Image that illustrates Daycare

Daycare salary

26 600 kr

Childcare workers

What will be the salary after tax?

23 600 - 28 200 kr / month

Women earn 103% of what men do.

Socialt arbete

Salary progression Daycare

Average salary 26 600 kr
Males 25 800 kr
Females 26 700 kr
Profession Daycare and its salary
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Salary for Childminders

Childminders, also known as childcare providers, play a crucial role in taking care of and educating young children in a safe home environment. According to the latest statistics, the average salary for a childminder is 26 600 kronor per month. There is a slight difference in salaries between genders; men earn an average of 25 800 kronor while women earn 26 600 kronor. This means that women earn approximately 103% of what men do in the profession. The salary has increased from 25 800 kronor to 26 600 kronor since last year.

Job Responsibilities for Childminders

Childminders are responsible for creating a safe and stimulating environment for the children in their care. This includes planning and implementing educational activities, providing care and support, and ensuring that the children's basic needs are met. The work may also involve preparing meals, maintaining hygiene, and maintaining a structured daily routine.

Education and Qualifications

To work as a childminder, a high school education in childcare and recreation program or equivalent is usually required. Many employers also value experience working with children, either through previous employment or volunteer work. In some cases, additional training or certifications in first aid and child safety may be advantageous.

Job Requirements

The demand for childminders is generally high, especially in larger cities where the need for childcare is greater. It is important to be flexible and able to adapt to the needs and routines of different families. Good communication skills and a genuine interest in children's development and well-being are also important qualities for success in the profession.

Benefits and Working Conditions

Benefits may vary depending on the employer and type of employment. Some childminders may have access to paid training to further develop their knowledge and skills. Other benefits may include a paid mobile phone or other work-related tools. Working hours can be flexible but may also involve early mornings and late afternoons depending on the families' needs.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Daycare is 28200 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Multiple sectors with a post-secondary education, 3 years or more. The highest salary for a woman in this profession is 28000 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Daycare is 23600 kr. This salary belongs to a woman also working in the Multiple sectors. The lowest salary for a man in this profession is 23800 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
18-24 100% 22800 kr 22900 kr
25-34 99% 25600 kr 25700 kr
35-44 96% 26300 kr 26400 kr
45-54 98% 27800 kr 27900 kr
55-64 97% 28800 kr 28900 kr
65-68 28700 kr 29000 kr
Snitt 103% 26500 kr 26600 kr
Salary per sector
Salary based on education
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Daycare has the SSYK code 5311, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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8000 kr
90000 kr
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31 450
11 658
12 134

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* Updated with 2024 taxes