Part-Time Caretaker for Famnen Preschools

Famnen Förskolor KB

Stockholms län, Stockholm

Previous experience is desired

29 days left
to apply for the job

Famnen Preschools is looking for a part-time caretaker for the organization's preschools.

Famnen Preschools has 4 preschools in the Stockholm area (Hässelby, Bromma, Spånga, and Nacka), as well as an open preschool in Nacka municipality. The preschools are in great need of help from a caretaker.

The task is to assist the preschools with their needs, ranging from simple tasks such as mounting shelves on walls, patching and painting over damage on walls and ceilings, to larger projects like building play equipment in outdoor and indoor environments, erecting walls/half-walls, etc.

Historically, the assignment has varied between approximately 10 - 100 hours each month, depending on how much needs to be done. Most tasks are not urgent, allowing employees significant flexibility in deciding when to perform them. There is often a high degree of independence in how things are resolved - therefore, we are looking for someone who is creative and self-driven in their problem-solving approach.

We are looking for someone who is

  • Creative
  • Self-driven in their problem-solving
  • Flexible with their hours
  • Good at listening to needs and creating a solution accordingly
  • A person with good collaboration skills

We offer

  • Tools as needed
  • Collective agreement
  • Flexible working hours

Having a driver's license is a big plus, but not a requirement for the position!

Does this sound interesting? Don't hesitate to contact

[email protected]

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