Summer Substitute as a Personal Assistant in Storvik

AB Assistansbyrån Vilja

10 days left
to apply for the job

Personal assistant is a job that can suit many different kinds of people. Working as a personal assistant can vary greatly depending on whom you are assisting. However, what is common for the profession is that you must always be attentive, flexible, humble, and engaged.


We are now looking for a summer substitute for a boy in Storvik.

He has a muscle disease that means he needs help with most things in daily life. He lives in his own apartment in part of his parents' home. The apartment is well adapted to his disability. He needs help with hygiene tasks, meals, transfers, dressing and undressing, assistance, and all activities he does at home as well as outside the home. He communicates what he needs help with.


The job does not require any education or previous experience, but working as a personal assistant is not a job for "just anyone"! It requires a great empathetic ability, adaptability, and flexibility, and the ability to provide assistance on the terms of the person with a disability.


The working hours follow a rolling 4-week schedule over 9 weeks, from June 10 to August 9.


Company Information

Assistansbyrån Vilja arranges personal assistance with Participation, Joy, and Engagement as guiding principles. We work together to provide assistance of the highest quality!

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