- Salary statistics
- Neurosurgeon
Neurosurgeon salary
88 000 - 108 400 kr / month
Women earn 97% of what men do.
Hälso- & sjukvård
Salary progression Neurosurgeon
Salary and Work as a Neurosurgeon
Working as a neurosurgeon means that you are a specialist doctor who performs surgeries and treatments on the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. It is a profession that requires high precision, deep knowledge, and extensive education. Here we go through salary, education, and working conditions for this exciting and demanding profession.
Salary for Neurosurgeons
Neurosurgeons are among the highest-paid professions in healthcare. The average salary for a neurosurgeon is 92 200 kronor per month. Men earn an average of 93 800 kronor while women earn 90 800 kronor, which means that women earn 97% of what men do in the field. Compared to the previous year, the average salary has increased from 86 400 kronor to 92 200 kronor, a positive salary development reflecting the high demand and significant responsibilities of the profession.
Education and Requirements to Become a Neurosurgeon
Becoming a neurosurgeon requires a long and demanding education. You must first complete medical school, which is a five and a half-year program at the university, followed by internship training (general residency) that takes about two years. After obtaining a medical license, you need to undergo specialized training in neurosurgery, which can take an additional five to seven years. In total, it can take around 12-15 years from the start of medical school to becoming a qualified neurosurgeon.
Job Duties and Responsibilities
Neurosurgeons diagnose and treat diseases and injuries in the nervous system, including the brain and spine. Job duties can range from performing complex surgeries to monitoring patients' recovery and ongoing care. Neurosurgeons often work in teams with other specialists and medical staff, and they must have good communication and collaboration skills.
Job Market and Opportunities
According to the Swedish Public Employment Service's forecast, the job opportunities for neurosurgeons and other specialist doctors are very good. At the national level, the demand for specialist doctors is expected to increase over the next five years. At the same time, there are recruitment difficulties in the field, which means that there are good opportunities for newly qualified neurosurgeons to quickly find employment.
Benefits and Working Conditions
Working as a neurosurgeon is both challenging and rewarding. In addition to the high salary, neurosurgeons can also enjoy benefits such as paid training and further education, which is crucial in a profession where continuous professional development is essential. Many employers also offer benefits such as a company-paid mobile phone and other technical aids to facilitate work.
Considerations for Becoming a Neurosurgeon
If you are interested in becoming a neurosurgeon, you should be prepared for a long and demanding educational path. It is also important that you have a strong interest in medicine and science, as well as the ability to handle stress and work under pressure. Neurosurgeons must be meticulous and have good communication skills, as they often work in teams and have direct contact with patients and their families.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 88% | 77300 kr | 81100 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 81100 kr | 85800 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 89500 kr | 94700 kr |
55-64 | 100% | 91500 kr | 95800 kr |
65-68 | 97% | 98100 kr | 101200 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 87600 kr | 92200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 75200 kr | 80300 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 79900 kr | 85200 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 88000 kr | 94000 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 92800 kr | 98100 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 97300 kr | 100800 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 86800 kr | 92300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 90% | 86500 kr | 90100 kr |
45-54 | 88% | 89600 kr | 92300 kr |
55-64 | 78% | 102000 kr | 106000 kr |
65-68 | 121% | 104600 kr | 107800 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 93600 kr | 97000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 75200 kr | 80300 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 79800 kr | 85200 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 88000 kr | 94100 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 92600 kr | 97900 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 97200 kr | 100600 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 86700 kr | 92200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 86600 kr | 88500 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95600 kr | 97400 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 87700 kr | 89100 kr |
65-68 | 101600 kr | 103000 kr | |
Snitt | 103% | 90500 kr | 92200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 86600 kr | 88500 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95600 kr | 97400 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 87700 kr | 89100 kr |
65-68 | 101600 kr | 103000 kr | |
Snitt | 103% | 90500 kr | 92200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 88% | 80900 kr | 85300 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 81200 kr | 87100 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 90200 kr | 96700 kr |
55-64 | 100% | 90800 kr | 95700 kr |
65-68 | 97% | 98700 kr | 102300 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 88200 kr | 93800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 75700 kr | 81700 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 80000 kr | 86600 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 88900 kr | 96500 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 93600 kr | 100100 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 98100 kr | 102400 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 87800 kr | 94500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 90% | 87600 kr | 96300 kr |
45-54 | 88% | 94100 kr | 101600 kr |
55-64 | 78% | 114100 kr | 120000 kr |
65-68 | 121% | 94900 kr | 98200 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 99800 kr | 106500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 75700 kr | 81700 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 79900 kr | 86500 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 88800 kr | 96400 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 93300 kr | 99700 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 98100 kr | 102500 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 87700 kr | 94300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 87100 kr | 89400 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95900 kr | 97800 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 83600 kr | 84900 kr |
Snitt | 103% | 89400 kr | 91000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 87100 kr | 89400 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95900 kr | 97800 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 83600 kr | 84900 kr |
Snitt | 103% | 89400 kr | 91000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 88% | 72200 kr | 75300 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 81000 kr | 84800 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 89000 kr | 93000 kr |
55-64 | 100% | 92300 kr | 95900 kr |
65-68 | 97% | 97200 kr | 99400 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 87100 kr | 90800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 74500 kr | 78400 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 79700 kr | 84000 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 87200 kr | 91900 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 91800 kr | 95800 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 96300 kr | 98400 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 85900 kr | 90100 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 90% | 85900 kr | 86800 kr |
45-54 | 88% | 88000 kr | 89000 kr |
55-64 | 78% | 91700 kr | 94200 kr |
65-68 | 121% | 115600 kr | 118700 kr |
Snitt | 86% | 90200 kr | 91700 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 96% | 74500 kr | 78400 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 79600 kr | 84000 kr |
45-54 | 95% | 87200 kr | 92000 kr |
55-64 | 96% | 91800 kr | 95800 kr |
65-68 | 96% | 95700 kr | 97900 kr |
Snitt | 95% | 85800 kr | 90100 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 86200 kr | 87900 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95400 kr | 97200 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 94400 kr | 96100 kr |
Snitt | 103% | 91600 kr | 93300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 98% | 86200 kr | 87900 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 95400 kr | 97200 kr |
55-64 | 113% | 94400 kr | 96100 kr |
Snitt | 103% | 91600 kr | 93300 kr |
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Neurosurgeon has the SSYK code 2211, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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