- Salary statistics
- Inspection divers
Inspection divers salary
38 252 - 38 747 kr / month
Women earn 29710% of what men do.
Bygg & anläggning
Salary progression Inspection divers

Commercial Diver: A Deep Dive into the Profession and Salary Overview
Working as a commercial diver is a unique profession that requires both courage and technical skills. It is a career where one gets the opportunity to work in an environment that few others ever experience – underwater. Commercial divers, also known as construction divers, specialize in inspecting, maintaining, and repairing underwater structures such as bridges, ports, and oil platforms.
What Does a Commercial Diver Do?
As a commercial diver, one performs a variety of tasks underwater. The work includes inspecting underwater structures to detect damages or wear, installing equipment, conducting repairs and maintenance. It may also involve tasks such as welding, drilling, and using various tools underwater. Divers often have to work in different environments, from murky freshwater to open seas, which requires both physical and mental strength.
Commercial Diver Salary
What does a commercial diver earn? The average salary for the profession is 38 747 kronor per month. This represents an increase from previous measurements where the average salary was 38 434 kronor. For hourly commercial divers, the average hourly rate is 233 kronor, based on 166 working hours per month. It is important to note that specific data on salaries for men and women in the profession is missing. However, there is a significant difference where women's salaries constitute 29 710% of men's, which may indicate a potential data discrepancy.
Education and Qualifications
Becoming a commercial diver typically requires certification in commercial diving. The training covers various diving techniques, safety protocols, and technical training to handle tools and equipment underwater. It is also important to have good physical fitness and health, as the work can be physically and mentally demanding. Many employers also offer further training and certifications as part of the employment conditions.
Working Conditions and Challenges
The working conditions for a commercial diver can vary significantly depending on the nature of the project. Weather and water conditions can affect the safety and efficiency of the work. Commercial divers often have to work in uncomfortable positions for long periods, which requires endurance and patience. Safety is always a top priority, and divers must follow strict safety procedures to minimize risks.
Future Outlook and Competition
The future outlook for commercial divers is promising, especially with increasing investments in infrastructure and offshore projects. The need for qualified divers to maintain and repair these structures is expected to rise. However, competition in the profession can be tough, especially for the most sought-after and well-paid positions. Having specialized certifications and experience can be a significant advantage.
Considerations for Becoming a Commercial Diver
For those considering a career as a commercial diver, it is important to carefully consider the physical and mental demands that the profession entails. Being a skilled swimmer and having good health are essential. Additionally, you should have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently in challenging environments. Benefits that may come with the profession include paid training and the opportunity to work in exciting and diverse environments around the world.
- Be prepared to work in various environments, sometimes under difficult conditions.
- Educational and certification in commercial diving are a must.
- Experience and specialization can lead to better career opportunities.
- Safety is always a top priority.
Working as a commercial diver offers a unique blend of adventure and technical challenges. It is a profession for those not afraid to get wet and who have a passion for exploring the unknown.
Salary distributed by age and sector
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Inspection divers has the SSYK code 7115, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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