Calculate Swedish Tax / Net Salary in Burlov municipality
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Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality
Burlöv Municipality, located in Skåne County, is one of Sweden's smaller municipalities but still offers a range of services and benefits to its residents. The tax burden in Burlöv is an important factor that affects both the municipality's economy and the residents' standard of living. In this article, we will explore municipal taxes, how tax revenues are used, as well as the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
In Burlöv Municipality, the municipal tax rate is set at 20.09%. In addition to this, there is a county tax of 11.18% and a burial fee of 0.28%. For those who are members of the Swedish Church, there is also a church fee of 1.32%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is therefore 31.27%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Burlöv are used to finance a variety of public services and investments. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education and childcare, including primary schools, preschools, and recreation centers. Healthcare and social services are also major cost items, including elderly care and support for the disabled.
In addition to these essential services, the municipality also invests in infrastructure, culture, and recreation. This includes maintenance of roads and parks, as well as support for local cultural and sports associations. Burlöv also actively works on environmental and sustainability issues, which involves investments in green projects and sustainable energy solutions.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Despite being a smaller municipality, Burlöv faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while also requiring efforts to attract younger residents and families to balance the population structure.
Another challenge is to ensure sufficient investments in infrastructure and housing construction to meet a growing population. However, Burlöv also has several opportunities. The municipality's strategic location near Malmö and Lund makes it attractive for both businesses and commuters, which can contribute to economic growth and increased tax revenues.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Burlöv is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and well-functioning environment with good access to schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. The quality of public services is high, contributing to the well-being of the residents.
Despite the relatively high tax burden, residents receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning community services and a high quality of life. For those who want to better understand how the tax burden affects their finances, our tax calculator can be a useful tool. With this tool, one can easily calculate their net salary based on the specified gross salary.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Burlöv means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes to taxes. For a person who is not a member of the Swedish Church, this means that 31.27% of the gross salary goes to various taxes and fees. For those who are church members, the tax burden is even higher.
This can affect how much money is left in the wallet after taxes, which in turn can affect consumption patterns and savings. At the same time, the high tax revenues mean that the municipality can offer a high quality of services, which can contribute to a higher standard of living and a safer society.
In conclusion, the tax burden in Burlöv presents both challenges and opportunities for both the municipality and its residents. By carefully balancing tax revenues and expenditures, Burlöv can continue to offer high-quality services and a good quality of life for its residents.
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 729 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Burlöv är 20.09%
-7 715 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.18%
-4 293 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 509 300 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Burlöv stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 425 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 440 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 749 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Burlöv är 20.09%
-7 715 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.18%
-4 293 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 523 200 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Burlöv stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-96 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 445 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 420 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+2 796 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Burlöv är 20.09%
-7 715 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.18%
-4 293 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 540 700 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Burlöv stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 488 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 377 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 077 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Burlöv är 20.09%
-7 715 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.18%
-4 293 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Burlöv stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-100 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
30 769 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
21 096 kr
The employer pays
Total cost to the employer
51 865 kr -
Employer fee
This is a fee your employer pays
-12 065 kr -
Your gross salary
This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.
= 39 800 kr -
Basic Allowance
A deduction that lowers taxable income.
-1 400 kr -
Taxable income
This is what taxes and fees are calculated on
=38 400 kr -
Employment tax credit
A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.
+3 478 kr -
Municipal tax
The municipal tax in Burlöv är 20.09%
-7 715 kr -
County tax
The tax in your county is 11.18%
-4 293 kr -
State income tax
An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 598 500 kr per year
-0 kr -
Church fee
If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees
-0 kr -
Burial fee
A mandatory fee charged by Burlöv stift (i din kommun) 0.28%
-108 kr -
Your net salary
This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees
31 163 kr -
Taxes & Fees
This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees
20 702 kr
stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 2525 [kommunalskatt] => 4796.4875 [landstingsskatt] => 2669.225 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 66.85 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 7501.525 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 2479.40658655 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 23875 [nettolon] => 21346.84408655 [landsting] => 11.18 [bruttolon] => 26400 [area_name] => BURLÖV [kommun] => BURLOV [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13205 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => BURLÖV [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun
Burlöv kommun, belägen i Skåne län, är en av Sveriges mindre kommuner men erbjuder ändå en rad tjänster och förmåner till sina invånare. Skattetrycket i Burlöv är en viktig faktor som påverkar både kommunens ekonomi och invånarnas levnadsstandard. I denna artikel kommer vi att utforska kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och andra skatter
I Burlöv kommun är kommunalskatten satt till 20.09%. Utöver detta tillkommer landstingsskatt på 11.18% och en begravningsavgift på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer även en kyrkoavgift på 1.32%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 31.27%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Burlöv används för att finansiera en rad olika offentliga tjänster och investeringar. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, förskolor och fritidshem. Vård och omsorg är också en stor kostnadspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade ingår.
Utöver dessa grundläggande tjänster investerar kommunen även i infrastruktur, kultur och fritid. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar och parker, samt stöd till lokala kultur- och idrottsföreningar. Burlöv arbetar också aktivt med miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor, vilket innebär investeringar i gröna projekt och hållbara energilösningar.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Trots att Burlöv är en mindre kommun står den inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det ställer krav på att attrahera yngre invånare och familjer för att balansera befolkningsstrukturen.
En annan utmaning är att säkerställa tillräckliga investeringar i infrastruktur och bostadsbyggande för att möta en växande befolkning. Burlöv har dock också flera möjligheter. Kommunens strategiska läge nära Malmö och Lund gör den attraktiv för både företag och pendlare, vilket kan bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och ökade skatteintäkter.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Burlöv är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och välfungerande miljö med god tillgång till skolor, vård och fritidsaktiviteter. Kvaliteten på de offentliga tjänsterna är hög, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande.
