviteter och rekreation. Kvaliteten på de kommunala tjänsterna är hög, och invånarna har tillgång till bra vård, utbildning och socialtjänst.
Det finns dock alltid utrymme för förbättringar. Kommunen arbetar kontinuerligt med att höja kvaliteten på sina tjänster och att effektivisera verksamheten för att få ut mesta möjliga av skatteintäkterna.
Effekter på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar just din ekonomi kan du använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön.
Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att de skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera viktiga tjänster och verksamheter som bidrar till en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på de kommunala tjänsterna. Genom att betala skatt bidrar invånarna till att skapa en bra miljö att leva och verka i.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning","description": "Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:16 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:28 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_180939_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality
Nybro Municipality, located in Kalmar County, has a tax burden that affects both individuals' finances and the municipality's ability to deliver high-quality services. The municipal tax rate in Nybro is 22.33%, the county council tax is 11.86%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.52%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 34.19%.
Use of Tax Revenues
The tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A large part of the budget goes towards education, elderly care, and social services. Education is a prioritized sector, and the municipality actively works to improve the quality of education and create a safe and stimulating environment for students.
Elderly care is another important item in the municipality's budget. Nybro Municipality aims to provide high-quality services for the elderly, including home care and special accommodations. Social services also receive a significant portion of the tax revenues to provide support to families and individuals in need.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Nybro Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for elderly care and healthcare. At the same time, it is important to continue investing in education and infrastructure to attract new residents and businesses.
One of the opportunities for the municipality is to take advantage of its strategic location and good transportation connections to attract business establishments. By offering an attractive business environment, the municipality can increase its tax revenues and create more job opportunities, which in turn can contribute to a positive economic development.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Nybro Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-close environment with good opportunities for leisure activities and recreation. The quality of municipal services is high, and residents have access to good healthcare, education, and social services.
However, there is always room for improvement. The municipality continuously works on improving the quality of its services and streamlining its operations to make the most of tax revenues.
Effects on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Nybro Municipality means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes towards taxes. This can affect how much money is left in the wallet for private consumption and savings. To better understand how the tax burden affects your finances, you can use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary based on your gross salary.
It is important to remember that the tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance important services and activities that contribute to a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services. By paying taxes, residents contribute to creating a good environment to live and work in.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 3325 [kommunalskatt] => 1762.9535 [landstingsskatt] => 936.347 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 22.106 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 2480.609 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 1278.0165301583 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 7895 [nettolon] => 9776.6100301583 [landsting] => 11.86 [bruttolon] => 11220 [area_name] => NYBRO [kommun] => NYBRO [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13192 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => NYBRO [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun
Nybro kommun, belägen i Kalmar län, har ett skattetryck som påverkar både privatpersoners ekonomi och kommunens förmåga att leverera tjänster av hög kvalitet. Kommunalskatten i Nybro är 22.33%, landstingsskatten är 11.86%, och begravningsavgiften ligger på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.52%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 34.19%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
De skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En stor del av budgeten går till utbildning, äldreomsorg och socialtjänst. Skolan är en prioriterad sektor, och kommunen arbetar aktivt för att förbättra utbildningskvaliteten och skapa en trygg och stimulerande miljö för eleverna.
Äldreomsorgen är en annan viktig post i kommunens budget. Nybro kommun strävar efter att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster för äldre, inklusive hemtjänst och särskilda boenden. Socialtjänsten får också en betydande del av skatteintäkterna för att kunna erbjuda stöd till familjer och individer i behov.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Nybro kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för äldreomsorg och sjukvård. Samtidigt är det viktigt att fortsätta investera i utbildning och infrastruktur för att attrahera nya invånare och företag.
