Calculate Swedish Tax / Net Salary in Herrljunga municipality
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Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality
Herrljunga Municipality, located in Västra Götaland County, has a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee. The municipal tax is 21.94%, county tax is 11.48%, and burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, an additional church fee of 1.35% applies, making the total tax burden for these individuals 34.77%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Herrljunga Municipality are used to finance a range of important societal functions and services. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education, providing necessary resources to both primary and secondary schools to maintain a high standard of education. Healthcare and social services are another major expenditure, covering elderly care, home services, and support for individuals with disabilities.
Infrastructure and community services are also vital areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, and other public spaces, as well as investments in public transportation and environmental projects. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and recreation centers, also receive a share of the tax money to promote an active and healthy community.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Herrljunga Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population entails increased costs for healthcare and social services, while maintaining a high quality of education with limited resources can be challenging. Moreover, changes in state grants and regulations can negatively impact the municipality's budget.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Herrljunga has the potential to boost its local economy by attracting new businesses and investments. By focusing on sustainable development and innovation, the municipality can create new jobs and enhance its tax base. Tourism and culture are other areas where Herrljunga can grow and leverage its unique local resources.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Herrljunga Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-friendly environment with easy access to essential community services. Schools maintain a high standard, and there is a wide range of recreational activities for both children and adults. Healthcare and social services function well, although there are challenges in meeting the needs of an aging population.
The quality of infrastructure is also high, with well-maintained roads and good public transportation connections. Herrljunga is known for its beautiful nature and recreational opportunities, contributing to a high quality of life for residents.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee, a significant portion of income goes towards taxes. For Swedish Church members, the tax burden is even higher, up to 34.77%. This means less disposable income for private consumption and savings.
To get an accurate picture of post-tax income, individuals can use our tax calculator to determine their net salary based on the gross income provided. This tool can help residents plan their finances and understand how the tax burden impacts their disposable income.
Despite the high tax burden, residents of Herrljunga receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning public services and a high quality of life. It is a balancing act between financing essential public services and not overburdening residents economically.
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 916 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Herrljunga är 21.94%
-8 425 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.48%
-4 408 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 509 300 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Herrljunga landsbygdsförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 787 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 078 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 938 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Herrljunga är 21.94%
-8 425 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.48%
-4 408 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 523 200 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Herrljunga landsbygdsförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 808 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 057 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 988 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Herrljunga är 21.94%
-8 425 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.48%
-4 408 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 540 700 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Herrljunga landsbygdsförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
29 855 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
22 011 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 288 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Herrljunga är 21.94%
-8 425 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.48%
-4 408 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Herrljunga landsbygdsförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 155 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 710 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 718 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Herrljunga är 21.94%
-8 425 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.48%
-4 408 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Herrljunga landsbygdsförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-108 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 577 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 288 kr
stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 2525 [kommunalskatt] => 5238.175 [landstingsskatt] => 2740.85 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 66.85 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 7501.525 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 2649.8806563 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 23875 [nettolon] => 21004.0056563 [landsting] => 11.48 [bruttolon] => 26400 [area_name] => HERRLJUNGA [kommun] => HERRLJUNGA [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13267 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => HERRLJUNGA [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun
Herrljunga kommun, belägen i Västra Götalands län, har en total skattesats som uppgår till 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften. Kommunalskatten utgör 21.94%, landstingsskatten 11.48%, och begravningsavgiften 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.35%, vilket gör att det totala skattetrycket för dessa individer blir 34.77%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Herrljunga kommun används för att finansiera en rad viktiga samhällsfunktioner och tjänster. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning, där både grundskolor och gymnasieskolor får nödvändiga resurser för att upprätthålla en hög utbildningskvalitet. Vård och omsorg är en annan stor utgiftspost, som inkluderar äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättningar.
Infrastruktur och samhällsservice är också viktiga områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och andra offentliga platser, samt investeringar i kollektivtrafik och miljöprojekt. Kultur och fritid, som bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och fritidsgårdar, får också en del av skattepengarna för att främja ett aktivt och hälsosamt samhälle.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Herrljunga kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det kan bli svårare att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet inom skola och utbildning med begränsade resurser. Dessutom kan förändringar i statliga bidrag och regler påverka kommunens budget negativt.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Herrljunga har potential att utveckla sin lokala ekonomi genom att attrahera nya företag och investeringar. Genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling och innovation kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka sin skattekraft. Turism och kultur är andra områden där Herrljunga kan växa och dra nytta av sina unika lokala resurser.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Herrljunga kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med god tillgång till grundläggande samhällsservice. Skolorna håller en hög standard och det finns ett brett utbud av fritidsaktiviteter för både barn och vuxna. Vård och omsorg fungerar väl, även om det finns utmaningar med att möta behoven hos en åldrande befolkning.
