Job Advertisement at Sameskolstyrelsen


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Job Advertisement - Sameskolstyrelsen

Sameskolstyrelsen is a government authority and has its office with the school principal, controllers, HR, and administrators in Jåhkåmåhkke.

Sameskolan is a school form equivalent to primary school, providing education from preschool class to grade 6. The starting point for the education is the Sámi culture and the Sámi language according to the curriculum for Sameskolan. Sameskolstyrelsen also operates preschools by agreement with the respective municipality. Sameskolstyrelsen has, after agreement with the municipality, Sámi preschools. Sameskolstyrelsen has operations in Giron, Gárasavvon, Váhtjer, Jåhkåmåhkke, and Dearna.

Sameskolstyrelsen organizes distance education in the Sámi languages and supports the development and production of teaching materials for Sámi education.


Plan, implement, and evaluate teaching in accordance with governing documents and from the Sámi perspective, both individually and in teams. You actively participate in developing successful learning environments together with others in preschool and school.


You master Northern Sámi, both orally and in writing. You have a positive view of people and the ability to create good relationships, as well as the ability to prevent and resolve conflicts. You are meticulous, flexible, and responsive to students' needs, and you enjoy working with children and youth. We will place great emphasis on personal suitability. You have documented collaboration skills.


Sameskolstyrelsen applies individual salary setting.

Applicants must provide an extract from the police criminal record before employment. If you have protected personal information, you have the option to send your application by mail or by contacting the authority's personnel officer at tel: 0971/442 08.

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