En av möjligheterna för kommunen är att dra nytta av sin strategiska placering och goda kommunikationer för att locka till sig företagsetableringar. Genom att erbjuda en attraktiv företagsmiljö kan kommunen öka sina skatteintäkter och skapa fler arbetstillfällen, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till en positiv ekonomisk utveckling.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Nybro kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med goda möjligheter till fritidsaktiviteter och rekreation. Kvaliteten på de kommunala tjänsterna är hög, och invånarna har tillgång till bra vård, utbildning och socialtjänst.
Det finns dock alltid utrymme för förbättringar. Kommunen arbetar kontinuerligt med att höja kvaliteten på sina tjänster och att effektivisera verksamheten för att få ut mesta möjliga av skatteintäkterna.
Effekter på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar just din ekonomi kan du använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön.
Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att de skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera viktiga tjänster och verksamheter som bidrar till en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på de kommunala tjänsterna. Genom att betala skatt bidrar invånarna till att skapa en bra miljö att leva och verka i.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:16 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:28 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_180939_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality
Nybro Municipality, located in Kalmar County, has a tax burden that affects both individuals' finances and the municipality's ability to deliver high-quality services. The municipal tax rate in Nybro is 22.33%, the county council tax is 11.86%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.52%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 34.19%.
Use of Tax Revenues
The tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A large part of the budget goes towards education, elderly care, and social services. Education is a prioritized sector, and the municipality actively works to improve the quality of education and create a safe and stimulating environment for students.
Elderly care is another important item in the municipality's budget. Nybro Municipality aims to provide high-quality services for the elderly, including home care and special accommodations. Social services also receive a significant portion of the tax revenues to provide support to families and individuals in need.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Nybro Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for elderly care and healthcare. At the same time, it is important to continue investing in education and infrastructure to attract new residents and businesses.
One of the opportunities for the municipality is to take advantage of its strategic location and good transportation connections to attract business establishments. By offering an attractive business environment, the municipality can increase its tax revenues and create more job opportunities, which in turn can contribute to a positive economic development.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Nybro Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-close environment with good opportunities for leisure activities and recreation. The quality of municipal services is high, and residents have access to good healthcare, education, and social services.
However, there is always room for improvement. The municipality continuously works on improving the quality of its services and streamlining its operations to make the most of tax revenues.
Effects on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Nybro Municipality means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes towards taxes. This can affect how much money is left in the wallet for private consumption and savings. To better understand how the tax burden affects your finances, you can use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary based on your gross salary.
It is important to remember that the tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance important services and activities that contribute to a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services. By paying taxes, residents contribute to creating a good environment to live and work in.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13192 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => NYBRO [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun
Nybro kommun, belägen i Kalmar län, har ett skattetryck som påverkar både privatpersoners ekonomi och kommunens förmåga att leverera tjänster av hög kvalitet. Kommunalskatten i Nybro är 22.33%, landstingsskatten är 11.86%, och begravningsavgiften ligger på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.52%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 34.19%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
De skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En stor del av budgeten går till utbildning, äldreomsorg och socialtjänst. Skolan är en prioriterad sektor, och kommunen arbetar aktivt för att förbättra utbildningskvaliteten och skapa en trygg och stimulerande miljö för eleverna.
Äldreomsorgen är en annan viktig post i kommunens budget. Nybro kommun strävar efter att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster för äldre, inklusive hemtjänst och särskilda boenden. Socialtjänsten får också en betydande del av skatteintäkterna för att kunna erbjuda stöd till familjer och individer i behov.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Nybro kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för äldreomsorg och sjukvård. Samtidigt är det viktigt att fortsätta investera i utbildning och infrastruktur för att attrahera nya invånare och företag.
En av möjligheterna för kommunen är att dra nytta av sin strategiska placering och goda kommunikationer för att locka till sig företagsetableringar. Genom att erbjuda en attraktiv företagsmiljö kan kommunen öka sina skatteintäkter och skapa fler arbetstillfällen, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till en positiv ekonomisk utveckling.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Nybro kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med goda möjligheter till fritidsaktiviteter och rekreation. Kvaliteten på de kommunala tjänsterna är hög, och invånarna har tillgång till bra vård, utbildning och socialtjänst.
