Calculate Swedish Tax / Net Salary in Sunne municipality
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Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality
Sunne municipality, located in Värmland County, has a tax burden that consists of several components. The municipal tax rate is 21.62%, the county tax rate is 11.68%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.41%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 33.3%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Sunne municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A significant portion of the budget goes to education and childcare, including primary schools, high schools, and preschools. Healthcare and social services are also a major expense, with a focus on elderly care and support for the disabled.
Infrastructure and public transport are other areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, public buildings, and operation of local public transport. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events, also receive a share of the funding.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Sunne municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while the tax base is shrinking. This requires efficiency and resource prioritization. Another challenge is attracting and retaining young people and families, which necessitates investments in housing, education, and job opportunities.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Sunne municipality has a strong tourism industry, thanks to its scenic environment and cultural events. By investing in tourism and entrepreneurship, the municipality can create new jobs and increase tax revenues. Digitalization and innovation in the public sector can also contribute to more efficient services and lower costs.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Sunne municipality is generally high. The municipality offers a high quality of education and healthcare, contributing to the well-being of residents. The scenic environment and rich cultural offerings make Sunne an attractive place to live. At the same time, housing prices are relatively low compared to larger cities, making it possible for more people to own their homes.
Sunne municipality continuously works to improve the quality of life for its residents by focusing on sustainable development, improved infrastructure, and increased access to recreational activities. This makes the municipality an attractive place for both young and old.
Private Individuals' Finances and Tax Burden
For private individuals, the tax burden in Sunne municipality means a significant portion of income goes to taxes. With a total tax rate of 33.3% excluding the church fee, it can impact how much money remains in the wallet. This, in turn, can affect consumption patterns and savings.
To get a better idea of how much money is left after taxes, you can use our tax calculator. This tool helps you calculate your net salary based on your gross salary and provides a clearer picture of your financial situation.
In conclusion, Sunne municipality is a place with a good quality of life and many opportunities, but also with some economic challenges. By efficiently using tax revenues and investing in future-oriented projects, the municipality can continue to develop and improve.
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 910 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Sunne är 21.67%
-8 321 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.68%
-4 485 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 509 300 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Sunne stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 808 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 058 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 932 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Sunne är 21.67%
-8 321 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.68%
-4 485 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 523 200 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Sunne stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 829 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 036 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 982 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Sunne är 21.67%
-8 321 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.68%
-4 485 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 540 700 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Sunne stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 875 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 990 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 281 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Sunne är 21.67%
-8 321 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.68%
-4 485 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Sunne stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 175 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 690 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 704 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Sunne är 21.62%
-8 302 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.68%
-4 485 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Sunne stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-108 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 610 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 256 kr
stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 2525 [kommunalskatt] => 5161.775 [landstingsskatt] => 2788.6 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 66.85 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 7501.525 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 2640.3658245 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 23875 [nettolon] => 21023.1408245 [landsting] => 11.68 [bruttolon] => 26400 [area_name] => SUNNE [kommun] => SUNNE [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13304 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => SUNNE [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun
Sunne kommun, belägen i Värmlands län, har ett skattetryck som består av flera komponenter. Kommunalskatten ligger på 21.62%, landstingsskatten på 11.68%, och begravningsavgiften på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.41%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 33.3%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Sunne kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och förskolor. Vård och omsorg är också en stor utgiftspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade prioriteras.
Infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik är andra områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader samt drift av lokal kollektivtrafik. Kultur och fritid, såsom bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturarrangemang, får också en del av kakan.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Sunne kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som skattebasen minskar. Detta ställer krav på effektivisering och prioritering av resurser. En annan utmaning är att attrahera och behålla unga människor och familjer, vilket kräver investeringar i bostäder, utbildning och arbetsmöjligheter.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Sunne kommun har en stark turistnäring, tack vare sin natursköna miljö och kulturella evenemang. Genom att satsa på turism och småföretagande kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka skatteintäkterna. Digitalisering och innovation inom offentlig sektor kan också bidra till effektivare tjänster och lägre kostnader.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Sunne kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en hög kvalitet på utbildning och vård, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande. Den natursköna miljön och rika kulturutbudet gör Sunne till en attraktiv plats att bo på. Samtidigt är bostadspriserna relativt låga jämfört med större städer, vilket gör det möjligt för fler att äga sitt eget hem.
Sunne kommun arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra livskvaliteten för sina invånare genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling, förbättrad infrastruktur och ökad tillgång till fritidsaktiviteter. Detta gör kommunen till en attraktiv plats för både unga och äldre.
Privatpersoners ekonomi och skattetryck
För privatpersoner innebär skattetrycket i Sunne kommun att en betydande del av inkomsten går till skatt. Med en total skattesats på 33.3% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan det påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken. Detta kan i sin tur påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande.
