Temporary Employment in Healthcare and Social Care

Sweden Dental AB

Stockholms län, Södertälje

Previous experience is desired

144 days left
to apply for the job

Salary and working hours according to agreement. We are open to full-time, part-time, or hourly wage.

Temporary employment sought due to long parental leave. The employment is temporary until the other person returns from their parental leave.

We are looking for a skilled person who finds it easy to talk to our customers, is attentive and pleasant, and has very good computer skills, mobile telephony, and order management.

You should be able to speak and write Swedish and English almost perfectly. Ideally, you have worked with office services within healthcare and social care, but this is not a requirement. You should also be able to collaborate easily in a team with our dental technicians and other staff in the office/logistics.

Open to all
We focus on your skills, not your other circumstances. We are open to adapting the role or workplace to meet your needs.

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