Kvaliteten på infrastrukturen är också hög, med väl underhållna vägar och goda kollektivtrafikförbindelser. Herrljunga är känt för sin vackra natur och sina rekreationsmöjligheter, vilket bidrar till en hög livskvalitet för invånarna.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun påverkar naturligtvis invånarnas ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan en betydande del av inkomsten gå till skatt. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre, upp till 34.77%. Detta innebär att det blir mindre kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande.
För att få en exakt bild av hur mycket som blir kvar efter skatt kan privatpersoner använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön. Detta verktyg kan hjälpa invånarna att planera sin ekonomi och förstå hur skattetrycket påverkar deras disponibla inkomst.
Trots det höga skattetrycket får invånarna i Herrljunga mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällstjänster och en hög livskvalitet. Det är en balansgång mellan att finansiera viktiga offentliga tjänster och att inte belasta invånarna för mycket ekonomiskt.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:17:50 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:18:03 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_191712_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality
Herrljunga Municipality, located in Västra Götaland County, has a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee. The municipal tax is 21.94%, county tax is 11.48%, and burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, an additional church fee of 1.35% applies, making the total tax burden for these individuals 34.77%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Herrljunga Municipality are used to finance a range of important societal functions and services. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education, providing necessary resources to both primary and secondary schools to maintain a high standard of education. Healthcare and social services are another major expenditure, covering elderly care, home services, and support for individuals with disabilities.
Infrastructure and community services are also vital areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, and other public spaces, as well as investments in public transportation and environmental projects. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and recreation centers, also receive a share of the tax money to promote an active and healthy community.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Herrljunga Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population entails increased costs for healthcare and social services, while maintaining a high quality of education with limited resources can be challenging. Moreover, changes in state grants and regulations can negatively impact the municipality's budget.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Herrljunga has the potential to boost its local economy by attracting new businesses and investments. By focusing on sustainable development and innovation, the municipality can create new jobs and enhance its tax base. Tourism and culture are other areas where Herrljunga can grow and leverage its unique local resources.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Herrljunga Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-friendly environment with easy access to essential community services. Schools maintain a high standard, and there is a wide range of recreational activities for both children and adults. Healthcare and social services function well, although there are challenges in meeting the needs of an aging population.
The quality of infrastructure is also high, with well-maintained roads and good public transportation connections. Herrljunga is known for its beautiful nature and recreational opportunities, contributing to a high quality of life for residents.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee, a significant portion of income goes towards taxes. For Swedish Church members, the tax burden is even higher, up to 34.77%. This means less disposable income for private consumption and savings.
To get an accurate picture of post-tax income, individuals can use our tax calculator to determine their net salary based on the gross income provided. This tool can help residents plan their finances and understand how the tax burden impacts their disposable income.
Despite the high tax burden, residents of Herrljunga receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning public services and a high quality of life. It is a balancing act between financing essential public services and not overburdening residents economically.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13267 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => HERRLJUNGA [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun
Herrljunga kommun, belägen i Västra Götalands län, har en total skattesats som uppgår till 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften. Kommunalskatten utgör 21.94%, landstingsskatten 11.48%, och begravningsavgiften 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.35%, vilket gör att det totala skattetrycket för dessa individer blir 34.77%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Herrljunga kommun används för att finansiera en rad viktiga samhällsfunktioner och tjänster. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning, där både grundskolor och gymnasieskolor får nödvändiga resurser för att upprätthålla en hög utbildningskvalitet. Vård och omsorg är en annan stor utgiftspost, som inkluderar äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättningar.
Infrastruktur och samhällsservice är också viktiga områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och andra offentliga platser, samt investeringar i kollektivtrafik och miljöprojekt. Kultur och fritid, som bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och fritidsgårdar, får också en del av skattepengarna för att främja ett aktivt och hälsosamt samhälle.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Herrljunga kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det kan bli svårare att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet inom skola och utbildning med begränsade resurser. Dessutom kan förändringar i statliga bidrag och regler påverka kommunens budget negativt.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Herrljunga har potential att utveckla sin lokala ekonomi genom att attrahera nya företag och investeringar. Genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling och innovation kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka sin skattekraft. Turism och kultur är andra områden där Herrljunga kan växa och dra nytta av sina unika lokala resurser.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Herrljunga kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med god tillgång till grundläggande samhällsservice. Skolorna håller en hög standard och det finns ett brett utbud av fritidsaktiviteter för både barn och vuxna. Vård och omsorg fungerar väl, även om det finns utmaningar med att möta behoven hos en åldrande befolkning.
Kvaliteten på infrastrukturen är också hög, med väl underhållna vägar och goda kollektivtrafikförbindelser. Herrljunga är känt för sin vackra natur och sina rekreationsmöjligheter, vilket bidrar till en hög livskvalitet för invånarna.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun påverkar naturligtvis invånarnas ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan en betydande del av inkomsten gå till skatt. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre, upp till 34.77%. Detta innebär att det blir mindre kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande.