För att få en bättre uppfattning om hur mycket pengar som blir kvar efter skatt kan man använda vår skattekalkylator. Detta verktyg hjälper dig att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön och ger en tydligare bild av din ekonomiska situation.
Sammanfattningsvis är Sunne kommun en plats med god livskvalitet och många möjligheter, men också med vissa ekonomiska utmaningar. Genom att effektivt använda skatteintäkterna och satsa på framtidsinriktade projekt kan kommunen fortsätta att utvecklas och förbättras.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:37 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:53 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_194602_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality
Sunne municipality, located in Värmland County, has a tax burden that consists of several components. The municipal tax rate is 21.62%, the county tax rate is 11.68%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.41%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 33.3%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Sunne municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A significant portion of the budget goes to education and childcare, including primary schools, high schools, and preschools. Healthcare and social services are also a major expense, with a focus on elderly care and support for the disabled.
Infrastructure and public transport are other areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, public buildings, and operation of local public transport. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events, also receive a share of the funding.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Sunne municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while the tax base is shrinking. This requires efficiency and resource prioritization. Another challenge is attracting and retaining young people and families, which necessitates investments in housing, education, and job opportunities.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Sunne municipality has a strong tourism industry, thanks to its scenic environment and cultural events. By investing in tourism and entrepreneurship, the municipality can create new jobs and increase tax revenues. Digitalization and innovation in the public sector can also contribute to more efficient services and lower costs.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Sunne municipality is generally high. The municipality offers a high quality of education and healthcare, contributing to the well-being of residents. The scenic environment and rich cultural offerings make Sunne an attractive place to live. At the same time, housing prices are relatively low compared to larger cities, making it possible for more people to own their homes.
Sunne municipality continuously works to improve the quality of life for its residents by focusing on sustainable development, improved infrastructure, and increased access to recreational activities. This makes the municipality an attractive place for both young and old.
Private Individuals' Finances and Tax Burden
For private individuals, the tax burden in Sunne municipality means a significant portion of income goes to taxes. With a total tax rate of 33.3% excluding the church fee, it can impact how much money remains in the wallet. This, in turn, can affect consumption patterns and savings.
To get a better idea of how much money is left after taxes, you can use our tax calculator. This tool helps you calculate your net salary based on your gross salary and provides a clearer picture of your financial situation.
In conclusion, Sunne municipality is a place with a good quality of life and many opportunities, but also with some economic challenges. By efficiently using tax revenues and investing in future-oriented projects, the municipality can continue to develop and improve.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13304 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => SUNNE [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun
Sunne kommun, belägen i Värmlands län, har ett skattetryck som består av flera komponenter. Kommunalskatten ligger på 21.62%, landstingsskatten på 11.68%, och begravningsavgiften på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.41%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 33.3%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Sunne kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och förskolor. Vård och omsorg är också en stor utgiftspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade prioriteras.
Infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik är andra områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader samt drift av lokal kollektivtrafik. Kultur och fritid, såsom bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturarrangemang, får också en del av kakan.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Sunne kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som skattebasen minskar. Detta ställer krav på effektivisering och prioritering av resurser. En annan utmaning är att attrahera och behålla unga människor och familjer, vilket kräver investeringar i bostäder, utbildning och arbetsmöjligheter.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Sunne kommun har en stark turistnäring, tack vare sin natursköna miljö och kulturella evenemang. Genom att satsa på turism och småföretagande kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka skatteintäkterna. Digitalisering och innovation inom offentlig sektor kan också bidra till effektivare tjänster och lägre kostnader.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Sunne kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en hög kvalitet på utbildning och vård, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande. Den natursköna miljön och rika kulturutbudet gör Sunne till en attraktiv plats att bo på. Samtidigt är bostadspriserna relativt låga jämfört med större städer, vilket gör det möjligt för fler att äga sitt eget hem.
Sunne kommun arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra livskvaliteten för sina invånare genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling, förbättrad infrastruktur och ökad tillgång till fritidsaktiviteter. Detta gör kommunen till en attraktiv plats för både unga och äldre.
Privatpersoners ekonomi och skattetryck
För privatpersoner innebär skattetrycket i Sunne kommun att en betydande del av inkomsten går till skatt. Med en total skattesats på 33.3% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan det påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken. Detta kan i sin tur påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande.
För att få en bättre uppfattning om hur mycket pengar som blir kvar efter skatt kan man använda vår skattekalkylator. Detta verktyg hjälper dig att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön och ger en tydligare bild av din ekonomiska situation.
