Kitchen Assistants Wanted at Sami's Burgers in Sollefteå

S/D Fast Food AB

135 days left
to apply for the job

Sami's Burgers in Sollefteå is hiring kitchen assistants

Sami's Burgers in Sollefteå is looking for 2 people to work as kitchen assistants.

1 person for 100% and 1 person for 75%.

The kitchen's opening hours are weekdays 10:00-21:00 and weekends 11:00-21:00.

You should have good knowledge of Swedish and hold a B driver's license.

You should be a good team player, able to handle pace changes during a workday, be efficient in your work, and be a problem solver based on situations that may arise.

Employment begins with a 6-month probationary period.

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