För att få en exakt bild av hur mycket som blir kvar efter skatt kan privatpersoner använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön. Detta verktyg kan hjälpa invånarna att planera sin ekonomi och förstå hur skattetrycket påverkar deras disponibla inkomst.
Trots det höga skattetrycket får invånarna i Herrljunga mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällstjänster och en hög livskvalitet. Det är en balansgång mellan att finansiera viktiga offentliga tjänster och att inte belasta invånarna för mycket ekonomiskt.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning","description": "Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:17:50 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:18:03 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_191712_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality
Herrljunga Municipality, located in Västra Götaland County, has a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee. The municipal tax is 21.94%, county tax is 11.48%, and burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, an additional church fee of 1.35% applies, making the total tax burden for these individuals 34.77%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Herrljunga Municipality are used to finance a range of important societal functions and services. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education, providing necessary resources to both primary and secondary schools to maintain a high standard of education. Healthcare and social services are another major expenditure, covering elderly care, home services, and support for individuals with disabilities.
Infrastructure and community services are also vital areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, and other public spaces, as well as investments in public transportation and environmental projects. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and recreation centers, also receive a share of the tax money to promote an active and healthy community.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Herrljunga Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population entails increased costs for healthcare and social services, while maintaining a high quality of education with limited resources can be challenging. Moreover, changes in state grants and regulations can negatively impact the municipality's budget.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Herrljunga has the potential to boost its local economy by attracting new businesses and investments. By focusing on sustainable development and innovation, the municipality can create new jobs and enhance its tax base. Tourism and culture are other areas where Herrljunga can grow and leverage its unique local resources.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Herrljunga Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-friendly environment with easy access to essential community services. Schools maintain a high standard, and there is a wide range of recreational activities for both children and adults. Healthcare and social services function well, although there are challenges in meeting the needs of an aging population.
The quality of infrastructure is also high, with well-maintained roads and good public transportation connections. Herrljunga is known for its beautiful nature and recreational opportunities, contributing to a high quality of life for residents.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee, a significant portion of income goes towards taxes. For Swedish Church members, the tax burden is even higher, up to 34.77%. This means less disposable income for private consumption and savings.
To get an accurate picture of post-tax income, individuals can use our tax calculator to determine their net salary based on the gross income provided. This tool can help residents plan their finances and understand how the tax burden impacts their disposable income.
Despite the high tax burden, residents of Herrljunga receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning public services and a high quality of life. It is a balancing act between financing essential public services and not overburdening residents economically.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization","description": "Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 3325 [kommunalskatt] => 1732.163 [landstingsskatt] => 906.346 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 22.106 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 2480.609 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 1249.23405785 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 7895 [nettolon] => 9808.61905785 [landsting] => 11.48 [bruttolon] => 11220 [area_name] => HERRLJUNGA [kommun] => HERRLJUNGA [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13267 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => HERRLJUNGA [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun
Herrljunga kommun, belägen i Västra Götalands län, har en total skattesats som uppgår till 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften. Kommunalskatten utgör 21.94%, landstingsskatten 11.48%, och begravningsavgiften 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.35%, vilket gör att det totala skattetrycket för dessa individer blir 34.77%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Herrljunga kommun används för att finansiera en rad viktiga samhällsfunktioner och tjänster. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning, där både grundskolor och gymnasieskolor får nödvändiga resurser för att upprätthålla en hög utbildningskvalitet. Vård och omsorg är en annan stor utgiftspost, som inkluderar äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättningar.
Infrastruktur och samhällsservice är också viktiga områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och andra offentliga platser, samt investeringar i kollektivtrafik och miljöprojekt. Kultur och fritid, som bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och fritidsgårdar, får också en del av skattepengarna för att främja ett aktivt och hälsosamt samhälle.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Herrljunga kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det kan bli svårare att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet inom skola och utbildning med begränsade resurser. Dessutom kan förändringar i statliga bidrag och regler påverka kommunens budget negativt.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Herrljunga har potential att utveckla sin lokala ekonomi genom att attrahera nya företag och investeringar. Genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling och innovation kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka sin skattekraft. Turism och kultur är andra områden där Herrljunga kan växa och dra nytta av sina unika lokala resurser.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Herrljunga kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med god tillgång till grundläggande samhällsservice. Skolorna håller en hög standard och det finns ett brett utbud av fritidsaktiviteter för både barn och vuxna. Vård och omsorg fungerar väl, även om det finns utmaningar med att möta behoven hos en åldrande befolkning.
Kvaliteten på infrastrukturen är också hög, med väl underhållna vägar och goda kollektivtrafikförbindelser. Herrljunga är känt för sin vackra natur och sina rekreationsmöjligheter, vilket bidrar till en hög livskvalitet för invånarna.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun påverkar naturligtvis invånarnas ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan en betydande del av inkomsten gå till skatt. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre, upp till 34.77%. Detta innebär att det blir mindre kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande.
För att få en exakt bild av hur mycket som blir kvar efter skatt kan privatpersoner använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön. Detta verktyg kan hjälpa invånarna att planera sin ekonomi och förstå hur skattetrycket påverkar deras disponibla inkomst.