Sammanfattningsvis är Sunne kommun en plats med god livskvalitet och många möjligheter, men också med vissa ekonomiska utmaningar. Genom att effektivt använda skatteintäkterna och satsa på framtidsinriktade projekt kan kommunen fortsätta att utvecklas och förbättras.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt","description": "Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:37 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:53 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_194602_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality
Sunne municipality, located in Värmland County, has a tax burden that consists of several components. The municipal tax rate is 21.62%, the county tax rate is 11.68%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.41%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 33.3%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Sunne municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A significant portion of the budget goes to education and childcare, including primary schools, high schools, and preschools. Healthcare and social services are also a major expense, with a focus on elderly care and support for the disabled.
Infrastructure and public transport are other areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, public buildings, and operation of local public transport. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events, also receive a share of the funding.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Sunne municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while the tax base is shrinking. This requires efficiency and resource prioritization. Another challenge is attracting and retaining young people and families, which necessitates investments in housing, education, and job opportunities.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Sunne municipality has a strong tourism industry, thanks to its scenic environment and cultural events. By investing in tourism and entrepreneurship, the municipality can create new jobs and increase tax revenues. Digitalization and innovation in the public sector can also contribute to more efficient services and lower costs.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Sunne municipality is generally high. The municipality offers a high quality of education and healthcare, contributing to the well-being of residents. The scenic environment and rich cultural offerings make Sunne an attractive place to live. At the same time, housing prices are relatively low compared to larger cities, making it possible for more people to own their homes.
Sunne municipality continuously works to improve the quality of life for its residents by focusing on sustainable development, improved infrastructure, and increased access to recreational activities. This makes the municipality an attractive place for both young and old.
Private Individuals' Finances and Tax Burden
For private individuals, the tax burden in Sunne municipality means a significant portion of income goes to taxes. With a total tax rate of 33.3% excluding the church fee, it can impact how much money remains in the wallet. This, in turn, can affect consumption patterns and savings.
To get a better idea of how much money is left after taxes, you can use our tax calculator. This tool helps you calculate your net salary based on your gross salary and provides a clearer picture of your financial situation.
In conclusion, Sunne municipality is a place with a good quality of life and many opportunities, but also with some economic challenges. By efficiently using tax revenues and investing in future-oriented projects, the municipality can continue to develop and improve.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 3325 [kommunalskatt] => 1706.899 [landstingsskatt] => 922.136 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 22.106 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 2480.609 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 1244.74847775 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 7895 [nettolon] => 9813.60747775 [landsting] => 11.68 [bruttolon] => 11220 [area_name] => SUNNE [kommun] => SUNNE [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13304 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => SUNNE [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun
Sunne kommun, belägen i Värmlands län, har ett skattetryck som består av flera komponenter. Kommunalskatten ligger på 21.62%, landstingsskatten på 11.68%, och begravningsavgiften på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.41%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 33.3%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Sunne kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och förskolor. Vård och omsorg är också en stor utgiftspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade prioriteras.
Infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik är andra områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader samt drift av lokal kollektivtrafik. Kultur och fritid, såsom bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturarrangemang, får också en del av kakan.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Sunne kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som skattebasen minskar. Detta ställer krav på effektivisering och prioritering av resurser. En annan utmaning är att attrahera och behålla unga människor och familjer, vilket kräver investeringar i bostäder, utbildning och arbetsmöjligheter.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Sunne kommun har en stark turistnäring, tack vare sin natursköna miljö och kulturella evenemang. Genom att satsa på turism och småföretagande kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka skatteintäkterna. Digitalisering och innovation inom offentlig sektor kan också bidra till effektivare tjänster och lägre kostnader.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Sunne kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en hög kvalitet på utbildning och vård, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande. Den natursköna miljön och rika kulturutbudet gör Sunne till en attraktiv plats att bo på. Samtidigt är bostadspriserna relativt låga jämfört med större städer, vilket gör det möjligt för fler att äga sitt eget hem.
Sunne kommun arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra livskvaliteten för sina invånare genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling, förbättrad infrastruktur och ökad tillgång till fritidsaktiviteter. Detta gör kommunen till en attraktiv plats för både unga och äldre.
Privatpersoners ekonomi och skattetryck
För privatpersoner innebär skattetrycket i Sunne kommun att en betydande del av inkomsten går till skatt. Med en total skattesats på 33.3% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan det påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken. Detta kan i sin tur påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande.
För att få en bättre uppfattning om hur mycket pengar som blir kvar efter skatt kan man använda vår skattekalkylator. Detta verktyg hjälper dig att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön och ger en tydligare bild av din ekonomiska situation.
