Cigar Club Seeks Investigative Journalist

Cigarrklubben CK Sverige AB

Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

~42 500 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Journalistik och information
Eftergymnasial utbildning kortare än två år

26 days left
to apply for the job

In our previous ad last summer, we were looking for students, little did we know then that we would receive applications from professional journalists affected by the reduction of press support here and there. It is certainly great for the Cigar Club that skilled journalists want to work with us on an hourly basis. But perhaps not so good from a democratic perspective.

And in order to continue undermining democracy, we thought we might see if we can cannibalize on the layoffs at SvD and Aftonbladet. We cannot offer you a full-time position, but surely a few hours here and there until you find something else.

We do not refer to ourselves as alternative media, as that requires an already existing narrative, where one is the alternative. Investigations about the cigar industry were absent before we arrived, thus we refer to ourselves by the self-composed term complementary media. We hope to land a spot in this year's new word list. We run the blog Cigar World, which can be found on our website, and which operates with a publishing certificate.

You are interested in investigative journalism, the format is of lesser interest (podcast, articles, etc.). You have a solid inner moral compass and believe that the truth is more important than the angle. You have a sense of justice and a feeling for fair play. Additionally, you are articulate, or rather, skilled with the pen.

You are also okay with writing anonymously, which is very controversial (professional pride, honor, and so on), but we have had a threat against us that is escalating. The fewer employees who are known, the fewer to protect. We have a fairly large security apparatus behind us, for a bizarrely small operation. But we are very careful with security, both for staff and members, that comes first. You need to be able to live with that type of restrictions.

We have no opinions about your political affiliation; we mix freely. You can be bluer than the train or redder than Mao. However, we are completely apolitical; we primarily look at how tobacco laws are structured and how they are followed. We have no opinions about their formulation. Because that is politics.

If you are someone who can discuss politics without being perceived as unpleasant and sometimes feel alone in the opinion that your party behaves foolishly on a specific issue, then you fit in well with us. If you always adhere to the party line regardless of the issue, and regardless of party affiliation, then you do not belong with us. By the way, that’s how people like Hitler come to power.

We want thinking individuals who can stand for uncomfortable opinions and do not mind being misunderstood for long periods.

Smoking cigars is not a merit at all. Quite the opposite; you don’t even need to have a particularly good opinion of the tobacco industry, that is not the type of question we are dealing with.

You will be paid hourly. The work is mostly remote.

Recruiters need not apply.

We are by no means a gentlemen's club and are not particularly fond of bro culture. Your personality as an applicant is crucial. Your gender is not.

We do not accept visitors. Physically submitted applications will be discarded. Applications that do not meet the requirements, formalities, etc., will be discarded immediately, without response or follow-up. Keep that in mind; we receive a lot of responses. You do not need to be flashy to stand out. It is enough to follow the formal requirements, then you have already surpassed 90%. They don’t even bother to read this far to catch that.

To any young applicants, you are welcome. But responding with something like "I’m having coffee with a friend, can you call back later?" when you receive a follow-up call on your application is relatively unimpressive.

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