Trots det höga skattetrycket får invånarna i Herrljunga mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällstjänster och en hög livskvalitet. Det är en balansgång mellan att finansiera viktiga offentliga tjänster och att inte belasta invånarna för mycket ekonomiskt.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:17:50 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:18:03 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_191712_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality
Herrljunga Municipality, located in Västra Götaland County, has a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee. The municipal tax is 21.94%, county tax is 11.48%, and burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, an additional church fee of 1.35% applies, making the total tax burden for these individuals 34.77%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Herrljunga Municipality are used to finance a range of important societal functions and services. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education, providing necessary resources to both primary and secondary schools to maintain a high standard of education. Healthcare and social services are another major expenditure, covering elderly care, home services, and support for individuals with disabilities.
Infrastructure and community services are also vital areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, and other public spaces, as well as investments in public transportation and environmental projects. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and recreation centers, also receive a share of the tax money to promote an active and healthy community.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Herrljunga Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population entails increased costs for healthcare and social services, while maintaining a high quality of education with limited resources can be challenging. Moreover, changes in state grants and regulations can negatively impact the municipality's budget.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Herrljunga has the potential to boost its local economy by attracting new businesses and investments. By focusing on sustainable development and innovation, the municipality can create new jobs and enhance its tax base. Tourism and culture are other areas where Herrljunga can grow and leverage its unique local resources.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Herrljunga Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-friendly environment with easy access to essential community services. Schools maintain a high standard, and there is a wide range of recreational activities for both children and adults. Healthcare and social services function well, although there are challenges in meeting the needs of an aging population.
The quality of infrastructure is also high, with well-maintained roads and good public transportation connections. Herrljunga is known for its beautiful nature and recreational opportunities, contributing to a high quality of life for residents.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee, a significant portion of income goes towards taxes. For Swedish Church members, the tax burden is even higher, up to 34.77%. This means less disposable income for private consumption and savings.
To get an accurate picture of post-tax income, individuals can use our tax calculator to determine their net salary based on the gross income provided. This tool can help residents plan their finances and understand how the tax burden impacts their disposable income.
Despite the high tax burden, residents of Herrljunga receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning public services and a high quality of life. It is a balancing act between financing essential public services and not overburdening residents economically.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13267 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => HERRLJUNGA [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun
Herrljunga kommun, belägen i Västra Götalands län, har en total skattesats som uppgår till 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften. Kommunalskatten utgör 21.94%, landstingsskatten 11.48%, och begravningsavgiften 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer en kyrkoavgift på 1.35%, vilket gör att det totala skattetrycket för dessa individer blir 34.77%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Herrljunga kommun används för att finansiera en rad viktiga samhällsfunktioner och tjänster. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning, där både grundskolor och gymnasieskolor får nödvändiga resurser för att upprätthålla en hög utbildningskvalitet. Vård och omsorg är en annan stor utgiftspost, som inkluderar äldreomsorg, hemtjänst och stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättningar.
Infrastruktur och samhällsservice är också viktiga områden som finansieras av skatteintäkterna. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar, parker och andra offentliga platser, samt investeringar i kollektivtrafik och miljöprojekt. Kultur och fritid, som bibliotek, idrottsanläggningar och fritidsgårdar, får också en del av skattepengarna för att främja ett aktivt och hälsosamt samhälle.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Herrljunga kommun står inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det kan bli svårare att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet inom skola och utbildning med begränsade resurser. Dessutom kan förändringar i statliga bidrag och regler påverka kommunens budget negativt.
Trots dessa utmaningar finns det också möjligheter. Herrljunga har potential att utveckla sin lokala ekonomi genom att attrahera nya företag och investeringar. Genom att satsa på hållbar utveckling och innovation kan kommunen skapa nya arbetstillfällen och öka sin skattekraft. Turism och kultur är andra områden där Herrljunga kan växa och dra nytta av sina unika lokala resurser.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Herrljunga kommun är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och naturnära miljö med god tillgång till grundläggande samhällsservice. Skolorna håller en hög standard och det finns ett brett utbud av fritidsaktiviteter för både barn och vuxna. Vård och omsorg fungerar väl, även om det finns utmaningar med att möta behoven hos en åldrande befolkning.
Kvaliteten på infrastrukturen är också hög, med väl underhållna vägar och goda kollektivtrafikförbindelser. Herrljunga är känt för sin vackra natur och sina rekreationsmöjligheter, vilket bidrar till en hög livskvalitet för invånarna.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun påverkar naturligtvis invånarnas ekonomi. Med en total skattesats på 33.42% exklusive kyrkoavgiften, kan en betydande del av inkomsten gå till skatt. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre, upp till 34.77%. Detta innebär att det blir mindre kvar i plånboken för privat konsumtion och sparande.
