Farm Manager Wanted at Tranås 4H

Jönköpings Länsförbund av 4H

Jönköpings län, Tranås

Previous experience is desired

28 days left
to apply for the job

Work as a farm manager at Tranås 4H this summer!

The period covers weeks 24-34 or by agreement.

The job involves being responsible for the Tranås 4H Farm's activities during the summer vacation. You will work together with young people to run day camps for several weeks in the summer.

During the rest of the time, you will be responsible for our visitor activities at the 4H Farm and the Wagon Museum. Together with other summer staff, you will also be responsible for organizing various activities and courses for our members during the summer.

You who are applying must be at least 18 years old, have experience in leading children, be familiar with animals, and have an interest in animals, outdoor activities, and nature. You are positive and passionate about sharing your interests with others.

Since you will have the main responsibility for the camp group during the day, you are self-driven and used to taking responsibility and following set plans.

Documented leadership training or relevant studies, e.g. Child and Leisure, Teacher Program, Leisure Leader Line, or similar, is an advantage.

The position is 50-100%. Salary by agreement, we have collective agreements with Unionen and Fremia. Applications are open until April 13, and we will call for interviews on an ongoing basis.

Open to all
We focus on your skills, not your other circumstances. We are open to adapting the role or workplace to your needs.

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