- Salary statistics
- Municipal nurse
Municipal nurse salary
36 600 - 93 800 kr / month
Women earn 96% of what men do.
Hälso- & sjukvård
Salary progression Municipal nurse
Occupational Overview: District Nurse
District nurses, often trained nurses, play a central role in primary care and municipal health care. They are responsible for providing care and support to individuals of all ages and with varying health conditions, often with a particular focus on the elderly and long-term sick. Their work is crucial for maintaining a high quality of healthcare services in communities.
Salary and Financial Conditions
The average salary for a district nurse is currently 42 900 SEK per month. Gender pay gaps are relatively small, with men earning an average of 44 600 SEK while women earn 42 700 SEK, meaning that women earn 96% of what men do. Compared to the previous measurement, the average salary has increased from 41 100 SEK, indicating a positive trend in salary development for the profession.
Changes in Salaries
The latest salary change indicates an increase of 1600 SEK since last year, which may reflect an increased demand for qualified nurses in the municipal sector or an adjustment to meet inflation and increased living costs.
Education and Qualifications
To work as a district nurse, a basic nursing education is required, which entails a bachelor's degree in nursing. After completing the education, registration with the National Board of Health and Welfare is also necessary. Many municipalities encourage further education and specialization, and it is not uncommon for district nurses to have additional training in geriatrics, palliative care, or similar fields.
Continuing Education and Development Opportunities
In addition to the mandatory basic education, many employers in municipal healthcare offer paid further education to enable nurses to stay updated with the latest medical guidelines and techniques. This is not only a benefit but also an investment in the development of staff competence.
Job Market and Employment Prospects
The job market for district nurses is stable with good future prospects, largely due to an aging population requiring more extensive healthcare services. Nurses generally have good employment opportunities nationwide, especially in municipal healthcare where there is often a continuous demand for qualified personnel.
Those considering a career as a district nurse should have a strong motivation to work with people and a willingness to contribute to public health. It is also important to be aware that the job can be mentally demanding and often involves working on weekends and evenings, especially in elderly care.
In addition to salary and further education, benefits for district nurses may include things like a company mobile phone and other tools that facilitate communication and work performance. These benefits can vary depending on the employer and geographic area.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 30700 kr | 34200 kr |
25-34 | 94% | 35800 kr | 38700 kr |
35-44 | 95% | 40100 kr | 42600 kr |
45-54 | 94% | 43400 kr | 46000 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 44700 kr | 47200 kr |
65-68 | 98% | 45900 kr | 48800 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 40200 kr | 42900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30300 kr | 33900 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 33300 kr | 36600 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 37100 kr | 39800 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 40100 kr | 42900 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 42200 kr | 45000 kr |
65-68 | 101% | 44200 kr | 47600 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 37300 kr | 40300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 64700 kr | 64900 kr | |
45-54 | 96% | 75100 kr | 76600 kr |
55-64 | 78900 kr | 80300 kr | |
Snitt | 80% | 69200 kr | 70300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 94% | 33600 kr | 35200 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 37000 kr | 38500 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 39400 kr | 41000 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 42200 kr | 44300 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 43700 kr | 46200 kr |
65-68 | 104% | 46300 kr | 49200 kr |
Snitt | 99% | 40500 kr | 42400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30100 kr | 33800 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 32900 kr | 36400 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 36800 kr | 39600 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 39800 kr | 42700 kr |
55-64 | 98% | 41900 kr | 44800 kr |
65-68 | 100% | 43900 kr | 47400 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 36900 kr | 40000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 33200 kr | 36800 kr | |
25-34 | 93% | 43000 kr | 45000 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 46600 kr | 48600 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 49800 kr | 51800 kr |
55-64 | 49500 kr | 51300 kr | |
65-68 | 49700 kr | 51500 kr | |
Snitt | 94% | 47000 kr | 49000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 33200 kr | 36800 kr | |