Trots det relativt höga skattetrycket får invånarna mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällsservice och en hög livskvalitet. För de som vill få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar deras ekonomi kan vår skattekalkylator vara ett användbart verktyg. Med denna kan man enkelt beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Burlöv innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. För en person som inte är medlem i Svenska kyrkan innebär det att 31.27% av bruttolönen går till olika skatter och avgifter. För de som är medlemmar i kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre.
Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken efter skatt, vilket i sin tur kan påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande. Samtidigt innebär de höga skatteintäkterna att kommunen kan erbjuda en hög kvalitet på sina tjänster, vilket kan bidra till en högre levnadsstandard och ett tryggare samhälle.
Sammanfattningsvis innebär skattetrycket i Burlöv både utmaningar och möjligheter för både kommunen och dess invånare. Genom att noggrant balansera skatteintäkter och utgifter kan Burlöv fortsätta att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster och en god livskvalitet för sina invånare.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:18 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:32 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_182149_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality
Burlöv Municipality, located in Skåne County, is one of Sweden's smaller municipalities but still offers a range of services and benefits to its residents. The tax burden in Burlöv is an important factor that affects both the municipality's economy and the residents' standard of living. In this article, we will explore municipal taxes, how tax revenues are used, as well as the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
In Burlöv Municipality, the municipal tax rate is set at 20.09%. In addition to this, there is a county tax of 11.18% and a burial fee of 0.28%. For those who are members of the Swedish Church, there is also a church fee of 1.32%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is therefore 31.27%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Burlöv are used to finance a variety of public services and investments. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education and childcare, including primary schools, preschools, and recreation centers. Healthcare and social services are also major cost items, including elderly care and support for the disabled.
In addition to these essential services, the municipality also invests in infrastructure, culture, and recreation. This includes maintenance of roads and parks, as well as support for local cultural and sports associations. Burlöv also actively works on environmental and sustainability issues, which involves investments in green projects and sustainable energy solutions.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Despite being a smaller municipality, Burlöv faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while also requiring efforts to attract younger residents and families to balance the population structure.
Another challenge is to ensure sufficient investments in infrastructure and housing construction to meet a growing population. However, Burlöv also has several opportunities. The municipality's strategic location near Malmö and Lund makes it attractive for both businesses and commuters, which can contribute to economic growth and increased tax revenues.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Burlöv is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and well-functioning environment with good access to schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. The quality of public services is high, contributing to the well-being of the residents.
Despite the relatively high tax burden, residents receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning community services and a high quality of life. For those who want to better understand how the tax burden affects their finances, our tax calculator can be a useful tool. With this tool, one can easily calculate their net salary based on the specified gross salary.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Burlöv means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes to taxes. For a person who is not a member of the Swedish Church, this means that 31.27% of the gross salary goes to various taxes and fees. For those who are church members, the tax burden is even higher.
This can affect how much money is left in the wallet after taxes, which in turn can affect consumption patterns and savings. At the same time, the high tax revenues mean that the municipality can offer a high quality of services, which can contribute to a higher standard of living and a safer society.
In conclusion, the tax burden in Burlöv presents both challenges and opportunities for both the municipality and its residents. By carefully balancing tax revenues and expenditures, Burlöv can continue to offer high-quality services and a good quality of life for its residents.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning [description] => Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage [description_eng] => Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13205 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => BURLÖV [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun
Burlöv kommun, belägen i Skåne län, är en av Sveriges mindre kommuner men erbjuder ändå en rad tjänster och förmåner till sina invånare. Skattetrycket i Burlöv är en viktig faktor som påverkar både kommunens ekonomi och invånarnas levnadsstandard. I denna artikel kommer vi att utforska kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och andra skatter
I Burlöv kommun är kommunalskatten satt till 20.09%. Utöver detta tillkommer landstingsskatt på 11.18% och en begravningsavgift på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer även en kyrkoavgift på 1.32%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 31.27%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Burlöv används för att finansiera en rad olika offentliga tjänster och investeringar. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, förskolor och fritidshem. Vård och omsorg är också en stor kostnadspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade ingår.
Utöver dessa grundläggande tjänster investerar kommunen även i infrastruktur, kultur och fritid. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar och parker, samt stöd till lokala kultur- och idrottsföreningar. Burlöv arbetar också aktivt med miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor, vilket innebär investeringar i gröna projekt och hållbara energilösningar.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Trots att Burlöv är en mindre kommun står den inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det ställer krav på att attrahera yngre invånare och familjer för att balansera befolkningsstrukturen.
En annan utmaning är att säkerställa tillräckliga investeringar i infrastruktur och bostadsbyggande för att möta en växande befolkning. Burlöv har dock också flera möjligheter. Kommunens strategiska läge nära Malmö och Lund gör den attraktiv för både företag och pendlare, vilket kan bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och ökade skatteintäkter.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Burlöv är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och välfungerande miljö med god tillgång till skolor, vård och fritidsaktiviteter. Kvaliteten på de offentliga tjänsterna är hög, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande.
Trots det relativt höga skattetrycket får invånarna mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällsservice och en hög livskvalitet. För de som vill få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar deras ekonomi kan vår skattekalkylator vara ett användbart verktyg. Med denna kan man enkelt beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Burlöv innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. För en person som inte är medlem i Svenska kyrkan innebär det att 31.27% av bruttolönen går till olika skatter och avgifter. För de som är medlemmar i kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre.
Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken efter skatt, vilket i sin tur kan påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande. Samtidigt innebär de höga skatteintäkterna att kommunen kan erbjuda en hög kvalitet på sina tjänster, vilket kan bidra till en högre levnadsstandard och ett tryggare samhälle.
