Calculate your salary after tax

Swedish Church Member

With our salary calculator, you can easily calculate your after-tax income (net salary) in Sigtuna.

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Image that illustrates Sigtuna

Tax Burden in Sigtuna Municipality

Sigtuna Municipality, located in Stockholm County, has a municipal tax rate of 20%, a county tax rate of 12.38%, and a burial fee of 0.18%. For members of the Swedish Church, a church fee of 1.01% is added. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is thus 32.38%.

Use of Tax Revenues

Tax revenues in Sigtuna Municipality are used to finance a variety of services and functions that are important to residents. A large portion of the tax money goes towards education, healthcare, social services, and elderly care. Education is a prioritized sector, with resources allocated to improving the quality of education and creating a safe and stimulating environment for students. In healthcare and social services, tax money is used to ensure that the elderly and people with disabilities receive the help and support they need.

The municipality also invests in infrastructure, such as roads, parks, and public transportation, to improve quality of life and facilitate everyday life for residents. Culture and leisure are another area where tax revenues are used, with investments in libraries, sports facilities, and various cultural events.

Economic Challenges and Opportunities

Sigtuna Municipality faces several economic challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing the growing population and the increased demands for municipal services. This requires significant investments in infrastructure and public services. Additionally, the municipality is affected by the general economic development in Sweden and the world, which can lead to fluctuations in tax revenues.

Despite these challenges, there are also several opportunities. Sigtuna Municipality has a strong labor market and a thriving business sector, which contributes to a stable tax base. Tourism, thanks to the proximity to Arlanda Airport and historical attractions like Sigtuna town, provides additional economic benefits. The municipality actively works to attract new businesses and investments, which can create more jobs and increase tax revenues.

Standard of Living and Quality

Sigtuna Municipality offers a high standard of living with good housing options, excellent schools, and a rich variety of recreational activities. The municipality has well-developed infrastructure and good transportation, making it easy for residents to commute to work and school. Additionally, there are many green areas and recreational opportunities that contribute to a high quality of life.

The quality of municipal services is generally high, with efforts to improve both education and healthcare. This creates a safe and attractive environment for both current and future residents.

Reflection on Individuals' Finances

The tax burden in Sigtuna Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 32.38% excluding the church fee, it can amount to a significant portion of income going towards taxes. For members of the Swedish Church, the tax burden is even higher, totaling 33.39%. This means there is less disposable income for individuals, which can impact their spending patterns and savings.

For those who want to get a better understanding of how much they actually take home after taxes, we recommend using our tax calculator. It can help calculate the net salary based on the gross income provided and provide a clearer picture of the financial situation.

Despite the high tax burden, Sigtuna Municipality offers a high standard of living and good quality of municipal services, which can be seen as compensation for the high taxes. Residents have access to excellent schools, healthcare, and well-developed infrastructure, contributing to a good quality of life.

Your net salary in Sigtuna
  • The employer pays

    Total cost to the employer

    51 852 kr
  • Employer fee

    This is a fee your employer pays

    -12 052 kr
  • Your gross salary

    This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.

    = 39 800 kr
  • Basic Allowance

    A deduction that lowers taxable income.

    -1 442 kr
  • Taxable income

    This is what taxes and fees are calculated on

    =38 358 kr
  • Employment tax credit

    A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.

    +3 555 kr
  • Municipal tax

    The municipal tax in Sigtuna är 19.7%

    -7 557 kr
  • County tax

    The tax in your county is 12.38%

    -4 749 kr
  • State income tax

    An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 625 800 kr per year

    -0 kr
  • Church fee

    If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees

    -0 kr
  • Burial fee

    A mandatory fee charged by Sigtuna stift (i din kommun) 0.2%

    -77 kr

  • Your net salary

    This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees

    30 973 kr
  • Taxes & Fees

    This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees

    20 879 kr
Tax rates in Sweden 2025 in municipalities, counties and the whole country
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