25-34 | 93% | 43000 kr | 45000 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 46600 kr | 48600 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 49800 kr | 51800 kr |
55-64 | 49500 kr | 51300 kr | |
65-68 | 49700 kr | 51500 kr | |
Snitt | 94% | 47000 kr | 49000 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 30900 kr | 34700 kr |
25-34 | 94% | 37500 kr | 40900 kr |
35-44 | 95% | 41100 kr | 44500 kr |
45-54 | 94% | 45100 kr | 48700 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 45000 kr | 48300 kr |
65-68 | 98% | 47200 kr | 49800 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 41200 kr | 44600 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30600 kr | 34600 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 33100 kr | 37200 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 37400 kr | 41100 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 40200 kr | 44400 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 41900 kr | 46100 kr |
65-68 | 101% | 43700 kr | 47300 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 37200 kr | 41200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
35-44 | 67200 kr | 67500 kr | |
45-54 | 96% | 77200 kr | 77700 kr |
Snitt | 80% | 75500 kr | 75800 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 94% | 35800 kr | 37300 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 36800 kr | 38400 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 40000 kr | 42100 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 42600 kr | 45300 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 43600 kr | 46600 kr |
65-68 | 104% | 45000 kr | 47500 kr |
Snitt | 99% | 40700 kr | 42900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30300 kr | 34400 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 32700 kr | 37100 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 36900 kr | 40900 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 39600 kr | 43900 kr |
55-64 | 98% | 41500 kr | 45800 kr |
65-68 | 100% | 43400 kr | 47300 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 36700 kr | 40900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 93% | 45700 kr | 47600 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 49100 kr | 51900 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 56600 kr | 59000 kr |
Snitt | 94% | 49300 kr | 51400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
25-34 | 93% | 45700 kr | 47600 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 49100 kr | 51900 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 56600 kr | 59000 kr |
Snitt | 94% | 49300 kr | 51400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 30600 kr | 34200 kr |
25-34 | 94% | 35500 kr | 38400 kr |
35-44 | 95% | 40000 kr | 42300 kr |
45-54 | 94% | 43200 kr | 45600 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 44600 kr | 47000 kr |
65-68 | 98% | 45700 kr | 48700 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 40100 kr | 42700 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30300 kr | 33800 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 33400 kr | 36600 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 37100 kr | 39600 kr |
45-54 | 96% | 40100 kr | 42700 kr |
55-64 | 97% | 42200 kr | 44900 kr |
65-68 | 101% | 44300 kr | 47700 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 37300 kr | 40200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
45-54 | 96% | 70400 kr | 74300 kr |
Snitt | 80% | 58300 kr | 60500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 94% | 33400 kr | 35100 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 37100 kr | 38500 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 39400 kr | 40900 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 42100 kr | 44100 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 43700 kr | 46100 kr |
65-68 | 104% | 46400 kr | 49400 kr |
Snitt | 99% | 40500 kr | 42300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 98% | 30100 kr | 33800 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 33000 kr | 36300 kr |
35-44 | 96% | 36800 kr | 39400 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 39800 kr | 42500 kr |
55-64 | 98% | 41900 kr | 44700 kr |
65-68 | 100% | 44000 kr | 47400 kr |
Snitt | 98% | 36900 kr | 39900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 33300 kr | 37000 kr | |
25-34 | 93% | 42300 kr | 44300 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 46200 kr | 48100 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 49100 kr | 51000 kr |
55-64 | 49300 kr | 51100 kr | |
65-68 | 49200 kr | 51100 kr | |
Snitt | 94% | 46600 kr | 48500 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 33300 kr | 37000 kr | |
25-34 | 93% | 42300 kr | 44300 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 46200 kr | 48100 kr |
45-54 | 87% | 49100 kr | 51000 kr |
55-64 | 49300 kr | 51100 kr | |
65-68 | 49200 kr | 51100 kr | |
Snitt | 94% | 46600 kr | 48500 kr |
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Municipal nurse has the SSYK code 2221, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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