Sammanfattningsvis innebär skattetrycket i Burlöv både utmaningar och möjligheter för både kommunen och dess invånare. Genom att noggrant balansera skatteintäkter och utgifter kan Burlöv fortsätta att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster och en god livskvalitet för sina invånare.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning","description": "Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:18 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:32 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_182149_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality
Burlöv Municipality, located in Skåne County, is one of Sweden's smaller municipalities but still offers a range of services and benefits to its residents. The tax burden in Burlöv is an important factor that affects both the municipality's economy and the residents' standard of living. In this article, we will explore municipal taxes, how tax revenues are used, as well as the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
In Burlöv Municipality, the municipal tax rate is set at 20.09%. In addition to this, there is a county tax of 11.18% and a burial fee of 0.28%. For those who are members of the Swedish Church, there is also a church fee of 1.32%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is therefore 31.27%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Burlöv are used to finance a variety of public services and investments. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education and childcare, including primary schools, preschools, and recreation centers. Healthcare and social services are also major cost items, including elderly care and support for the disabled.
In addition to these essential services, the municipality also invests in infrastructure, culture, and recreation. This includes maintenance of roads and parks, as well as support for local cultural and sports associations. Burlöv also actively works on environmental and sustainability issues, which involves investments in green projects and sustainable energy solutions.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Despite being a smaller municipality, Burlöv faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while also requiring efforts to attract younger residents and families to balance the population structure.
Another challenge is to ensure sufficient investments in infrastructure and housing construction to meet a growing population. However, Burlöv also has several opportunities. The municipality's strategic location near Malmö and Lund makes it attractive for both businesses and commuters, which can contribute to economic growth and increased tax revenues.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Burlöv is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and well-functioning environment with good access to schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. The quality of public services is high, contributing to the well-being of the residents.
Despite the relatively high tax burden, residents receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning community services and a high quality of life. For those who want to better understand how the tax burden affects their finances, our tax calculator can be a useful tool. With this tool, one can easily calculate their net salary based on the specified gross salary.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Burlöv means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes to taxes. For a person who is not a member of the Swedish Church, this means that 31.27% of the gross salary goes to various taxes and fees. For those who are church members, the tax burden is even higher.
This can affect how much money is left in the wallet after taxes, which in turn can affect consumption patterns and savings. At the same time, the high tax revenues mean that the municipality can offer a high quality of services, which can contribute to a higher standard of living and a safer society.
In conclusion, the tax burden in Burlöv presents both challenges and opportunities for both the municipality and its residents. By carefully balancing tax revenues and expenditures, Burlöv can continue to offer high-quality services and a good quality of life for its residents.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage","description": "Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning [description] => Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage [description_eng] => Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) stdClass Object ( [grundAvdrag] => 3325 [kommunalskatt] => 1586.1055 [landstingsskatt] => 882.661 [kyrkoskatt] => [begravningsavgift] => 22.106 [arbetsgivaravgift] => 2480.609 [statligSkatt] => 0 [jobbskatteavdrag] => 1168.8674143917 [beskattningsbarInkomst] => 7895 [nettolon] => 9897.9949143917 [landsting] => 11.18 [bruttolon] => 11220 [area_name] => BURLÖV [kommun] => BURLOV [skiktgrans] => 598500 [aiArticle] => App\Models\Article Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => articles [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13205 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => BURLÖV [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun
Burlöv kommun, belägen i Skåne län, är en av Sveriges mindre kommuner men erbjuder ändå en rad tjänster och förmåner till sina invånare. Skattetrycket i Burlöv är en viktig faktor som påverkar både kommunens ekonomi och invånarnas levnadsstandard. I denna artikel kommer vi att utforska kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och andra skatter
I Burlöv kommun är kommunalskatten satt till 20.09%. Utöver detta tillkommer landstingsskatt på 11.18% och en begravningsavgift på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer även en kyrkoavgift på 1.32%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 31.27%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Burlöv används för att finansiera en rad olika offentliga tjänster och investeringar. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, förskolor och fritidshem. Vård och omsorg är också en stor kostnadspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade ingår.
Utöver dessa grundläggande tjänster investerar kommunen även i infrastruktur, kultur och fritid. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar och parker, samt stöd till lokala kultur- och idrottsföreningar. Burlöv arbetar också aktivt med miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor, vilket innebär investeringar i gröna projekt och hållbara energilösningar.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Trots att Burlöv är en mindre kommun står den inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det ställer krav på att attrahera yngre invånare och familjer för att balansera befolkningsstrukturen.
En annan utmaning är att säkerställa tillräckliga investeringar i infrastruktur och bostadsbyggande för att möta en växande befolkning. Burlöv har dock också flera möjligheter. Kommunens strategiska läge nära Malmö och Lund gör den attraktiv för både företag och pendlare, vilket kan bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och ökade skatteintäkter.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Burlöv är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och välfungerande miljö med god tillgång till skolor, vård och fritidsaktiviteter. Kvaliteten på de offentliga tjänsterna är hög, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande.
Trots det relativt höga skattetrycket får invånarna mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällsservice och en hög livskvalitet. För de som vill få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar deras ekonomi kan vår skattekalkylator vara ett användbart verktyg. Med denna kan man enkelt beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Burlöv innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. För en person som inte är medlem i Svenska kyrkan innebär det att 31.27% av bruttolönen går till olika skatter och avgifter. För de som är medlemmar i kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre.
Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken efter skatt, vilket i sin tur kan påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande. Samtidigt innebär de höga skatteintäkterna att kommunen kan erbjuda en hög kvalitet på sina tjänster, vilket kan bidra till en högre levnadsstandard och ett tryggare samhälle.