Det finns dock alltid utrymme för förbättringar. Kommunen arbetar kontinuerligt med att höja kvaliteten på sina tjänster och att effektivisera verksamheten för att få ut mesta möjliga av skatteintäkterna.
Effekter på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande. För att få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar just din ekonomi kan du använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön.
Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att de skatteintäkter som kommunen samlar in används för att finansiera viktiga tjänster och verksamheter som bidrar till en hög levnadsstandard och god kvalitet på de kommunala tjänsterna. Genom att betala skatt bidrar invånarna till att skapa en bra miljö att leva och verka i.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning","description": "Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:16 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:36:28 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_180939_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality
Nybro Municipality, located in Kalmar County, has a tax burden that affects both individuals' finances and the municipality's ability to deliver high-quality services. The municipal tax rate in Nybro is 22.33%, the county council tax is 11.86%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.52%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 34.19%.
Use of Tax Revenues
The tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A large part of the budget goes towards education, elderly care, and social services. Education is a prioritized sector, and the municipality actively works to improve the quality of education and create a safe and stimulating environment for students.
Elderly care is another important item in the municipality's budget. Nybro Municipality aims to provide high-quality services for the elderly, including home care and special accommodations. Social services also receive a significant portion of the tax revenues to provide support to families and individuals in need.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Nybro Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for elderly care and healthcare. At the same time, it is important to continue investing in education and infrastructure to attract new residents and businesses.
One of the opportunities for the municipality is to take advantage of its strategic location and good transportation connections to attract business establishments. By offering an attractive business environment, the municipality can increase its tax revenues and create more job opportunities, which in turn can contribute to a positive economic development.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Nybro Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-close environment with good opportunities for leisure activities and recreation. The quality of municipal services is high, and residents have access to good healthcare, education, and social services.
However, there is always room for improvement. The municipality continuously works on improving the quality of its services and streamlining its operations to make the most of tax revenues.
Effects on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Nybro Municipality means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes towards taxes. This can affect how much money is left in the wallet for private consumption and savings. To better understand how the tax burden affects your finances, you can use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary based on your gross salary.
