Childcare Workers Wanted at I Ur och Skur Preschool Vinterelvan

Uteförskolan Vinterelvan AB

Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

~26 600 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Socialt arbete och omsorg
Gymnasial utbildning

27 days left
to apply for the job

I Ur och Skur Preschool Vinterelvan is an independent preschool in Hägersten. We are now looking for active childcare workers with a genuine interest in outdoor pedagogy who see the joy and benefit of providing children with meaningful learning both indoors and outdoors.

We are looking for you who are a qualified childcare worker and enjoy outdoor life and being in nature. Ideally, you have experience working with the I Ur och Skur methodology and have some form of education in this area, but it is not a requirement for employment!

We offer free meals, wellness benefits, work clothes, training in I Ur och Skur, and other professional development.

We are a wonderful, stable team of educators who are all passionate about outdoor pedagogy and making each child's preschool time as meaningful and educational as possible. With us, you will become part of our team where collaboration, joy at work, clarity, and child focus are our cornerstones.

Within I Ur och Skur, we work according to the four M's: Medupptäckande, Medupplevande, Medagerande, and Medundersökande. It is important that you see all children and develop the activities based on the children's interests.

The methodology is based on active outdoor life, outdoor pedagogy, and experience-based learning, and works according to the goals in the Curriculum. The children discover, play, and experience with all their senses and their whole bodies. They also develop a close relationship with nature and gain knowledge and confidence to be outdoors.

We are looking for someone with relevant childcare education and experience in the childcare role, who possesses very good knowledge of Swedish, both spoken and written, and has a good understanding of pedagogical documentation and experience with digital tools in their work.

We will conduct interviews continuously during the advertising period, and the position may be filled before the advertisement period ends.

The start date is flexible.

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