Sammanfattningsvis innebär skattetrycket i Burlöv både utmaningar och möjligheter för både kommunen och dess invånare. Genom att noggrant balansera skatteintäkter och utgifter kan Burlöv fortsätta att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster och en god livskvalitet för sina invånare.
[kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:18 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:32 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_182149_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality
Burlöv Municipality, located in Skåne County, is one of Sweden's smaller municipalities but still offers a range of services and benefits to its residents. The tax burden in Burlöv is an important factor that affects both the municipality's economy and the residents' standard of living. In this article, we will explore municipal taxes, how tax revenues are used, as well as the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
In Burlöv Municipality, the municipal tax rate is set at 20.09%. In addition to this, there is a county tax of 11.18% and a burial fee of 0.28%. For those who are members of the Swedish Church, there is also a church fee of 1.32%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is therefore 31.27%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Burlöv are used to finance a variety of public services and investments. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education and childcare, including primary schools, preschools, and recreation centers. Healthcare and social services are also major cost items, including elderly care and support for the disabled.
In addition to these essential services, the municipality also invests in infrastructure, culture, and recreation. This includes maintenance of roads and parks, as well as support for local cultural and sports associations. Burlöv also actively works on environmental and sustainability issues, which involves investments in green projects and sustainable energy solutions.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Despite being a smaller municipality, Burlöv faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while also requiring efforts to attract younger residents and families to balance the population structure.
Another challenge is to ensure sufficient investments in infrastructure and housing construction to meet a growing population. However, Burlöv also has several opportunities. The municipality's strategic location near Malmö and Lund makes it attractive for both businesses and commuters, which can contribute to economic growth and increased tax revenues.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Burlöv is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and well-functioning environment with good access to schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. The quality of public services is high, contributing to the well-being of the residents.
Despite the relatively high tax burden, residents receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning community services and a high quality of life. For those who want to better understand how the tax burden affects their finances, our tax calculator can be a useful tool. With this tool, one can easily calculate their net salary based on the specified gross salary.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Burlöv means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes to taxes. For a person who is not a member of the Swedish Church, this means that 31.27% of the gross salary goes to various taxes and fees. For those who are church members, the tax burden is even higher.
This can affect how much money is left in the wallet after taxes, which in turn can affect consumption patterns and savings. At the same time, the high tax revenues mean that the municipality can offer a high quality of services, which can contribute to a higher standard of living and a safer society.
In conclusion, the tax burden in Burlöv presents both challenges and opportunities for both the municipality and its residents. By carefully balancing tax revenues and expenditures, Burlöv can continue to offer high-quality services and a good quality of life for its residents.
[ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning [description] => Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage [description_eng] => Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [original:protected] => Array ( [id] => 13205 [kategori] => kommun [short_code] => BURLÖV [artikel] =>Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun
Burlöv kommun, belägen i Skåne län, är en av Sveriges mindre kommuner men erbjuder ändå en rad tjänster och förmåner till sina invånare. Skattetrycket i Burlöv är en viktig faktor som påverkar både kommunens ekonomi och invånarnas levnadsstandard. I denna artikel kommer vi att utforska kommunalskatten, hur skatteintäkterna används, samt de ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter som kommunen står inför.
Kommunalskatt och andra skatter
I Burlöv kommun är kommunalskatten satt till 20.09%. Utöver detta tillkommer landstingsskatt på 11.18% och en begravningsavgift på 0.28%. För de som är medlemmar i Svenska kyrkan tillkommer även en kyrkoavgift på 1.32%. Det totala skattetrycket exklusive kyrkoavgiften är således 31.27%.
Användning av skatteintäkter
Skatteintäkterna i Burlöv används för att finansiera en rad olika offentliga tjänster och investeringar. En betydande del av budgeten går till utbildning och barnomsorg, vilket inkluderar grundskolor, förskolor och fritidshem. Vård och omsorg är också en stor kostnadspost, där äldreomsorg och stöd till funktionshindrade ingår.
Utöver dessa grundläggande tjänster investerar kommunen även i infrastruktur, kultur och fritid. Detta inkluderar underhåll av vägar och parker, samt stöd till lokala kultur- och idrottsföreningar. Burlöv arbetar också aktivt med miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor, vilket innebär investeringar i gröna projekt och hållbara energilösningar.
Ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter
Trots att Burlöv är en mindre kommun står den inför flera ekonomiska utmaningar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade kostnader för vård och omsorg, samtidigt som det ställer krav på att attrahera yngre invånare och familjer för att balansera befolkningsstrukturen.
En annan utmaning är att säkerställa tillräckliga investeringar i infrastruktur och bostadsbyggande för att möta en växande befolkning. Burlöv har dock också flera möjligheter. Kommunens strategiska läge nära Malmö och Lund gör den attraktiv för både företag och pendlare, vilket kan bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och ökade skatteintäkter.
Levnadsstandard och kvalitet
Levnadsstandarden i Burlöv är generellt sett god. Kommunen erbjuder en trygg och välfungerande miljö med god tillgång till skolor, vård och fritidsaktiviteter. Kvaliteten på de offentliga tjänsterna är hög, vilket bidrar till invånarnas välbefinnande.
Trots det relativt höga skattetrycket får invånarna mycket tillbaka i form av välfungerande samhällsservice och en hög livskvalitet. För de som vill få en bättre förståelse för hur skattetrycket påverkar deras ekonomi kan vår skattekalkylator vara ett användbart verktyg. Med denna kan man enkelt beräkna sin nettolön utifrån angiven bruttolön.
