Image that illustrates Host

Host salary

36 000 kr

Other professions in culture and entertainment

What will be the salary after tax?

35 800 - 36 400 kr / month

Women earn 102% of what men do.

Kultur, media, design

Salary progression Host

Average salary 36 000 kr
Males 35 800 kr
Females 36 400 kr
Profession Host and its salary
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Program Host Salary and Job Description

Working as a program host involves taking on a role within cultural and entertainment-based professions. As a program host, you are responsible for leading and presenting programs across various media, including radio, TV, and possibly internet-based platforms. It is a profession that requires good communication skills, a certain charisma, and the ability to handle different types of content and audiences.

Salary for a Program Host

Within the profession of program hosting, the average salary is 36 000 SEK per month. This salary has seen a slight decrease from the previous 36 200 SEK. Women in the profession earn slightly more than men, with an average salary of 36 400 SEK compared to men's 35 800 SEK. Interestingly, women earn 102% of what men do in this profession, which is a positive indicator of gender equality in wage setting.

Hourly Wage and Part-time Work

For those working part-time or as hourly employees as program hosts, the average hourly wage is 216 SEK. This figure is based on an assumed work month of 166 hours.

Salary Range

There is some variation in the salary for program hosts depending on the employer and type of employment. The highest salary for a woman in the profession is 36 400 SEK, and this woman works as a privately employed official. Similarly, the highest-paid man earns 35 800 SEK. The lowest salary for a program host is 35 800 SEK, which is also the salary a man in various sectors with unspecified educational levels earns. For women, the lowest salary is 36 400 SEK.

Requirements to Work as a Program Host

To become a program host, there are certain personal and professional requirements that are important. A strong sense of communication, the ability to speak in front of an audience, and an interest in culture and entertainment are central qualities that a program host should possess. Although there may not always be specific educational requirements, a background in journalism, media, or communication can be advantageous.

Education and Career Paths

Educational requirements for program hosts vary, but having a degree in media, journalism, or communication can be beneficial. Practical experience in radio, TV, or other media is also valuable. Many program hosts start their careers through internships or as assistants to build experience and networks within the industry.

Future Prospects and Challenges

The future prospects for program hosts can vary depending on the media landscape and the demand for new formats and platforms. Digital media and streaming services offer new opportunities, but with that comes increased competition. Program hosts must be flexible and adaptable to changing audience preferences and technological advancements.

Working Conditions and Benefits

The working conditions for program hosts can vary depending on the employer and type of production. Many program hosts work in studio environments, but there may also be work on location at events or outdoor recordings. Flexibility and readiness for irregular working hours are often necessary.

Possible Benefits

Benefits for program hosts may include opportunities for paid training and career development. Other common benefits may include access to technology such as computers and mobile phones for work-related purposes. The possibility of working from home may also exist, depending on the employer and job responsibilities.

Competition in the Profession

Competition in the program hosting profession is relatively high, especially as it is an attractive profession for many individuals interested in media. Building a strong network and a good reputation within the industry can be crucial to ensuring employment opportunities and advancement.

In conclusion, the profession of program hosting offers an exciting opportunity for those interested in media and culture. With an average salary of 36 000 SEK and relatively equal pay between genders, it can be an attractive career path for many. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges and demands that come with the profession, including the need for flexibility and constant adaptation to a changing media landscape.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Host is 36400 kr. This salary belongs to a woman working in the Privately employed officials with a unspecified education. The highest salary for a man in this profession is 35800 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Host is 35800 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Multiple sectors. The lowest salary for a woman in this profession is 36400 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
25-34 33500 kr 33700 kr
Snitt 102% 35700 kr 36000 kr
Salary per sector
AllAllPublic Public Private officialsPrivate officialsPrivate Private 45000450003600036000270002700018000180009000900000
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Salary based on education
All levels of educationAll levels of educationPost-secondary educa...Post-secondary education, 3 years or more400004000030000300002000020000100001000000
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Host has the SSYK code 3439, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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11 738
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