För att få en exakt bild av hur mycket som blir kvar efter skatt kan privatpersoner använda vår skattekalkylator för att beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön. Detta verktyg kan hjälpa invånarna att planera sin ekonomi och förstå hur skattetrycket påverkar deras disponibla inkomst.
Trots det höga skattetrycket får invånarna i Herrljunga mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällstjänster och en hög livskvalitet. Det är en balansgång mellan att finansiera viktiga offentliga tjänster och att inte belasta invånarna för mycket ekonomiskt.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning","description": "Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 21:17:50 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 21:18:03 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_191712_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality
Herrljunga Municipality, located in Västra Götaland County, has a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee. The municipal tax is 21.94%, county tax is 11.48%, and burial fee is 0.28%. For members of the Swedish Church, an additional church fee of 1.35% applies, making the total tax burden for these individuals 34.77%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Herrljunga Municipality are used to finance a range of important societal functions and services. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education, providing necessary resources to both primary and secondary schools to maintain a high standard of education. Healthcare and social services are another major expenditure, covering elderly care, home services, and support for individuals with disabilities.
Infrastructure and community services are also vital areas funded by tax revenues. This includes maintenance of roads, parks, and other public spaces, as well as investments in public transportation and environmental projects. Culture and leisure, such as libraries, sports facilities, and recreation centers, also receive a share of the tax money to promote an active and healthy community.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Herrljunga Municipality faces several economic challenges. An aging population entails increased costs for healthcare and social services, while maintaining a high quality of education with limited resources can be challenging. Moreover, changes in state grants and regulations can negatively impact the municipality's budget.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities. Herrljunga has the potential to boost its local economy by attracting new businesses and investments. By focusing on sustainable development and innovation, the municipality can create new jobs and enhance its tax base. Tourism and culture are other areas where Herrljunga can grow and leverage its unique local resources.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Herrljunga Municipality is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and nature-friendly environment with easy access to essential community services. Schools maintain a high standard, and there is a wide range of recreational activities for both children and adults. Healthcare and social services function well, although there are challenges in meeting the needs of an aging population.
The quality of infrastructure is also high, with well-maintained roads and good public transportation connections. Herrljunga is known for its beautiful nature and recreational opportunities, contributing to a high quality of life for residents.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality naturally affects residents' finances. With a total tax rate of 33.42% excluding the church fee, a significant portion of income goes towards taxes. For Swedish Church members, the tax burden is even higher, up to 34.77%. This means less disposable income for private consumption and savings.
To get an accurate picture of post-tax income, individuals can use our tax calculator to determine their net salary based on the gross income provided. This tool can help residents plan their finances and understand how the tax burden impacts their disposable income.