It is important to remember that the tax revenues collected by the municipality are used to finance important services and activities that contribute to a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services. By paying taxes, residents contribute to creating a good environment to live and work in.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Nybro kommun - En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Nybro kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Upptäck ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt effekterna på privatpersoners ekonomi. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Nybro Municipality - An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Nybro Municipality, including municipal tax, county council tax, and how tax revenues are used. Discover economic challenges and opportunities as well as the effects on individuals' finances. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) )
Municipality | Municipal | County council | Total |
UPPLANDS VÄSBY | 19.42% | 12.38% | 32.81% |
VALLENTUNA | 18.9% | 12.38% | 32.29% |
ÖSTERÅKER | 16.6% | 12.38% | 29.99% |
VÄRMDÖ | 18.98% | 12.38% | 32.37% |
JÄRFÄLLA | 19.24% | 12.38% | 32.63% |
EKERÖ | 19.22% | 12.38% | 32.61% |
HUDDINGE | 19.47% | 12.38% | 32.86% |
BOTKYRKA | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
SALEM | 19.67% | 12.38% | 33.06% |
HANINGE | 19.68% | 12.38% | 33.07% |
TYRESÖ | 19.5% | 12.38% | 32.89% |
UPPLANDS-BRO | 19.4% | 12.38% | 32.79% |
NYKVARN | 19.97% | 12.38% | 33.36% |
TÄBY | 17.55% | 12.38% | 30.94% |
DANDERYD | 18.25% | 12.38% | 31.64% |
SOLLENTUNA | 18.12% | 12.38% | 31.51% |
STOCKHOLM | 17.98% | 12.38% | 31.37% |
SÖDERTÄLJE | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
NACKA | 17.88% | 12.38% | 31.27% |
SUNDBYBERG | 19.25% | 12.38% | 32.64% |
SOLNA | 17.37% | 12.38% | 30.76% |
LIDINGÖ | 17.84% | 12.38% | 31.23% |
VAXHOLM | 19.3% | 12.38% | 32.69% |
NORRTÄLJE | 19.72% | 12.38% | 33.11% |
SIGTUNA | 20% | 12.38% | 33.39% |
NYNÄSHAMN | 19.85% | 12.38% | 33.24% |
HÅBO | 21.59% | 11.71% | 34.68% |
ÄLVKARLEBY | 22.69% | 11.71% | 35.78% |
KNIVSTA | 20.91% | 11.71% | 34% |
HEBY | 22.5% | 11.71% | 35.59% |
TIERP | 21.29% | 11.71% | 34.38% |
UPPSALA | 21.14% | 11.71% | 34.23% |
ENKÖPING | 21.34% | 11.71% | 34.43% |
ÖSTHAMMAR | 21.69% | 11.71% | 34.78% |
VINGÅKER | 22.67% | 10.83% | 34.88% |
GNESTA | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
NYKÖPING | 21.42% | 10.83% | 33.63% |
OXELÖSUND | 22.22% | 10.83% | 34.43% |
FLEN | 22.27% | 10.83% | 34.48% |
KATRINEHOLM | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
ESKILSTUNA | 22.02% | 10.83% | 34.23% |
STRÄNGNÄS | 21.67% | 10.83% | 33.88% |
TROSA | 21.4% | 10.83% | 33.61% |
ÖDESHÖG | 22.6% | 11.55% | 35.56% |
YDRE | 22.55% | 11.55% | 35.51% |
KINDA | 21.45% | 11.55% | 34.41% |
BOXHOLM | 21.82% | 11.55% | 34.78% |
ÅTVIDABERG | 22.39% | 11.55% | 35.35% |
FINSPÅNG | 22.15% | 11.55% | 35.11% |
VALDEMARSVIK | 22.48% | 11.55% | 35.44% |
LINKÖPING | 20.2% | 11.55% | 33.16% |
NORRKÖPING | 21.75% | 11.55% | 34.71% |
SÖDERKÖPING | 21.98% | 11.55% | 34.94% |
MOTALA | 21.7% | 11.55% | 34.66% |
VADSTENA | 22.8% | 11.55% | 35.76% |
MJÖLBY | 21.9% | 11.55% | 34.86% |