Påverkan på privatpersoners ekonomi
Skattetrycket i Burlöv innebär att en betydande del av invånarnas inkomster går till skatt. För en person som inte är medlem i Svenska kyrkan innebär det att 31.27% av bruttolönen går till olika skatter och avgifter. För de som är medlemmar i kyrkan blir skattetrycket ännu högre.
Detta kan påverka hur mycket pengar som blir kvar i plånboken efter skatt, vilket i sin tur kan påverka konsumtionsmönster och sparande. Samtidigt innebär de höga skatteintäkterna att kommunen kan erbjuda en hög kvalitet på sina tjänster, vilket kan bidra till en högre levnadsstandard och ett tryggare samhälle.
Sammanfattningsvis innebär skattetrycket i Burlöv både utmaningar och möjligheter för både kommunen och dess invånare. Genom att noggrant balansera skatteintäkter och utgifter kan Burlöv fortsätta att erbjuda högkvalitativa tjänster och en god livskvalitet för sina invånare.
{"meta":{"title": "Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning","description": "Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen."}} [kommentarer] => 0 [gilla] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:18 [updated_at] => 2024-05-23 20:43:32 [image_filename] => /assets/images/ai/20240514_182149_image.jpg [artikel_eng] =>Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality
Burlöv Municipality, located in Skåne County, is one of Sweden's smaller municipalities but still offers a range of services and benefits to its residents. The tax burden in Burlöv is an important factor that affects both the municipality's economy and the residents' standard of living. In this article, we will explore municipal taxes, how tax revenues are used, as well as the economic challenges and opportunities facing the municipality.
Municipal Tax and Other Taxes
In Burlöv Municipality, the municipal tax rate is set at 20.09%. In addition to this, there is a county tax of 11.18% and a burial fee of 0.28%. For those who are members of the Swedish Church, there is also a church fee of 1.32%. The total tax burden excluding the church fee is therefore 31.27%.
Use of Tax Revenues
Tax revenues in Burlöv are used to finance a variety of public services and investments. A significant portion of the budget goes towards education and childcare, including primary schools, preschools, and recreation centers. Healthcare and social services are also major cost items, including elderly care and support for the disabled.
In addition to these essential services, the municipality also invests in infrastructure, culture, and recreation. This includes maintenance of roads and parks, as well as support for local cultural and sports associations. Burlöv also actively works on environmental and sustainability issues, which involves investments in green projects and sustainable energy solutions.
Economic Challenges and Opportunities
Despite being a smaller municipality, Burlöv faces several economic challenges. An aging population means increased costs for healthcare and social services, while also requiring efforts to attract younger residents and families to balance the population structure.
Another challenge is to ensure sufficient investments in infrastructure and housing construction to meet a growing population. However, Burlöv also has several opportunities. The municipality's strategic location near Malmö and Lund makes it attractive for both businesses and commuters, which can contribute to economic growth and increased tax revenues.
Standard of Living and Quality
The standard of living in Burlöv is generally good. The municipality offers a safe and well-functioning environment with good access to schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. The quality of public services is high, contributing to the well-being of the residents.
Despite the relatively high tax burden, residents receive a lot in return in the form of well-functioning community services and a high quality of life. For those who want to better understand how the tax burden affects their finances, our tax calculator can be a useful tool. With this tool, one can easily calculate their net salary based on the specified gross salary.
Impact on Individuals' Finances
The tax burden in Burlöv means that a significant portion of residents' incomes goes to taxes. For a person who is not a member of the Swedish Church, this means that 31.27% of the gross salary goes to various taxes and fees. For those who are church members, the tax burden is even higher.