Sammanfattningsvis är Sunne kommun en plats med god livskvalitet och många möjligheter, men också med vissa ekonomiska utmaningar. Genom att effektivt använda skatteintäkterna och satsa på framtidsinriktade projekt kan kommunen fortsätta att utvecklas och förbättras.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:37 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:53 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_194602_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality
Sunne municipality, located in Värmland County, has a tax burden that consists of several components. The municipal tax rate is 21.62%, the county tax rate is 11.68%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.41%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 33.3%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Sunne municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A significant portion of the budget goes to education and childcare, including primary schools, high schools, and preschools. Healthcare and social services are also a major expense, with a focus on elderly care and support for the disabled.
Infrastructure and public transport are other areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, public buildings, and operation of local public transport. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events, also receive a share of the funding.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Sunne municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while the tax base is shrinking. This requires efficiency and resource prioritization. Another challenge is attracting and retaining young people and families, which necessitates investments in housing, education, and job opportunities.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Sunne municipality has a strong tourism industry, thanks to its scenic environment and cultural events. By investing in tourism and entrepreneurship, the municipality can create new jobs and increase tax revenues. Digitalization and innovation in the public sector can also contribute to more efficient services and lower costs.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Sunne municipality is generally high. The municipality offers a high quality of education and healthcare, contributing to the well-being of residents. The scenic environment and rich cultural offerings make Sunne an attractive place to live. At the same time, housing prices are relatively low compared to larger cities, making it possible for more people to own their homes.
Sunne municipality continuously works to improve the quality of life for its residents by focusing on sustainable development, improved infrastructure, and increased access to recreational activities. This makes the municipality an attractive place for both young and old.
Private Individuals' Finances and Tax Burden
For private individuals, the tax burden in Sunne municipality means a significant portion of income goes to taxes. With a total tax rate of 33.3% excluding the church fee, it can impact how much money remains in the wallet. This, in turn, can affect consumption patterns and savings.
To get a better idea of how much money is left after taxes, you can use our tax calculator. This tool helps you calculate your net salary based on your gross salary and provides a clearer picture of your financial situation.
In conclusion, Sunne municipality is a place with a good quality of life and many opportunities, but also with some economic challenges. By efficiently using tax revenues and investing in future-oriented projects, the municipality can continue to develop and improve.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13304 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => SUNNE [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun
Sunne kommun, belägen i Värmlands län, har ett skattetryck som består av flera komponenter. Kommunalskatten ligger på 21.62%, landstingsskatten på 11.68%, och begravningsavgiften på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.41%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 33.3%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Sunne kommun används för att finansiera en rad olika tjänster och verksamheter som är viktiga för invånarna. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och förskolor. Vård och omsorg är också en stor utgiftspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade prioriteras.
Infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik är andra områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och offentliga byggnader samt drift av lokal kollektivtrafik. Kultur och fritid, såsom bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och kulturarrangemang, får också en del av kakan.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Sunne kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som skattebasen minskar. Detta ställer krav på effektivisering och prioritering av resurser. En annan utmaning är att attrahera och behålla unga människor och familjer, vilket kräver investeringar i bostäder, utbildning och arbetsmöjligheter.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Sunne kommun har en stark turistnäring, tack vare sin natursköna miljö och kulturella evenemang. Genom att satsa på turism och småföretagande kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka skatteintäkterna. Digitalisering och innovation inom offentlig sektor kan också bidra till effektivare tjänster och lägre kostnader.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Sunne kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en hög kvalitet på utbildning och vård, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande. Den natursköna miljön och rika kulturutbudet gör Sunne till en attraktiv plats att bo på. Samtidigt är bostadspriserna relativt låga jämfört med större städer, vilket gör det möjligt för fler att äga sitt eget hem.
Sunne kommun arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra livskvaliteten för sina invånare genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling, förbättrad infrastruktur och ökad tillgång till fritidsaktiviteter. Detta gör kommunen till en attraktiv plats för både unga och äldre.
Privatpersoners ekonomi och skattetryck
För privatpersoner innebär skattetrycket i Sunne kommun att en betydande del av inkomsten går till skatt. Med en total skattesats på 33.3% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan det påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken. Detta kan i sin tur påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande.
För att få en bättre uppfattning om hur mycket pengar som blir kvar efter skatt kan man använda vår skattekalkylator. Detta verktyg hjälper dig att beräkna din nettolön utifrån din bruttolön och ger en tydligare bild av din ekonomiska situation.
Sammanfattningsvis är Sunne kommun en plats med god livskvalitet och många möjligheter, men också med vissa ekonomiska utmaningar. Genom att effektivt använda skatteintäkterna och satsa på framtidsinriktade projekt kan kommunen fortsätta att utvecklas och förbättras.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt","description": "Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:37 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:35:53 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_194602_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality
Sunne municipality, located in Värmland County, has a tax burden that consists of several components. The municipal tax rate is 21.62%, the county tax rate is 11.68%, and the burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, there is an additional church fee of 1.41%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 33.3%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Sunne municipality are used to finance a variety of services and activities that are important to residents. A significant portion of the budget goes to education and childcare, including primary schools, high schools, and preschools. Healthcare and social services are also a major expense, with a focus on elderly care and support for the disabled.