Despite the high tax burden, residents of Herrljunga receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning public services and a high quality of life. It is a balancing act between financing essential public services and not overburdening residents economically.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization","description": "Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun: En översikt över skattesatser och användning [description] => Läs om skattetrycket i Herrljunga kommun, hur skatteintäkterna används, ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Herrljunga Municipality: An Overview of Tax Rates and Utilization [description_eng] => Read about the tax burden in Herrljunga Municipality, how tax revenues are used, economic challenges and opportunities, and the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) )
Municipality | Municipal | County council | Total |
UPPLANDS VÄSBY | 19.42% | 12.38% | 32.81% |
VALLENTUNA | 18.9% | 12.38% | 32.29% |
ÖSTERÅKER | 16.6% | 12.38% | 29.99% |
VÄRMDÖ | 18.98% | 12.38% | 32.37% |
JÄRFÄLLA | 19.24% | 12.38% | 32.63% |
EKERÖ | 19.22% | 12.38% | 32.61% |
HUDDINGE | 19.47% | 12.38% | 32.86% |
BOTKYRKA | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
SALEM | 19.67% | 12.38% | 33.06% |
HANINGE | 19.68% | 12.38% | 33.07% |
TYRESÖ | 19.5% | 12.38% | 32.89% |
UPPLANDS-BRO | 19.4% | 12.38% | 32.79% |
NYKVARN | 19.97% | 12.38% | 33.36% |
TÄBY | 17.55% | 12.38% | 30.94% |
DANDERYD | 18.25% | 12.38% | 31.64% |
SOLLENTUNA | 18.12% | 12.38% | 31.51% |
STOCKHOLM | 17.98% | 12.38% | 31.37% |
SÖDERTÄLJE | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
NACKA | 17.88% | 12.38% | 31.27% |
SUNDBYBERG | 19.25% | 12.38% | 32.64% |
SOLNA | 17.37% | 12.38% | 30.76% |
LIDINGÖ | 17.84% | 12.38% | 31.23% |
VAXHOLM | 19.3% | 12.38% | 32.69% |
NORRTÄLJE | 19.72% | 12.38% | 33.11% |
SIGTUNA | 20% | 12.38% | 33.39% |
NYNÄSHAMN | 19.85% | 12.38% | 33.24% |
HÅBO | 21.59% | 11.71% | 34.68% |
ÄLVKARLEBY | 22.69% | 11.71% | 35.78% |
KNIVSTA | 20.91% | 11.71% | 34% |
HEBY | 22.5% | 11.71% | 35.59% |
TIERP | 21.29% | 11.71% | 34.38% |
UPPSALA | 21.14% | 11.71% | 34.23% |
ENKÖPING | 21.34% | 11.71% | 34.43% |
ÖSTHAMMAR | 21.69% | 11.71% | 34.78% |
VINGÅKER | 22.67% | 10.83% | 34.88% |
GNESTA | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
NYKÖPING | 21.42% | 10.83% | 33.63% |
OXELÖSUND | 22.22% | 10.83% | 34.43% |
FLEN | 22.27% | 10.83% | 34.48% |
KATRINEHOLM | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
ESKILSTUNA | 22.02% | 10.83% | 34.23% |
STRÄNGNÄS | 21.67% | 10.83% | 33.88% |
TROSA | 21.4% | 10.83% | 33.61% |
ÖDESHÖG | 22.6% | 11.55% | 35.56% |
YDRE | 22.55% | 11.55% | 35.51% |
KINDA | 21.45% | 11.55% | 34.41% |
BOXHOLM | 21.82% | 11.55% | 34.78% |
ÅTVIDABERG | 22.39% | 11.55% | 35.35% |
FINSPÅNG | 22.15% | 11.55% | 35.11% |
VALDEMARSVIK | 22.48% | 11.55% | 35.44% |
LINKÖPING | 20.2% | 11.55% | 33.16% |
NORRKÖPING | 21.75% | 11.55% | 34.71% |
SÖDERKÖPING | 21.98% | 11.55% | 34.94% |
MOTALA | 21.7% | 11.55% | 34.66% |
VADSTENA | 22.8% | 11.55% | 35.76% |
MJÖLBY | 21.9% | 11.55% | 34.86% |
ANEBY | 22.09% | 11.76% | 35.31% |
GNOSJÖ | 22.24% | 11.76% | 35.46% |
MULLSJÖ | 22.34% | 11.76% | 35.56% |
HABO | 22.17% | 11.76% | 35.39% |
GISLAVED | 21.99% | 11.76% | 35.21% |
VAGGERYD | 21.49% | 11.76% | 34.71% |
JÖNKÖPING | 21.64% | 11.76% | 34.86% |
NÄSSJÖ | 22.54% | 11.76% | 35.76% |
VÄRNAMO | 21.52% | 11.76% | 34.74% |
SÄVSJÖ | 21.92% | 11.76% | 35.14% |
VETLANDA | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
EKSJÖ | 22.26% | 11.76% | 35.48% |
TRANÅS | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
UPPVIDINGE | 21.8% | 12% | 35.25% |
LESSEBO | 21.81% | 12% | 35.26% |
TINGSRYD | 22% | 12% | 35.45% |
ALVESTA | 21.42% | 12% | 34.87% |
ÄLMHULT | 21.86% | 12% | 35.31% |
MARKARYD | 21.31% | 12% | 34.76% |
VÄXJÖ | 20.19% | 12% | 33.64% |
LJUNGBY | 21.07% | 12% | 34.52% |
HÖGSBY | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
TORSÅS | 21.93% | 11.86% | 35.31% |
MÖRBYLÅNGA | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
HULTSFRED | 21.91% | 11.86% | 35.29% |
MÖNSTERÅS | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
EMMABODA | 21.96% | 11.86% | 35.34% |
KALMAR | 21.81% | 11.86% | 35.19% |
NYBRO | 22.33% | 11.86% | 35.71% |
OSKARSHAMN | 22.35% | 11.86% | 35.73% |
VÄSTERVIK | 21.16% | 11.86% | 34.54% |
VIMMERBY | 22.36% | 11.86% | 35.74% |
BORGHOLM | 21.58% | 11.86% | 34.96% |
GOTLAND | 33.6% | 0% | 35.48% |
OLOFSTRÖM | 21.71% | 12.04% | 35.07% |
KARLSKRONA | 21.65% | 12.04% | 35.01% |
RONNEBY | 21.64% | 12.04% | 35% |
KARLSHAMN | 22.23% | 12.04% | 35.59% |
