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Exchange Rate Chart - BDTILS
2022-01-02 - 2025-01-02 +0.393.67%

Currency Pair ILS/BDT: An Overview

The currency pair ILS/BDT represents the exchange rate between the Israeli Shekel (ILS) and the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Understanding the dynamics between these two currencies can be crucial for both businesses and individuals involved in international transactions between Israel and Bangladesh.

The Israeli Shekel (ILS)

The Israeli Shekel, often abbreviated as ILS, is the official currency of Israel. The Shekel has been in circulation since 1985 and is a strong and stable currency in the Middle East. It is governed by the Bank of Israel, which is responsible for maintaining the country's monetary stability. Israel has a diversified and technology-intensive economy, contributing to the Shekel's strength in the global market.

The Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)

The Bangladeshi Taka, abbreviated as BDT, is the official currency of Bangladesh. The Taka was introduced in 1972 after the country's independence from Pakistan. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank that manages the country's monetary policy. Bangladesh has one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia, largely due to its large textile industry and expanding export markets.

Convert Between ILS and BDT

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including ILS and BDT. Follow these simple steps to perform a currency conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (ILS or BDT).
  3. Choose the target currency (ILS or BDT).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and the result will be displayed instantly.

To help you make informed decisions, a chart with historical exchange rates for the currency pair ILS/BDT is also presented along with the conversion result.


Whether you are a business person trading internationally or a traveler planning a trip, having access to reliable and up-to-date information on exchange rates is important. Our currency converter makes it easy to convert between ILS and BDT, providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions.

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