Infrastructure and public transport are other areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, public buildings, and operation of local public transport. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and cultural events, also receive a share of the funding.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Sunne municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while the tax base is shrinking. This requires efficiency and resource prioritization. Another challenge is attracting and retaining young people and families, which necessitates investments in housing, education, and job opportunities.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Sunne municipality has a strong tourism industry, thanks to its scenic environment and cultural events. By investing in tourism and entrepreneurship, the municipality can create new jobs and increase tax revenues. Digitalization and innovation in the public sector can also contribute to more efficient services and lower costs.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Sunne municipality is generally high. The municipality offers a high quality of education and healthcare, contributing to the well-being of residents. The scenic environment and rich cultural offerings make Sunne an attractive place to live. At the same time, housing prices are relatively low compared to larger cities, making it possible for more people to own their homes.
Sunne municipality continuously works to improve the quality of life for its residents by focusing on sustainable development, improved infrastructure, and increased access to recreational activities. This makes the municipality an attractive place for both young and old.
Private Individuals' Finances and Tax Burden
For private individuals, the tax burden in Sunne municipality means a significant portion of income goes to taxes. With a total tax rate of 33.3% excluding the church fee, it can impact how much money remains in the wallet. This, in turn, can affect consumption patterns and savings.
To get a better idea of how much money is left after taxes, you can use our tax calculator. This tool helps you calculate your net salary based on your gross salary and provides a clearer picture of your financial situation.
In conclusion, Sunne municipality is a place with a good quality of life and many opportunities, but also with some economic challenges. By efficiently using tax revenues and investing in future-oriented projects, the municipality can continue to develop and improve.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview","description": "Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Sunne kommun - En översikt [description] => Lär dig om skattetrycket i Sunne kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter, samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet. Använd vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna din nettolön. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Sunne Municipality - An Overview [description_eng] => Learn about the tax burden in Sunne municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and standard of living and quality. Use our tax calculator to calculate your net salary. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) )
Municipality | Municipal | County council | Total |
UPPLANDS VÄSBY | 19.42% | 12.38% | 32.81% |
VALLENTUNA | 18.9% | 12.38% | 32.29% |
ÖSTERÅKER | 16.6% | 12.38% | 29.99% |
VÄRMDÖ | 18.98% | 12.38% | 32.37% |
JÄRFÄLLA | 19.24% | 12.38% | 32.63% |
EKERÖ | 19.22% | 12.38% | 32.61% |
HUDDINGE | 19.47% | 12.38% | 32.86% |
BOTKYRKA | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
SALEM | 19.67% | 12.38% | 33.06% |
HANINGE | 19.68% | 12.38% | 33.07% |
TYRESÖ | 19.5% | 12.38% | 32.89% |
UPPLANDS-BRO | 19.4% | 12.38% | 32.79% |
NYKVARN | 19.97% | 12.38% | 33.36% |
TÄBY | 17.55% | 12.38% | 30.94% |
DANDERYD | 18.25% | 12.38% | 31.64% |
SOLLENTUNA | 18.12% | 12.38% | 31.51% |
