Teachers Wanted at Friskolan Lust & Lära

Friskolan Lust & Lära i Bollnäs AB

Gävleborgs län, Bollnäs

Previous experience is desired

49 days left
to apply for the job

Friskolan Lust & Lära is a 7-9 school with 400 students and 55 staff members. The school is located in central Bollnäs, close to both train and bus connections to the rest of the region.

At Friskolan Lust & Lära, we work for "Engagement for knowledge and development" which is reinforced by our common scientific foundation.

We are looking for teachers in the following subjects: Modern languages, Science/Technology. We welcome applications in other subjects as well.

A degree certificate and teaching license are important, but we also place great emphasis on personal qualities such as the ability to build relationships with students, create a positive working environment, ambition, flexibility, and innovation.

We apply a probationary employment period with the possibility of permanent employment.

Please send your application to [email protected] or to [email protected].

We kindly ask recruitment agencies not to contact us.

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