ANEBY | 22.09% | 11.76% | 35.31% |
GNOSJÖ | 22.24% | 11.76% | 35.46% |
MULLSJÖ | 22.34% | 11.76% | 35.56% |
HABO | 22.17% | 11.76% | 35.39% |
GISLAVED | 21.99% | 11.76% | 35.21% |
VAGGERYD | 21.49% | 11.76% | 34.71% |
JÖNKÖPING | 21.64% | 11.76% | 34.86% |
NÄSSJÖ | 22.54% | 11.76% | 35.76% |
VÄRNAMO | 21.52% | 11.76% | 34.74% |
SÄVSJÖ | 21.92% | 11.76% | 35.14% |
VETLANDA | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
EKSJÖ | 22.26% | 11.76% | 35.48% |
TRANÅS | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
UPPVIDINGE | 21.8% | 12% | 35.25% |
LESSEBO | 21.81% | 12% | 35.26% |
TINGSRYD | 22% | 12% | 35.45% |
ALVESTA | 21.42% | 12% | 34.87% |
ÄLMHULT | 21.86% | 12% | 35.31% |
MARKARYD | 21.31% | 12% | 34.76% |
VÄXJÖ | 20.19% | 12% | 33.64% |
LJUNGBY | 21.07% | 12% | 34.52% |
HÖGSBY | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
TORSÅS | 21.93% | 11.86% | 35.31% |
MÖRBYLÅNGA | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
HULTSFRED | 21.91% | 11.86% | 35.29% |
MÖNSTERÅS | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
EMMABODA | 21.96% | 11.86% | 35.34% |
KALMAR | 21.81% | 11.86% | 35.19% |
NYBRO | 22.33% | 11.86% | 35.71% |
OSKARSHAMN | 22.35% | 11.86% | 35.73% |
VÄSTERVIK | 21.16% | 11.86% | 34.54% |
VIMMERBY | 22.36% | 11.86% | 35.74% |
BORGHOLM | 21.58% | 11.86% | 34.96% |
GOTLAND | 33.6% | 0% | 35.48% |
OLOFSTRÖM | 21.71% | 12.04% | 35.07% |
KARLSKRONA | 21.65% | 12.04% | 35.01% |
RONNEBY | 21.64% | 12.04% | 35% |
KARLSHAMN | 22.23% | 12.04% | 35.59% |
SÖLVESBORG | 21.82% | 12.04% | 35.18% |
SVALÖV | 20.74% | 11.18% | 33.24% |
STAFFANSTORP | 19.09% | 11.18% | 31.59% |
BURLÖV | 20.09% | 11.18% | 32.59% |
VELLINGE | 18.5% | 11.18% | 31% |
ÖSTRA GÖINGE | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
ÖRKELLJUNGA | 19.06% | 11.18% | 31.56% |
BJUV | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
KÄVLINGE | 18.51% | 11.18% | 31.01% |
LOMMA | 19.64% | 11.18% | 32.14% |
SVEDALA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
SKURUP | 20.42% | 11.18% | 32.92% |
SJÖBO | 20.92% | 11.18% | 33.42% |
HÖRBY | 21.08% | 11.18% | 33.58% |
HÖÖR | 21.75% | 11.18% | 34.25% |
TOMELILLA | 20.61% | 11.18% | 33.11% |
BROMÖLLA | 22.56% | 11.18% | 35.06% |
OSBY | 22.81% | 11.18% | 35.31% |
PERSTORP | 20.81% | 11.18% | 33.31% |
KLIPPAN | 20.75% | 11.18% | 33.25% |
ÅSTORP | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
BÅSTAD | 20.23% | 11.18% | 32.73% |
MALMÖ | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LUND | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LANDSKRONA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
HELSINGBORG | 20.21% | 11.18% | 32.71% |
HÖGANÄS | 19.73% | 11.18% | 32.23% |
ESLÖV | 20.54% | 11.18% | 33.04% |
YSTAD | 20.11% | 11.18% | 32.61% |
TRELLEBORG | 20.4% | 11.18% | 32.9% |
KRISTIANSTAD | 21.46% | 11.18% | 33.96% |
SIMRISHAMN | 20.51% | 11.18% | 33.01% |
ÄNGELHOLM | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
HÄSSLEHOLM | 21.2% | 11.18% | 33.7% |
HYLTE | 22.45% | 11.4% | 35.28% |
HALMSTAD | 20.98% | 11.4% | 33.81% |
LAHOLM | 21.4% | 11.4% | 34.23% |
FALKENBERG | 21.1% | 11.4% | 33.93% |
VARBERG | 20.33% | 11.4% | 33.16% |
KUNGSBACKA | 21.33% | 11.4% | 34.16% |
HÄRRYDA | 20.5% | 11.48% | 33.33% |
PARTILLE | 19.96% | 11.48% | 32.79% |
ÖCKERÖ | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
STENUNGSUND | 21.64% | 11.48% | 34.47% |
TJÖRN | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