STOCKHOLM | 17.98% | 12.38% | 31.37% |
SÖDERTÄLJE | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
NACKA | 17.88% | 12.38% | 31.27% |
SUNDBYBERG | 19.25% | 12.38% | 32.64% |
SOLNA | 17.37% | 12.38% | 30.76% |
LIDINGÖ | 17.84% | 12.38% | 31.23% |
VAXHOLM | 19.3% | 12.38% | 32.69% |
NORRTÄLJE | 19.72% | 12.38% | 33.11% |
SIGTUNA | 20% | 12.38% | 33.39% |
NYNÄSHAMN | 19.85% | 12.38% | 33.24% |
HÅBO | 21.59% | 11.71% | 34.68% |
ÄLVKARLEBY | 22.69% | 11.71% | 35.78% |
KNIVSTA | 20.91% | 11.71% | 34% |
HEBY | 22.5% | 11.71% | 35.59% |
TIERP | 21.29% | 11.71% | 34.38% |
UPPSALA | 21.14% | 11.71% | 34.23% |
ENKÖPING | 21.34% | 11.71% | 34.43% |
ÖSTHAMMAR | 21.69% | 11.71% | 34.78% |
VINGÅKER | 22.67% | 10.83% | 34.88% |
GNESTA | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
NYKÖPING | 21.42% | 10.83% | 33.63% |
OXELÖSUND | 22.22% | 10.83% | 34.43% |
FLEN | 22.27% | 10.83% | 34.48% |
KATRINEHOLM | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
ESKILSTUNA | 22.02% | 10.83% | 34.23% |
STRÄNGNÄS | 21.67% | 10.83% | 33.88% |
TROSA | 21.4% | 10.83% | 33.61% |
ÖDESHÖG | 22.6% | 11.55% | 35.56% |
YDRE | 22.55% | 11.55% | 35.51% |
KINDA | 21.45% | 11.55% | 34.41% |
BOXHOLM | 21.82% | 11.55% | 34.78% |
ÅTVIDABERG | 22.39% | 11.55% | 35.35% |
FINSPÅNG | 22.15% | 11.55% | 35.11% |
VALDEMARSVIK | 22.48% | 11.55% | 35.44% |
LINKÖPING | 20.2% | 11.55% | 33.16% |
NORRKÖPING | 21.75% | 11.55% | 34.71% |
SÖDERKÖPING | 21.98% | 11.55% | 34.94% |
MOTALA | 21.7% | 11.55% | 34.66% |
VADSTENA | 22.8% | 11.55% | 35.76% |
MJÖLBY | 21.9% | 11.55% | 34.86% |
ANEBY | 22.09% | 11.76% | 35.31% |
GNOSJÖ | 22.24% | 11.76% | 35.46% |
MULLSJÖ | 22.34% | 11.76% | 35.56% |
HABO | 22.17% | 11.76% | 35.39% |
GISLAVED | 21.99% | 11.76% | 35.21% |
VAGGERYD | 21.49% | 11.76% | 34.71% |
JÖNKÖPING | 21.64% | 11.76% | 34.86% |
NÄSSJÖ | 22.54% | 11.76% | 35.76% |
VÄRNAMO | 21.52% | 11.76% | 34.74% |
SÄVSJÖ | 21.92% | 11.76% | 35.14% |
VETLANDA | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
EKSJÖ | 22.26% | 11.76% | 35.48% |
TRANÅS | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
UPPVIDINGE | 21.8% | 12% | 35.25% |
LESSEBO | 21.81% | 12% | 35.26% |
TINGSRYD | 22% | 12% | 35.45% |
ALVESTA | 21.42% | 12% | 34.87% |
ÄLMHULT | 21.86% | 12% | 35.31% |
MARKARYD | 21.31% | 12% | 34.76% |
VÄXJÖ | 20.19% | 12% | 33.64% |
LJUNGBY | 21.07% | 12% | 34.52% |
HÖGSBY | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
TORSÅS | 21.93% | 11.86% | 35.31% |
MÖRBYLÅNGA | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
HULTSFRED | 21.91% | 11.86% | 35.29% |
MÖNSTERÅS | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
EMMABODA | 21.96% | 11.86% | 35.34% |
KALMAR | 21.81% | 11.86% | 35.19% |
NYBRO | 22.33% | 11.86% | 35.71% |
OSKARSHAMN | 22.35% | 11.86% | 35.73% |
VÄSTERVIK | 21.16% | 11.86% | 34.54% |
VIMMERBY | 22.36% | 11.86% | 35.74% |
BORGHOLM | 21.58% | 11.86% | 34.96% |
GOTLAND | 33.6% | 0% | 35.48% |
OLOFSTRÖM | 21.71% | 12.04% | 35.07% |
KARLSKRONA | 21.65% | 12.04% | 35.01% |
RONNEBY | 21.64% | 12.04% | 35% |
KARLSHAMN | 22.23% | 12.04% | 35.59% |
SÖLVESBORG | 21.82% | 12.04% | 35.18% |
SVALÖV | 20.74% | 11.18% | 33.24% |
STAFFANSTORP | 19.09% | 11.18% | 31.59% |
BURLÖV | 20.09% | 11.18% | 32.59% |
VELLINGE | 18.5% | 11.18% | 31% |
ÖSTRA GÖINGE | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
ÖRKELLJUNGA | 19.06% | 11.18% | 31.56% |
BJUV | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
KÄVLINGE | 18.51% | 11.18% | 31.01% |
LOMMA | 19.64% | 11.18% | 32.14% |
SVEDALA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
SKURUP | 20.42% | 11.18% | 32.92% |
SJÖBO | 20.92% | 11.18% | 33.42% |
HÖRBY | 21.08% | 11.18% | 33.58% |
HÖÖR | 21.75% | 11.18% | 34.25% |
TOMELILLA | 20.61% | 11.18% | 33.11% |
BROMÖLLA | 22.56% | 11.18% | 35.06% |
OSBY | 22.81% | 11.18% | 35.31% |
PERSTORP | 20.81% | 11.18% | 33.31% |
KLIPPAN | 20.75% | 11.18% | 33.25% |
ÅSTORP | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
