- Salary statistics
- Snowmaker
Snowmaker salary
23 800 - 34 500 kr / month
Women earn 96% of what men do.
Installation & drift/underhåll
Salary progression Snowmaker
Snowmaker: A Unique Profession with Varied Conditions
Working as a snowmaker involves creating and maintaining snow surfaces for various winter activities such as skiing and snowboarding. This profession is particularly important in areas where natural snow is scarce or where a consistent snow cover is needed for tourism and sports activities. Snowmakers can work in both the public and private sectors, and they have a range of responsibilities including operating and maintaining snowmaking equipment, monitoring snow production, and ensuring that the snow quality meets required standards.
Salary for a Snowmaker
The average salary for the profession of snowmaker is 25 800 Swedish kronor per month. Men in the profession earn an average of 26 200 kronor, while women earn 25 200 kronor, resulting in women earning 96% of men's salaries. For hourly snowmakers, the average hourly wage is 155 kronor, based on 166 working hours per month. Over the past year, the average salary has increased from 25 000 to 25 800 kronor, indicating a positive trend in salary growth for this profession.
Salary Range and Disparities
The highest salary for a snowmaker is 34500 kronor, held by a man working in the public sector with a high school education, up to 2 years. On the female side, the highest salary is 29700 kronor. On the other hand, the lowest salary for a male snowmaker is 23800 kronor, while the lowest salary for a female snowmaker is 24300 kronor. These disparities can be influenced by factors such as sector, type of employment, and level of education.
Education and Skill Requirements
Becoming a snowmaker does not require formal higher education, but a high school education can be advantageous. It is important to have a good technical understanding and practical skills to operate and maintain the technical equipment used in snow production. Experience in similar technical professions or mechanical understanding can also be beneficial. Many employers offer internal training to ensure that snowmakers have the necessary skills to perform their tasks efficiently.
Working Conditions and Environment
Working as a snowmaker can be physically demanding and often involves working in cold and sometimes challenging weather conditions. It is important to have the right clothing and equipment to work comfortably and safely. Working hours may vary depending on the season and weather conditions, and shift work, including night shifts, may be required. Despite these challenges, the profession can offer a strong sense of satisfaction when seeing the results of one's work in the form of well-prepared snow surfaces.
Future Prospects and Opportunities
The future prospects for snowmakers are linked to the development of the tourism and sports industries, especially in winter sports resorts. With increasing demand for snow-covered areas and a growing tourism industry, there may be good opportunities for employment and career advancement in the profession. Technological advancements in snow production can also create new opportunities and challenges for snowmakers, making it important to stay updated with the latest technology and methods in the industry.
Benefits and Employment Conditions
Benefits for snowmakers can vary depending on the employer and type of employment. In some cases, employers may offer benefits such as internal training, staff accommodation, discounted prices on ski passes, and other benefits related to winter sports. It is important to discuss and negotiate these benefits during the employment process to ensure that the job meets one's expectations and needs.
Working as a snowmaker offers a unique opportunity to combine a technical profession with a passion for winter activities. With the right conditions and commitment, the profession can provide challenges and rewards for those interested in working in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22800 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23900 kr | 24700 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25800 kr | 26400 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 27900 kr | 28000 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 83% | 31000 kr | 31000 kr |
55-64 | 86% | 29400 kr | 30200 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 30100 kr | 30500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 29100 kr | 29100 kr | |
55-64 | 28000 kr | 28000 kr | |
Snitt | 89% | 28800 kr | 28800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
55-64 | 30600 kr | 31900 kr | |
Snitt | 87% | 31800 kr | 32500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22800 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23900 kr | 24700 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25800 kr | 26400 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 27900 kr | 28000 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22800 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23900 kr | 24700 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25800 kr | 26400 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 27900 kr | 28000 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25100 kr | 25800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22400 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 24200 kr | 24900 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 26000 kr | 26800 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25200 kr | 26000 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 26200 kr | 26800 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 28600 kr | 28700 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 83% | 34400 kr | 34400 kr |
55-64 | 86% | 30700 kr | 32100 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 32100 kr | 32700 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
Snitt | 89% | 30900 kr | 30900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
55-64 | 31000 kr | 32800 kr | |
Snitt | 87% | 33100 kr | 34300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22400 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 24200 kr | 24900 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 26000 kr | 26800 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25200 kr | 26000 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 26200 kr | 26800 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 28600 kr | 28700 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21300 kr | 22400 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 24200 kr | 24900 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 26000 kr | 26800 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25200 kr | 26000 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 26200 kr | 26800 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 28600 kr | 28700 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 25500 kr | 26200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21400 kr | 23200 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23400 kr | 24200 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 24500 kr | 25100 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25000 kr | 25600 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25300 kr | 25900 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 26800 kr | 26900 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 24500 kr | 25200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 83% | 28500 kr | 28500 kr |
55-64 | 86% | 27700 kr | 27700 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 28200 kr | 28200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 27300 kr | 27300 kr | |
Snitt | 89% | 27400 kr | 27400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
Snitt | 87% | 29700 kr | 29700 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21400 kr | 23200 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23400 kr | 24200 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 24500 kr | 25100 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25000 kr | 25500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25300 kr | 25900 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 26800 kr | 26900 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 24500 kr | 25200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 103% | 21400 kr | 23200 kr |
25-34 | 97% | 23400 kr | 24200 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 24500 kr | 25100 kr |
45-54 | 98% | 25000 kr | 25500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 25300 kr | 25900 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 26800 kr | 26900 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 24500 kr | 25200 kr |
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Snowmaker has the SSYK code 9629, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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