ORUST | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
SOTENÄS | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
MUNKEDAL | 23.38% | 11.48% | 36.21% |
TANUM | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
DALS-ED | 23.21% | 11.48% | 36.04% |
FÄRGELANDA | 22.91% | 11.48% | 35.74% |
ALE | 21.87% | 11.48% | 34.7% |
LERUM | 20.65% | 11.48% | 33.48% |
VÅRGÅRDA | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
BOLLEBYGD | 21.59% | 11.48% | 34.42% |
GRÄSTORP | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
ESSUNGA | 21.57% | 11.48% | 34.4% |
KARLSBORG | 21.32% | 11.48% | 34.15% |
GULLSPÅNG | 22.49% | 11.48% | 35.32% |
TRANEMO | 21.5% | 11.48% | 34.33% |
BENGTSFORS | 22.92% | 11.48% | 35.75% |
MELLERUD | 22.6% | 11.48% | 35.43% |
LILLA EDET | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
MARK | 21.51% | 11.48% | 34.34% |
SVENLJUNGA | 22.05% | 11.48% | 34.88% |
HERRLJUNGA | 21.94% | 11.48% | 34.77% |
VARA | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
GÖTENE | 22.12% | 11.48% | 34.95% |
TIBRO | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
TÖREBODA | 21.72% | 11.48% | 34.55% |
GÖTEBORG | 21.12% | 11.48% | 33.95% |
MÖLNDAL | 20.51% | 11.48% | 33.34% |
KUNGÄLV | 21.44% | 11.48% | 34.27% |
LYSEKIL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
UDDEVALLA | 22.16% | 11.48% | 34.99% |
STRÖMSTAD | 21.91% | 11.48% | 34.74% |
VÄNERSBORG | 22.21% | 11.48% | 35.04% |
TROLLHÄTTAN | 22.36% | 11.48% | 35.19% |
ALINGSÅS | 21.36% | 11.48% | 34.19% |
BORÅS | 21.31% | 11.48% | 34.14% |
ULRICEHAMN | 21.05% | 11.48% | 33.88% |
ÅMÅL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
MARIESTAD | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
LIDKÖPING | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
SKARA | 21.9% | 11.48% | 34.73% |
SKÖVDE | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
HJO | 22% | 11.48% | 34.83% |
TIDAHOLM | 22.07% | 11.48% | 34.9% |
FALKÖPING | 21.95% | 11.48% | 34.78% |
KIL | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
EDA | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
TORSBY | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
STORFORS | 22.7% | 11.68% | 35.79% |
HAMMARÖ | 22.92% | 11.68% | 36.01% |
MUNKFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
FORSHAGA | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
GRUMS | 22.5% | 11.68% | 35.59% |
ÅRJÄNG | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
SUNNE | 21.62% | 11.68% | 34.71% |
KARLSTAD | 21.27% | 11.68% | 34.36% |
KRISTINEHAMN | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
FILIPSTAD | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
HAGFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
ARVIKA | 21.75% | 11.68% | 34.84% |
SÄFFLE | 21.52% | 11.68% | 34.61% |
LEKEBERG | 22.43% | 12.3% | 36.05% |
LAXÅ | 22.18% | 12.3% | 35.8% |
HALLSBERG | 21.55% | 12.3% | 35.17% |
DEGERFORS | 23% | 12.3% | 36.62% |
HÄLLEFORS | 22.05% | 12.3% | 35.67% |
LJUSNARSBERG | 21.5% | 12.3% | 35.12% |
ÖREBRO | 21.35% | 12.3% | 34.97% |
KUMLA | 21.54% | 12.3% | 35.16% |
ASKERSUND | 21.85% | 12.3% | 35.47% |
KARLSKOGA | 22% | 12.3% | 35.62% |
NORA | 22.25% | 12.3% | 35.87% |
LINDESBERG | 22.3% | 12.3% | 35.92% |
SKINNSKATTEBERG | 22.46% | 10.88% | 34.67% |
SURAHAMMAR | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
KUNGSÖR | 22.03% | 10.88% | 34.24% |
HALLSTAHAMMAR | 21.81% | 10.88% | 34.02% |
NORBERG | 22.66% | 10.88% | 34.87% |