This can affect how much money is left in the wallet after taxes, which in turn can affect consumption patterns and savings. At the same time, the high tax revenues mean that the municipality can offer a high quality of services, which can contribute to a higher standard of living and a safer society.
In conclusion, the tax burden in Burlöv presents both challenges and opportunities for both the municipality and its residents. By carefully balancing tax revenues and expenditures, Burlöv can continue to offer high-quality services and a good quality of life for its residents.
{"meta":{"title": "Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage","description": "Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality."}} [ai_model] => gpt-4o-2024-05-13 [title] => Skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun - En djupdykning i skattesatser och användning [description] => Utforska skattetrycket i Burlöv kommun, inklusive kommunalskatt, landstingsskatt och hur skatteintäkterna används. Läs om ekonomiska utmaningar och möjligheter samt levnadsstandard och kvalitet i kommunen. [blog_tags] => [title_eng] => Tax Burden in Burlöv Municipality - A Deep Dive into Tax Rates and Usage [description_eng] => Explore the tax burden in Burlöv Municipality, including municipal tax, county tax, and how tax revenues are used. Read about economic challenges and opportunities as well as the standard of living and quality in the municipality. [noindex] => 0 [sponsor] => 0 [author_name] => Richard Andersson [email] => [email protected] [publish_time] => [status] => draft [link_url] => [link_anchor] => [link_instructions] => ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( ) ) )
Municipality | Municipal | County council | Total |
UPPLANDS VÄSBY | 19.42% | 12.38% | 32.81% |
VALLENTUNA | 18.9% | 12.38% | 32.29% |
ÖSTERÅKER | 16.6% | 12.38% | 29.99% |
VÄRMDÖ | 18.98% | 12.38% | 32.37% |
JÄRFÄLLA | 19.24% | 12.38% | 32.63% |
EKERÖ | 19.22% | 12.38% | 32.61% |
HUDDINGE | 19.47% | 12.38% | 32.86% |
BOTKYRKA | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
SALEM | 19.67% | 12.38% | 33.06% |
HANINGE | 19.68% | 12.38% | 33.07% |
TYRESÖ | 19.5% | 12.38% | 32.89% |
UPPLANDS-BRO | 19.4% | 12.38% | 32.79% |
NYKVARN | 19.97% | 12.38% | 33.36% |
TÄBY | 17.55% | 12.38% | 30.94% |
DANDERYD | 18.25% | 12.38% | 31.64% |
SOLLENTUNA | 18.12% | 12.38% | 31.51% |
STOCKHOLM | 17.98% | 12.38% | 31.37% |
SÖDERTÄLJE | 20.15% | 12.38% | 33.54% |
NACKA | 17.88% | 12.38% | 31.27% |
SUNDBYBERG | 19.25% | 12.38% | 32.64% |
SOLNA | 17.37% | 12.38% | 30.76% |
LIDINGÖ | 17.84% | 12.38% | 31.23% |
VAXHOLM | 19.3% | 12.38% | 32.69% |
NORRTÄLJE | 19.72% | 12.38% | 33.11% |
SIGTUNA | 20% | 12.38% | 33.39% |
NYNÄSHAMN | 19.85% | 12.38% | 33.24% |
HÅBO | 21.59% | 11.71% | 34.68% |
ÄLVKARLEBY | 22.69% | 11.71% | 35.78% |
KNIVSTA | 20.91% | 11.71% | 34% |
HEBY | 22.5% | 11.71% | 35.59% |
TIERP | 21.29% | 11.71% | 34.38% |
UPPSALA | 21.14% | 11.71% | 34.23% |
ENKÖPING | 21.34% | 11.71% | 34.43% |
ÖSTHAMMAR | 21.69% | 11.71% | 34.78% |
VINGÅKER | 22.67% | 10.83% | 34.88% |
GNESTA | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
NYKÖPING | 21.42% | 10.83% | 33.63% |
OXELÖSUND | 22.22% | 10.83% | 34.43% |
FLEN | 22.27% | 10.83% | 34.48% |
KATRINEHOLM | 22.12% | 10.83% | 34.33% |
ESKILSTUNA | 22.02% | 10.83% | 34.23% |
STRÄNGNÄS | 21.67% | 10.83% | 33.88% |
TROSA | 21.4% | 10.83% | 33.61% |
ÖDESHÖG | 22.6% | 11.55% | 35.56% |
YDRE | 22.55% | 11.55% | 35.51% |
KINDA | 21.45% | 11.55% | 34.41% |
BOXHOLM | 21.82% | 11.55% | 34.78% |
ÅTVIDABERG | 22.39% | 11.55% | 35.35% |
FINSPÅNG | 22.15% | 11.55% | 35.11% |
VALDEMARSVIK | 22.48% | 11.55% | 35.44% |
LINKÖPING | 20.2% | 11.55% | 33.16% |
NORRKÖPING | 21.75% | 11.55% | 34.71% |
SÖDERKÖPING | 21.98% | 11.55% | 34.94% |
MOTALA | 21.7% | 11.55% | 34.66% |
VADSTENA | 22.8% | 11.55% | 35.76% |
MJÖLBY | 21.9% | 11.55% | 34.86% |
ANEBY | 22.09% | 11.76% | 35.31% |
GNOSJÖ | 22.24% | 11.76% | 35.46% |
MULLSJÖ | 22.34% | 11.76% | 35.56% |
HABO | 22.17% | 11.76% | 35.39% |
GISLAVED | 21.99% | 11.76% | 35.21% |
VAGGERYD | 21.49% | 11.76% | 34.71% |
JÖNKÖPING | 21.64% | 11.76% | 34.86% |
NÄSSJÖ | 22.54% | 11.76% | 35.76% |
VÄRNAMO | 21.52% | 11.76% | 34.74% |
SÄVSJÖ | 21.92% | 11.76% | 35.14% |
VETLANDA | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
EKSJÖ | 22.26% | 11.76% | 35.48% |
TRANÅS | 22.01% | 11.76% | 35.23% |
UPPVIDINGE | 21.8% | 12% | 35.25% |
LESSEBO | 21.81% | 12% | 35.26% |