SÖLVESBORG | 21.82% | 12.04% | 35.18% |
SVALÖV | 20.74% | 11.18% | 33.24% |
STAFFANSTORP | 19.09% | 11.18% | 31.59% |
BURLÖV | 20.09% | 11.18% | 32.59% |
VELLINGE | 18.5% | 11.18% | 31% |
ÖSTRA GÖINGE | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
ÖRKELLJUNGA | 19.06% | 11.18% | 31.56% |
BJUV | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
KÄVLINGE | 18.51% | 11.18% | 31.01% |
LOMMA | 19.64% | 11.18% | 32.14% |
SVEDALA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
SKURUP | 20.42% | 11.18% | 32.92% |
SJÖBO | 20.92% | 11.18% | 33.42% |
HÖRBY | 21.08% | 11.18% | 33.58% |
HÖÖR | 21.75% | 11.18% | 34.25% |
TOMELILLA | 20.61% | 11.18% | 33.11% |
BROMÖLLA | 22.56% | 11.18% | 35.06% |
OSBY | 22.81% | 11.18% | 35.31% |
PERSTORP | 20.81% | 11.18% | 33.31% |
KLIPPAN | 20.75% | 11.18% | 33.25% |
ÅSTORP | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
BÅSTAD | 20.23% | 11.18% | 32.73% |
MALMÖ | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LUND | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LANDSKRONA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
HELSINGBORG | 20.21% | 11.18% | 32.71% |
HÖGANÄS | 19.73% | 11.18% | 32.23% |
ESLÖV | 20.54% | 11.18% | 33.04% |
YSTAD | 20.11% | 11.18% | 32.61% |
TRELLEBORG | 20.4% | 11.18% | 32.9% |
KRISTIANSTAD | 21.46% | 11.18% | 33.96% |
SIMRISHAMN | 20.51% | 11.18% | 33.01% |
ÄNGELHOLM | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
HÄSSLEHOLM | 21.2% | 11.18% | 33.7% |
HYLTE | 22.45% | 11.4% | 35.28% |
HALMSTAD | 20.98% | 11.4% | 33.81% |
LAHOLM | 21.4% | 11.4% | 34.23% |
FALKENBERG | 21.1% | 11.4% | 33.93% |
VARBERG | 20.33% | 11.4% | 33.16% |
KUNGSBACKA | 21.33% | 11.4% | 34.16% |
HÄRRYDA | 20.5% | 11.48% | 33.33% |
PARTILLE | 19.96% | 11.48% | 32.79% |
ÖCKERÖ | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
STENUNGSUND | 21.64% | 11.48% | 34.47% |
TJÖRN | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
ORUST | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
SOTENÄS | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
MUNKEDAL | 23.38% | 11.48% | 36.21% |
TANUM | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
DALS-ED | 23.21% | 11.48% | 36.04% |
FÄRGELANDA | 22.91% | 11.48% | 35.74% |
ALE | 21.87% | 11.48% | 34.7% |
LERUM | 20.65% | 11.48% | 33.48% |
VÅRGÅRDA | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
BOLLEBYGD | 21.59% | 11.48% | 34.42% |
GRÄSTORP | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
ESSUNGA | 21.57% | 11.48% | 34.4% |
KARLSBORG | 21.32% | 11.48% | 34.15% |
GULLSPÅNG | 22.49% | 11.48% | 35.32% |
TRANEMO | 21.5% | 11.48% | 34.33% |
BENGTSFORS | 22.92% | 11.48% | 35.75% |
MELLERUD | 22.6% | 11.48% | 35.43% |
LILLA EDET | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
MARK | 21.51% | 11.48% | 34.34% |
SVENLJUNGA | 22.05% | 11.48% | 34.88% |
HERRLJUNGA | 21.94% | 11.48% | 34.77% |
VARA | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
GÖTENE | 22.12% | 11.48% | 34.95% |
TIBRO | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
TÖREBODA | 21.72% | 11.48% | 34.55% |
GÖTEBORG | 21.12% | 11.48% | 33.95% |
MÖLNDAL | 20.51% | 11.48% | 33.34% |
KUNGÄLV | 21.44% | 11.48% | 34.27% |
LYSEKIL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
UDDEVALLA | 22.16% | 11.48% | 34.99% |
STRÖMSTAD | 21.91% | 11.48% | 34.74% |
VÄNERSBORG | 22.21% | 11.48% | 35.04% |
TROLLHÄTTAN | 22.36% | 11.48% | 35.19% |
ALINGSÅS | 21.36% | 11.48% | 34.19% |
BORÅS | 21.31% | 11.48% | 34.14% |
ULRICEHAMN | 21.05% | 11.48% | 33.88% |
ÅMÅL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
MARIESTAD | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
LIDKÖPING | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
SKARA | 21.9% | 11.48% | 34.73% |
SKÖVDE | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
HJO | 22% | 11.48% | 34.83% |
TIDAHOLM | 22.07% | 11.48% | 34.9% |
FALKÖPING | 21.95% | 11.48% | 34.78% |
KIL | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
EDA | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
TORSBY | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
STORFORS | 22.7% | 11.68% | 35.79% |
HAMMARÖ | 22.92% | 11.68% | 36.01% |
MUNKFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
FORSHAGA | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
GRUMS | 22.5% | 11.68% | 35.59% |
ÅRJÄNG | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
SUNNE | 21.62% | 11.68% | 34.71% |
