- Salary statistics
- Pianist, popular music
Pianist, popular music salary
37 900 - 47 500 kr / month
Women earn 88% of what men do.
Kultur, media, design
Salary progression Pianist, popular music
Pianist, Popular Music: A Profession With Variety and Challenges
Working as a pianist in popular music involves a unique combination of artistic expression and technical skill. As a musical storyteller, your role is to convey emotions and stories through the keys. In addition to playing the piano, the profession may include composing music, arranging songs, and participating in various music productions. It may also involve performances at concerts, in studios, or as an accompanist to other artists.
Salary and Salary Development
For many, salary is a crucial factor when considering a profession. A pianist in popular music has an average monthly salary of 44 300 kronor. There is a clear gender pay gap; men earn an average of 47 500 kronor while women earn 41 600 kronor, meaning women earn 88 percent of what men do in the same profession. This is a reality faced by many professions, and it is important to strive for gender equality in the workforce.
Highest and Lowest Salary
The highest salary for a pianist in popular music is 47 500 kronor, belonging to a male private sector employee. For women, the highest salary is 42100 kronor. On the other end of the spectrum are the lowest salaries, where a woman with post-secondary education shorter than three years earns 37900 kronor, while the lowest salary for a man is 43500 kronor.
Hourly Wage and Salary Change
For those working on an hourly basis, the hourly wage is 266 kronor, based on an average of 166 working hours per month. It is also worth noting that the average salary for a pianist in popular music has decreased from 45 200 kronor to 44 300 kronor since the last measurement, which may be due to various factors such as market changes and economic conditions.
Working Conditions and Benefits
The work environment for a pianist in popular music can vary significantly depending on the workplace and employer. Many musicians work as freelancers, giving them the opportunity to determine their own working hours and projects. This provides great flexibility but may also entail some financial uncertainty. Some may have benefits such as paid training to further develop their musical skills.
Education and Skills
To succeed as a pianist in popular music, a combination of formal education and practical experience is often necessary. Many choose to study music at the university level or through private music schools. In addition to technical skill, a good understanding of musical styles and genres is required, as well as the ability to collaborate with other musicians and artists.
Future Prospects and Challenges
According to assessments from the Employment Service, the job opportunities for musicians, singers, and composers are good, although the recruitment situation may be complex. The profession is characterized by recruitment difficulties, while unemployment and the proportion of part-time workers are high. Over a five-year period, demand is expected to remain unchanged, indicating a stable but competitive market.
Summary of Future Prospects
- Job Opportunities: High
- Recruitment Situation: Paradox - a combination of difficulties and high unemployment/part-time work
- Forecast: Unchanged demand over a five-year period
For those considering a career as a pianist in popular music, it is important to prepare for a dynamic and sometimes unpredictable work environment. Creativity, perseverance, and a passion for music are crucial to succeed and thrive in this profession.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 38600 kr | 39400 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 43100 kr | 44200 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 41700 kr | 43200 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 43200 kr | 44300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 38600 kr | 39400 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 43100 kr | 44200 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 41700 kr | 43200 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 43200 kr | 44300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 38600 kr | 39400 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 43100 kr | 44200 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 41700 kr | 43200 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 43200 kr | 44300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 36200 kr | 36700 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 45200 kr | 46400 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 42900 kr | 44300 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 0 kr | 47500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 36200 kr | 36700 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 45200 kr | 46400 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 42900 kr | 44300 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 0 kr | 47500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 36200 kr | 36700 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 45200 kr | 46400 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 42900 kr | 44300 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 0 kr | 47500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 41500 kr | 42500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 40900 kr | 42400 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 41500 kr | 42500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 40900 kr | 42400 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 113% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
45-54 | 92% | 41500 kr | 42500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 40900 kr | 42400 kr |
Snitt | 88% | 40400 kr | 41600 kr |
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Pianist, popular music has the SSYK code 2652, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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