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Job Advertisement: Treatment Assistant at Renatusgården

Renatus Vård & Behandling AB

Stockholms län, Norrtälje

Previous experience is desired

~34 800 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Socialt arbete och omsorg
Eftergymnasial utbildning kortare än två år

29 days left
to apply for the job

Renatus Care and Treatment AB conducts daily operations and provides residential care for men and women aged 25 and above.

Renatusgården is a small, family-oriented, and rural residence located in beautiful Rånäs outside Norrtälje. We have seven places for individuals who, due to conditions such as autism, intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, and/or behavior that creates problems, need assistance in social situations and to meet the demands of managing their own housing. We work with clear pedagogical methods such as TEACCH, Re-Pulse, and MI, aiming to support individual development with the highest possible degree of independence and influence for each individual.

A B driver's license is required as you will be driving in your role, and it is difficult to reach the facility without a car, so having access to your own vehicle is an advantage.

In addition to planning, motivating, executing, following up, and documenting interventions, the job involves assisting residents in their daily lives with laundry, personal care, cleaning, cooking, and maintaining social contacts and relationships.

You have good knowledge of and solid experience working with low-arousal approaches and have training as a social pedagogue or treatment assistant. You have good experience with social documentation and are proficient in Swedish, both spoken and written, in accordance with legal documentation requirements.

The position is 100% but can be adjusted; you will work on-call overnight and on weekends.

The position starts in April.

Interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis, so do not wait to apply!


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