VÄSTERÅS | 20.36% | 10.88% | 32.57% |
SALA | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
FAGERSTA | 22.11% | 10.88% | 34.32% |
KÖPING | 22.16% | 10.88% | 34.37% |
ARBOGA | 22.41% | 10.88% | 34.62% |
VANSBRO | 22.29% | 11.64% | 35.36% |
MALUNG-SÄLEN | 22.56% | 11.64% | 35.63% |
GAGNEF | 22.28% | 11.64% | 35.35% |
LEKSAND | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
RÄTTVIK | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
ORSA | 22.31% | 11.64% | 35.38% |
ÄLVDALEN | 22.78% | 11.64% | 35.85% |
SMEDJEBACKEN | 22.45% | 11.64% | 35.52% |
MORA | 22.33% | 11.64% | 35.4% |
FALUN | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
BORLÄNGE | 22.41% | 11.64% | 35.48% |
SÄTER | 22.32% | 11.64% | 35.39% |
HEDEMORA | 22.16% | 11.64% | 35.23% |
AVESTA | 21.96% | 11.64% | 35.03% |
LUDVIKA | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
OCKELBO | 22.76% | 11.51% | 35.61% |
HOFORS | 22.86% | 11.51% | 35.71% |
OVANÅKER | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
NORDANSTIG | 22.51% | 11.51% | 35.36% |
LJUSDAL | 22.36% | 11.51% | 35.21% |
GÄVLE | 22.26% | 11.51% | 35.11% |
SANDVIKEN | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
SÖDERHAMN | 21.66% | 11.51% | 34.51% |
BOLLNÄS | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
HUDIKSVALL | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
ÅNGE | 23.33% | 11.29% | 36.28% |
TIMRÅ | 23.19% | 11.29% | 36.14% |
HÄRNÖSAND | 23.34% | 11.29% | 36.29% |
SUNDSVALL | 22.59% | 11.29% | 35.54% |
KRAMFORS | 23.14% | 11.29% | 36.09% |
SOLLEFTEÅ | 23.39% | 11.29% | 36.34% |
ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK | 22.71% | 11.29% | 35.66% |
RAGUNDA | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
BRÄCKE | 23.39% | 11.7% | 36.76% |
KROKOM | 22.17% | 11.7% | 35.54% |
STRÖMSUND | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
ÅRE | 22.22% | 11.7% | 35.59% |
BERG | 22.52% | 11.7% | 35.89% |
HÄRJEDALEN | 22.47% | 11.7% | 35.84% |
ÖSTERSUND | 22.02% | 11.7% | 35.39% |
NORDMALING | 23.25% | 11.35% | 35.98% |
BJURHOLM | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
VINDELN | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
ROBERTSFORS | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
NORSJÖ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
MALÅ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
STORUMAN | 23.1% | 11.35% | 35.83% |
SORSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
DOROTEA | 23.8% | 11.35% | 36.53% |
VÄNNÄS | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
VILHELMINA | 23.4% | 11.35% | 36.13% |
ÅSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
UMEÅ | 22.8% | 11.35% | 35.53% |
LYCKSELE | 23.05% | 11.35% | 35.78% |
SKELLEFTEÅ | 22.6% | 11.35% | 35.33% |
ARVIDSJAUR | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
ARJEPLOG | 23.5% | 11.34% | 36.11% |
JOKKMOKK | 22.95% | 11.34% | 35.56% |
ÖVERKALIX | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
KALIX | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÖVERTORNEÅ | 21.75% | 11.34% | 34.36% |
PAJALA | 23.4% | 11.34% | 36.01% |
GÄLLIVARE | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÄLVSBYN | 22.45% | 11.34% | 35.06% |
LULEÅ | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
PITEÅ | 22.25% | 11.34% | 34.86% |
BODEN | 22.6% | 11.34% | 35.21% |
HAPARANDA | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
KIRUNA | 23.05% | 11.34% | 35.66% |