BÅSTAD | 20.23% | 11.18% | 32.73% |
MALMÖ | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LUND | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LANDSKRONA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
HELSINGBORG | 20.21% | 11.18% | 32.71% |
HÖGANÄS | 19.73% | 11.18% | 32.23% |
ESLÖV | 20.54% | 11.18% | 33.04% |
YSTAD | 20.11% | 11.18% | 32.61% |
TRELLEBORG | 20.4% | 11.18% | 32.9% |
KRISTIANSTAD | 21.46% | 11.18% | 33.96% |
SIMRISHAMN | 20.51% | 11.18% | 33.01% |
ÄNGELHOLM | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
HÄSSLEHOLM | 21.2% | 11.18% | 33.7% |
HYLTE | 22.45% | 11.4% | 35.28% |
HALMSTAD | 20.98% | 11.4% | 33.81% |
LAHOLM | 21.4% | 11.4% | 34.23% |
FALKENBERG | 21.1% | 11.4% | 33.93% |
VARBERG | 20.33% | 11.4% | 33.16% |
KUNGSBACKA | 21.33% | 11.4% | 34.16% |
HÄRRYDA | 20.5% | 11.48% | 33.33% |
PARTILLE | 19.96% | 11.48% | 32.79% |
ÖCKERÖ | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
STENUNGSUND | 21.64% | 11.48% | 34.47% |
TJÖRN | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
ORUST | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
SOTENÄS | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
MUNKEDAL | 23.38% | 11.48% | 36.21% |
TANUM | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
DALS-ED | 23.21% | 11.48% | 36.04% |
FÄRGELANDA | 22.91% | 11.48% | 35.74% |
ALE | 21.87% | 11.48% | 34.7% |
LERUM | 20.65% | 11.48% | 33.48% |
VÅRGÅRDA | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
BOLLEBYGD | 21.59% | 11.48% | 34.42% |
GRÄSTORP | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
ESSUNGA | 21.57% | 11.48% | 34.4% |
KARLSBORG | 21.32% | 11.48% | 34.15% |
GULLSPÅNG | 22.49% | 11.48% | 35.32% |
TRANEMO | 21.5% | 11.48% | 34.33% |
BENGTSFORS | 22.92% | 11.48% | 35.75% |
MELLERUD | 22.6% | 11.48% | 35.43% |
LILLA EDET | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
MARK | 21.51% | 11.48% | 34.34% |
SVENLJUNGA | 22.05% | 11.48% | 34.88% |
HERRLJUNGA | 21.94% | 11.48% | 34.77% |
VARA | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
GÖTENE | 22.12% | 11.48% | 34.95% |
TIBRO | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
TÖREBODA | 21.72% | 11.48% | 34.55% |
GÖTEBORG | 21.12% | 11.48% | 33.95% |
MÖLNDAL | 20.51% | 11.48% | 33.34% |
KUNGÄLV | 21.44% | 11.48% | 34.27% |
LYSEKIL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
UDDEVALLA | 22.16% | 11.48% | 34.99% |
STRÖMSTAD | 21.91% | 11.48% | 34.74% |
VÄNERSBORG | 22.21% | 11.48% | 35.04% |
TROLLHÄTTAN | 22.36% | 11.48% | 35.19% |
ALINGSÅS | 21.36% | 11.48% | 34.19% |
BORÅS | 21.31% | 11.48% | 34.14% |
ULRICEHAMN | 21.05% | 11.48% | 33.88% |
ÅMÅL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
MARIESTAD | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
LIDKÖPING | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
SKARA | 21.9% | 11.48% | 34.73% |
SKÖVDE | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
HJO | 22% | 11.48% | 34.83% |
TIDAHOLM | 22.07% | 11.48% | 34.9% |
FALKÖPING | 21.95% | 11.48% | 34.78% |
KIL | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
EDA | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
TORSBY | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
STORFORS | 22.7% | 11.68% | 35.79% |
HAMMARÖ | 22.92% | 11.68% | 36.01% |
MUNKFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
FORSHAGA | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
GRUMS | 22.5% | 11.68% | 35.59% |
ÅRJÄNG | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
SUNNE | 21.62% | 11.68% | 34.71% |
KARLSTAD | 21.27% | 11.68% | 34.36% |
KRISTINEHAMN | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
FILIPSTAD | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
HAGFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
ARVIKA | 21.75% | 11.68% | 34.84% |
SÄFFLE | 21.52% | 11.68% | 34.61% |
LEKEBERG | 22.43% | 12.3% | 36.05% |
LAXÅ | 22.18% | 12.3% | 35.8% |
HALLSBERG | 21.55% | 12.3% | 35.17% |