TINGSRYD | 22% | 12% | 35.45% |
ALVESTA | 21.42% | 12% | 34.87% |
ÄLMHULT | 21.86% | 12% | 35.31% |
MARKARYD | 21.31% | 12% | 34.76% |
VÄXJÖ | 20.19% | 12% | 33.64% |
LJUNGBY | 21.07% | 12% | 34.52% |
HÖGSBY | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
TORSÅS | 21.93% | 11.86% | 35.31% |
MÖRBYLÅNGA | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
HULTSFRED | 21.91% | 11.86% | 35.29% |
MÖNSTERÅS | 22.21% | 11.86% | 35.59% |
EMMABODA | 21.96% | 11.86% | 35.34% |
KALMAR | 21.81% | 11.86% | 35.19% |
NYBRO | 22.33% | 11.86% | 35.71% |
OSKARSHAMN | 22.35% | 11.86% | 35.73% |
VÄSTERVIK | 21.16% | 11.86% | 34.54% |
VIMMERBY | 22.36% | 11.86% | 35.74% |
BORGHOLM | 21.58% | 11.86% | 34.96% |
GOTLAND | 33.6% | 0% | 35.48% |
OLOFSTRÖM | 21.71% | 12.04% | 35.07% |
KARLSKRONA | 21.65% | 12.04% | 35.01% |
RONNEBY | 21.64% | 12.04% | 35% |
KARLSHAMN | 22.23% | 12.04% | 35.59% |
SÖLVESBORG | 21.82% | 12.04% | 35.18% |
SVALÖV | 20.74% | 11.18% | 33.24% |
STAFFANSTORP | 19.09% | 11.18% | 31.59% |
BURLÖV | 20.09% | 11.18% | 32.59% |
VELLINGE | 18.5% | 11.18% | 31% |
ÖSTRA GÖINGE | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
ÖRKELLJUNGA | 19.06% | 11.18% | 31.56% |
BJUV | 20.99% | 11.18% | 33.49% |
KÄVLINGE | 18.51% | 11.18% | 31.01% |
LOMMA | 19.64% | 11.18% | 32.14% |
SVEDALA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
SKURUP | 20.42% | 11.18% | 32.92% |
SJÖBO | 20.92% | 11.18% | 33.42% |
HÖRBY | 21.08% | 11.18% | 33.58% |
HÖÖR | 21.75% | 11.18% | 34.25% |
TOMELILLA | 20.61% | 11.18% | 33.11% |
BROMÖLLA | 22.56% | 11.18% | 35.06% |
OSBY | 22.81% | 11.18% | 35.31% |
PERSTORP | 20.81% | 11.18% | 33.31% |
KLIPPAN | 20.75% | 11.18% | 33.25% |
ÅSTORP | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
BÅSTAD | 20.23% | 11.18% | 32.73% |
MALMÖ | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LUND | 21.24% | 11.18% | 33.74% |
LANDSKRONA | 20.24% | 11.18% | 32.74% |
HELSINGBORG | 20.21% | 11.18% | 32.71% |
HÖGANÄS | 19.73% | 11.18% | 32.23% |
ESLÖV | 20.54% | 11.18% | 33.04% |
YSTAD | 20.11% | 11.18% | 32.61% |
TRELLEBORG | 20.4% | 11.18% | 32.9% |
KRISTIANSTAD | 21.46% | 11.18% | 33.96% |
SIMRISHAMN | 20.51% | 11.18% | 33.01% |
ÄNGELHOLM | 20.29% | 11.18% | 32.79% |
HÄSSLEHOLM | 21.2% | 11.18% | 33.7% |
HYLTE | 22.45% | 11.4% | 35.28% |
HALMSTAD | 20.98% | 11.4% | 33.81% |
LAHOLM | 21.4% | 11.4% | 34.23% |
FALKENBERG | 21.1% | 11.4% | 33.93% |
VARBERG | 20.33% | 11.4% | 33.16% |
KUNGSBACKA | 21.33% | 11.4% | 34.16% |
HÄRRYDA | 20.5% | 11.48% | 33.33% |
PARTILLE | 19.96% | 11.48% | 32.79% |
ÖCKERÖ | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
STENUNGSUND | 21.64% | 11.48% | 34.47% |
TJÖRN | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
ORUST | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
SOTENÄS | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
MUNKEDAL | 23.38% | 11.48% | 36.21% |
TANUM | 21.56% | 11.48% | 34.39% |
DALS-ED | 23.21% | 11.48% | 36.04% |
FÄRGELANDA | 22.91% | 11.48% | 35.74% |
ALE | 21.87% | 11.48% | 34.7% |
LERUM | 20.65% | 11.48% | 33.48% |
VÅRGÅRDA | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
BOLLEBYGD | 21.59% | 11.48% | 34.42% |
GRÄSTORP | 21.99% | 11.48% | 34.82% |
ESSUNGA | 21.57% | 11.48% | 34.4% |
KARLSBORG | 21.32% | 11.48% | 34.15% |
GULLSPÅNG | 22.49% | 11.48% | 35.32% |
TRANEMO | 21.5% | 11.48% | 34.33% |
BENGTSFORS | 22.92% | 11.48% | 35.75% |
MELLERUD | 22.6% | 11.48% | 35.43% |
LILLA EDET | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
MARK | 21.51% | 11.48% | 34.34% |
SVENLJUNGA | 22.05% | 11.48% | 34.88% |
HERRLJUNGA | 21.94% | 11.48% | 34.77% |
VARA | 22.37% | 11.48% | 35.2% |
GÖTENE | 22.12% | 11.48% | 34.95% |
TIBRO | 21.71% | 11.48% | 34.54% |
TÖREBODA | 21.72% | 11.48% | 34.55% |
GÖTEBORG | 21.12% | 11.48% | 33.95% |
MÖLNDAL | 20.51% | 11.48% | 33.34% |
KUNGÄLV | 21.44% | 11.48% | 34.27% |
LYSEKIL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
UDDEVALLA | 22.16% | 11.48% | 34.99% |
STRÖMSTAD | 21.91% | 11.48% | 34.74% |
VÄNERSBORG | 22.21% | 11.48% | 35.04% |
TROLLHÄTTAN | 22.36% | 11.48% | 35.19% |
ALINGSÅS | 21.36% | 11.48% | 34.19% |
BORÅS | 21.31% | 11.48% | 34.14% |
ULRICEHAMN | 21.05% | 11.48% | 33.88% |
ÅMÅL | 22.46% | 11.48% | 35.29% |
MARIESTAD | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
LIDKÖPING | 21.26% | 11.48% | 34.09% |
SKARA | 21.9% | 11.48% | 34.73% |
SKÖVDE | 21.61% | 11.48% | 34.44% |
HJO | 22% | 11.48% | 34.83% |
TIDAHOLM | 22.07% | 11.48% | 34.9% |
FALKÖPING | 21.95% | 11.48% | 34.78% |
