Gardener Wanted for Outdoor Work

Städtanten i Skåne AB

Skåne län, Staffanstorp

Previous experience is desired

55 days left
to apply for the job

We are looking for someone who wants to work outdoors and has an interest in gardening. Furthermore, we see that you, as an applicant, are handy and solution-oriented as you will be responsible for the entire maintenance. This includes tasks such as weeding, lawn mowing, hedge trimming, pruning trees, and other gardening tasks.

The position is suitable for you who enjoy working with varied tasks outdoors regardless of the weather and are used to physical work.

We operate around Staffanstorp.

The job is seasonal and possibly full-time.

We are looking for someone with experience.

The position requires a B driver's license.

Knowledge of the Swedish language is an asset.

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