Image that illustrates Florist

Florist salary

31 900 kr

Store salespersons, specialty trade

What will be the salary after tax?

29 500 - 34 600 kr / month

Women earn 96% of what men do.

Försäljning & inköp

Salary progression Florist

Average salary 31 900 kr
Males 32 700 kr
Females 31 300 kr
Profession Florist and its salary
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The Florist Profession: An Insight into Salary and Working Conditions

As a florist, you have the opportunity to work with creativity and nature every day. The profession involves designing and arranging flowers and plants for various occasions, such as weddings, funerals, and other special events. For many, this profession is an art form where color, shape, and scent are combined to create beautiful and memorable arrangements. In this context, salary is an important factor for those considering a career as a florist.

What Does a Florist Earn?

The salary for a florist varies depending on several factors such as workplace and experience. The average salary for a florist in Sweden is 31 900 SEK per month. There is a certain wage gap between genders; men earn an average of 32 700 SEK while women earn 31 300 SEK. This means that women earn approximately 96% of what men do in this profession. The highest reported salary for a male florist is 34600 SEK, while for a female it is 32 700 SEK. On the lower end of the salary scale, men earn 29500 SEK and women earn 30100 SEK.

Hourly Wage and Employment Type

For florists working on an hourly basis, the average wage is 192 SEK per hour, based on 166 worked hours per month. This marks an increase from previous measurements where the average wage was 30 900 SEK, indicating a positive salary trend within the profession.

Job Duties and Work Environment

As a florist, you often work in a flower shop or garden center. Duties include receiving and assisting customers, creating floral arrangements, and ensuring that the shop is inviting and well-organized. The profession requires both creative thinking and practical skills, as well as a strong sense of customer service.

Educational Requirements and Career Paths

To become a florist, it is common to pursue a high school education with a focus on gardening or similar. There are also opportunities to attend specific floristry courses that can provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about flowers and plants. Practical experience is often highly valued, and many florists start their careers through internships or apprenticeships.

Future Outlook and Competition

The Swedish Public Employment Service's forecasts show that the opportunities for work as a shop assistant, a category under which florists are often classified, are significant. Over a five-year period, demand is expected to remain stable. However, the recruitment situation may be challenging, with many working part-time in the profession.

Benefits and Working Conditions

Benefits within the floristry profession can vary depending on the employer and type of employment. It is not uncommon for employers to offer further education in floral design and trends, which can be an attractive benefit for those looking to develop their skills and stay updated within the industry.

Concluding Reflection

Working as a florist involves a combination of creativity and practical work. The salary is competitive, especially considering the artistic and personal aspects of the profession. For those who love flowers and plants and are interested in working in an environment where aesthetics and customer service are central, a career as a florist can be both rewarding and challenging.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Florist is 34600 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Regional sector with a upper secondary education, maximum 2 years. The highest salary for a woman in this profession is 32700 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Florist is 29500 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Privately employed officials. The lowest salary for a woman in this profession is 30100 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
18-24 100% 24600 kr 30400 kr
25-34 97% 27700 kr 32200 kr
35-44 96% 29600 kr 32600 kr
45-54 88% 30300 kr 32700 kr
55-64 92% 30200 kr 33500 kr
65-68 103% 29400 kr 32900 kr
Snitt 96% 27500 kr 31900 kr
Salary per sector
AllAllPrivate Private Private Private 3200032000240002400016000160008000800000
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Salary based on education
All levels of educationAll levels of educationPre-secondary educat...Pre-secondary education shorter than 9 yearsPre-secondary educat...Pre-secondary education, 9 yearsUpper secondary edu...Upper secondary education, maximum 2 yearsHigh school education...High school education, 3 yearsPost-secondary educat...Post-secondary education, less than 3 yearsPost-secondary educa...Post-secondary education, 3 years or moreData missingData missing40000400003200032000240002400016000160008000800000
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Florist has the SSYK code 5223, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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31 377
11 738
12 129

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