KIL | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
EDA | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
TORSBY | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
STORFORS | 22.7% | 11.68% | 35.79% |
HAMMARÖ | 22.92% | 11.68% | 36.01% |
MUNKFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
FORSHAGA | 22.35% | 11.68% | 35.44% |
GRUMS | 22.5% | 11.68% | 35.59% |
ÅRJÄNG | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
SUNNE | 21.62% | 11.68% | 34.71% |
KARLSTAD | 21.27% | 11.68% | 34.36% |
KRISTINEHAMN | 21.97% | 11.68% | 35.06% |
FILIPSTAD | 22.27% | 11.68% | 35.36% |
HAGFORS | 22.02% | 11.68% | 35.11% |
ARVIKA | 21.75% | 11.68% | 34.84% |
SÄFFLE | 21.52% | 11.68% | 34.61% |
LEKEBERG | 22.43% | 12.3% | 36.05% |
LAXÅ | 22.18% | 12.3% | 35.8% |
HALLSBERG | 21.55% | 12.3% | 35.17% |
DEGERFORS | 23% | 12.3% | 36.62% |
HÄLLEFORS | 22.05% | 12.3% | 35.67% |
LJUSNARSBERG | 21.5% | 12.3% | 35.12% |
ÖREBRO | 21.35% | 12.3% | 34.97% |
KUMLA | 21.54% | 12.3% | 35.16% |
ASKERSUND | 21.85% | 12.3% | 35.47% |
KARLSKOGA | 22% | 12.3% | 35.62% |
NORA | 22.25% | 12.3% | 35.87% |
LINDESBERG | 22.3% | 12.3% | 35.92% |
SKINNSKATTEBERG | 22.46% | 10.88% | 34.67% |
SURAHAMMAR | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
KUNGSÖR | 22.03% | 10.88% | 34.24% |
HALLSTAHAMMAR | 21.81% | 10.88% | 34.02% |
NORBERG | 22.66% | 10.88% | 34.87% |
VÄSTERÅS | 20.36% | 10.88% | 32.57% |
SALA | 22.31% | 10.88% | 34.52% |
FAGERSTA | 22.11% | 10.88% | 34.32% |
KÖPING | 22.16% | 10.88% | 34.37% |
ARBOGA | 22.41% | 10.88% | 34.62% |
VANSBRO | 22.29% | 11.64% | 35.36% |
MALUNG-SÄLEN | 22.56% | 11.64% | 35.63% |
GAGNEF | 22.28% | 11.64% | 35.35% |
LEKSAND | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
RÄTTVIK | 21.81% | 11.64% | 34.88% |
ORSA | 22.31% | 11.64% | 35.38% |
ÄLVDALEN | 22.78% | 11.64% | 35.85% |
SMEDJEBACKEN | 22.45% | 11.64% | 35.52% |
MORA | 22.33% | 11.64% | 35.4% |
FALUN | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
BORLÄNGE | 22.41% | 11.64% | 35.48% |
SÄTER | 22.32% | 11.64% | 35.39% |
HEDEMORA | 22.16% | 11.64% | 35.23% |
AVESTA | 21.96% | 11.64% | 35.03% |
LUDVIKA | 22.06% | 11.64% | 35.13% |
OCKELBO | 22.76% | 11.51% | 35.61% |
HOFORS | 22.86% | 11.51% | 35.71% |
OVANÅKER | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
NORDANSTIG | 22.51% | 11.51% | 35.36% |
LJUSDAL | 22.36% | 11.51% | 35.21% |
GÄVLE | 22.26% | 11.51% | 35.11% |
SANDVIKEN | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
SÖDERHAMN | 21.66% | 11.51% | 34.51% |
BOLLNÄS | 21.86% | 11.51% | 34.71% |
HUDIKSVALL | 21.61% | 11.51% | 34.46% |
ÅNGE | 23.33% | 11.29% | 36.28% |
TIMRÅ | 23.19% | 11.29% | 36.14% |
HÄRNÖSAND | 23.34% | 11.29% | 36.29% |
SUNDSVALL | 22.59% | 11.29% | 35.54% |
KRAMFORS | 23.14% | 11.29% | 36.09% |
SOLLEFTEÅ | 23.39% | 11.29% | 36.34% |
ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK | 22.71% | 11.29% | 35.66% |
RAGUNDA | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
BRÄCKE | 23.39% | 11.7% | 36.76% |
KROKOM | 22.17% | 11.7% | 35.54% |
STRÖMSUND | 23.22% | 11.7% | 36.59% |
ÅRE | 22.22% | 11.7% | 35.59% |
BERG | 22.52% | 11.7% | 35.89% |
HÄRJEDALEN | 22.47% | 11.7% | 35.84% |
ÖSTERSUND | 22.02% | 11.7% | 35.39% |
NORDMALING | 23.25% | 11.35% | 35.98% |
BJURHOLM | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
VINDELN | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
ROBERTSFORS | 23.15% | 11.35% | 35.88% |
NORSJÖ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
MALÅ | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
STORUMAN | 23.1% | 11.35% | 35.83% |
SORSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
DOROTEA | 23.8% | 11.35% | 36.53% |
VÄNNÄS | 23.35% | 11.35% | 36.08% |
VILHELMINA | 23.4% | 11.35% | 36.13% |
ÅSELE | 23.6% | 11.35% | 36.33% |
UMEÅ | 22.8% | 11.35% | 35.53% |
LYCKSELE | 23.05% | 11.35% | 35.78% |
SKELLEFTEÅ | 22.6% | 11.35% | 35.33% |
ARVIDSJAUR | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
ARJEPLOG | 23.5% | 11.34% | 36.11% |
JOKKMOKK | 22.95% | 11.34% | 35.56% |
ÖVERKALIX | 22.8% | 11.34% | 35.41% |
KALIX | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÖVERTORNEÅ | 21.75% | 11.34% | 34.36% |
PAJALA | 23.4% | 11.34% | 36.01% |
GÄLLIVARE | 22.55% | 11.34% | 35.16% |
ÄLVSBYN | 22.45% | 11.34% | 35.06% |
LULEÅ | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
PITEÅ | 22.25% | 11.34% | 34.86% |
BODEN | 22.6% | 11.34% | 35.21% |
HAPARANDA | 22.5% | 11.34% | 35.11% |
KIRUNA | 23.05% | 11.34% | 35.66% |