KARLSTAD | 21.27% | 11.68% | 34.36% |
KRISTINEHAMN | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
FILIPSTAD | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
HAGFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
ARVIKA | 21.75% | 11.68% | 34.84% |
SÄFFLE | 21.52% | 11.68% | 34.61% |
LEKEBERG | 22.43% | 12.3% | 36.05% |
LAXÅ | 22.18% | 12.3% | 35.8% |
HALLSBERG | 21.55% | 12.3% | 35.17% |
DEGERFORS | 23% | 12.3% | 36.62% |
HÄLLEFORS | 22.05% | 12.3% | 35.67% |
LJUSNARSBERG | 21.5% | 12.3% | 35.12% |
ÖREBRO | 21.35% | 12.3% | 34.97% |
KUMLA | 21.54% | 12.3% | 35.16% |
ASKERSUND | 21.85% | 12.3% | 35.47% |
KARLSKOGA | 22% | 12.3% | 35.62% |
NORA | 22.25% | 12.3% | 35.87% |
LINDESBERG | 22.3% | 12.3% | 35.92% |
SKINNSKATTEBERG | 22.46% | 10.88% | 34.67% |
SURAHAMMAR | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
KUNGSÖR | 22.03% | 10.88% | 34.24% |
HALLSTAHAMMAR | 21.81% | 10.88% | 34.02% |
NORBERG | 22.66% | 10.88% | 34.87% |
VÄSTERÅS | 20.36% | 10.88% | 32.57% |
SALA | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
FAGERSTA | 22.11% | 10.88% | 34.32% |
KÖPING | 22.16% | 10.88% | 34.37% |
ARBOGA | 22.41% | 10.88% | 34.62% |
VANSBRO | 22.29% | 11.64% | 35.36% |
MALUNG-SÄLEN | 22.56% | 11.64% | 35.63% |
GAGNEF | 22.28% | 11.64% | 35.35% |
LEKSAND | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
RÄTTVIK | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
ORSA | 22.31% | 11.64% | 35.38% |
ÄLVDALEN | 22.78% | 11.64% | 35.85% |
SMEDJEBACKEN | 22.45% | 11.64% | 35.52% |
MORA | 22.33% | 11.64% | 35.4% |
FALUN | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
BORLÄNGE | 22.41% | 11.64% | 35.48% |
SÄTER | 22.32% | 11.64% | 35.39% |
HEDEMORA | 22.16% | 11.64% | 35.23% |
AVESTA | 21.96% | 11.64% | 35.03% |
LUDVIKA | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
OCKELBO | 22.76% | 11.51% | 35.61% |
HOFORS | 22.86% | 11.51% | 35.71% |
OVANÅKER | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
NORDANSTIG | 22.51% | 11.51% | 35.36% |
LJUSDAL | 22.36% | 11.51% | 35.21% |
GÄVLE | 22.26% | 11.51% | 35.11% |
SANDVIKEN | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
SÖDERHAMN | 21.66% | 11.51% | 34.51% |
BOLLNÄS | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
HUDIKSVALL | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
ÅNGE | 23.33% | 11.29% | 36.28% |
TIMRÅ | 23.19% | 11.29% | 36.14% |
HÄRNÖSAND | 23.34% | 11.29% | 36.29% |
SUNDSVALL | 22.59% | 11.29% | 35.54% |
KRAMFORS | 23.14% | 11.29% | 36.09% |
SOLLEFTEÅ | 23.39% | 11.29% | 36.34% |
ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK | 22.71% | 11.29% | 35.66% |
RAGUNDA | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
BRÄCKE | 23.39% | 11.7% | 36.76% |
KROKOM | 22.17% | 11.7% | 35.54% |
STRÖMSUND | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
ÅRE | 22.22% | 11.7% | 35.59% |
BERG | 22.52% | 11.7% | 35.89% |
HÄRJEDALEN | 22.47% | 11.7% | 35.84% |
ÖSTERSUND | 22.02% | 11.7% | 35.39% |
NORDMALING | 23.25% | 11.35% | 35.98% |
BJURHOLM | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
VINDELN | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
ROBERTSFORS | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
NORSJÖ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
MALÅ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
STORUMAN | 23.1% | 11.35% | 35.83% |
SORSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
DOROTEA | 23.8% | 11.35% | 36.53% |
VÄNNÄS | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
VILHELMINA | 23.4% | 11.35% | 36.13% |
ÅSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
UMEÅ | 22.8% | 11.35% | 35.53% |
LYCKSELE | 23.05% | 11.35% | 35.78% |
SKELLEFTEÅ | 22.6% | 11.35% | 35.33% |
ARVIDSJAUR | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
ARJEPLOG | 23.5% | 11.34% | 36.11% |
JOKKMOKK | 22.95% | 11.34% | 35.56% |
ÖVERKALIX | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
KALIX | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÖVERTORNEÅ | 21.75% | 11.34% | 34.36% |
PAJALA | 23.4% | 11.34% | 36.01% |
GÄLLIVARE | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÄLVSBYN | 22.45% | 11.34% | 35.06% |
LULEÅ | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
PITEÅ | 22.25% | 11.34% | 34.86% |
BODEN | 22.6% | 11.34% | 35.21% |
HAPARANDA | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
KIRUNA | 23.05% | 11.34% | 35.66% |