DEGERFORS | 23% | 12.3% | 36.62% |
HÄLLEFORS | 22.05% | 12.3% | 35.67% |
LJUSNARSBERG | 21.5% | 12.3% | 35.12% |
ÖREBRO | 21.35% | 12.3% | 34.97% |
KUMLA | 21.54% | 12.3% | 35.16% |
ASKERSUND | 21.85% | 12.3% | 35.47% |
KARLSKOGA | 22% | 12.3% | 35.62% |
NORA | 22.25% | 12.3% | 35.87% |
LINDESBERG | 22.3% | 12.3% | 35.92% |
SKINNSKATTEBERG | 22.46% | 10.88% | 34.67% |
SURAHAMMAR | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
KUNGSÖR | 22.03% | 10.88% | 34.24% |
HALLSTAHAMMAR | 21.81% | 10.88% | 34.02% |
NORBERG | 22.66% | 10.88% | 34.87% |
VÄSTERÅS | 20.36% | 10.88% | 32.57% |
SALA | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
FAGERSTA | 22.11% | 10.88% | 34.32% |
KÖPING | 22.16% | 10.88% | 34.37% |
ARBOGA | 22.41% | 10.88% | 34.62% |
VANSBRO | 22.29% | 11.64% | 35.36% |
MALUNG-SÄLEN | 22.56% | 11.64% | 35.63% |
GAGNEF | 22.28% | 11.64% | 35.35% |
LEKSAND | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
RÄTTVIK | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
ORSA | 22.31% | 11.64% | 35.38% |
ÄLVDALEN | 22.78% | 11.64% | 35.85% |
SMEDJEBACKEN | 22.45% | 11.64% | 35.52% |
MORA | 22.33% | 11.64% | 35.4% |
FALUN | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
BORLÄNGE | 22.41% | 11.64% | 35.48% |
SÄTER | 22.32% | 11.64% | 35.39% |
HEDEMORA | 22.16% | 11.64% | 35.23% |
AVESTA | 21.96% | 11.64% | 35.03% |
LUDVIKA | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
OCKELBO | 22.76% | 11.51% | 35.61% |
HOFORS | 22.86% | 11.51% | 35.71% |
OVANÅKER | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
NORDANSTIG | 22.51% | 11.51% | 35.36% |
LJUSDAL | 22.36% | 11.51% | 35.21% |
GÄVLE | 22.26% | 11.51% | 35.11% |
SANDVIKEN | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
SÖDERHAMN | 21.66% | 11.51% | 34.51% |
BOLLNÄS | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
HUDIKSVALL | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
ÅNGE | 23.33% | 11.29% | 36.28% |
TIMRÅ | 23.19% | 11.29% | 36.14% |
HÄRNÖSAND | 23.34% | 11.29% | 36.29% |
SUNDSVALL | 22.59% | 11.29% | 35.54% |
KRAMFORS | 23.14% | 11.29% | 36.09% |
SOLLEFTEÅ | 23.39% | 11.29% | 36.34% |
ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK | 22.71% | 11.29% | 35.66% |
RAGUNDA | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
BRÄCKE | 23.39% | 11.7% | 36.76% |
KROKOM | 22.17% | 11.7% | 35.54% |
STRÖMSUND | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
ÅRE | 22.22% | 11.7% | 35.59% |
BERG | 22.52% | 11.7% | 35.89% |
HÄRJEDALEN | 22.47% | 11.7% | 35.84% |
ÖSTERSUND | 22.02% | 11.7% | 35.39% |
NORDMALING | 23.25% | 11.35% | 35.98% |
BJURHOLM | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
VINDELN | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
ROBERTSFORS | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
NORSJÖ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
MALÅ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
STORUMAN | 23.1% | 11.35% | 35.83% |
SORSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
DOROTEA | 23.8% | 11.35% | 36.53% |
VÄNNÄS | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
VILHELMINA | 23.4% | 11.35% | 36.13% |
ÅSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
UMEÅ | 22.8% | 11.35% | 35.53% |
LYCKSELE | 23.05% | 11.35% | 35.78% |
SKELLEFTEÅ | 22.6% | 11.35% | 35.33% |
ARVIDSJAUR | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
ARJEPLOG | 23.5% | 11.34% | 36.11% |
JOKKMOKK | 22.95% | 11.34% | 35.56% |
ÖVERKALIX | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
KALIX | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÖVERTORNEÅ | 21.75% | 11.34% | 34.36% |
PAJALA | 23.4% | 11.34% | 36.01% |
GÄLLIVARE | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÄLVSBYN | 22.45% | 11.34% | 35.06% |
LULEÅ | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
PITEÅ | 22.25% | 11.34% | 34.86% |
BODEN | 22.6% | 11.34% | 35.21% |
HAPARANDA | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
KIRUNA | 23.05% | 11.34% | 35.66% |