Image that illustrates Coach, psychologist

Coach, psychologist salary

45 900 kr


What will be the salary after tax?

30 900 - 53 100 kr / month

Women earn 99% of what men do.

Hälso- & sjukvård

Salary progression Coach, psychologist

Average salary 45 900 kr
Males 46 300 kr
Females 45 700 kr
Profession Coach, psychologist and its salary
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Salary Statistics for Coach, Psychologist

Working as a Coach, Psychologist involves great responsibility and the opportunity to positively impact people's lives. When it comes to the salary situation for this profession, the average salary is 45 900 kronor per month. Interestingly, there is a slight difference between men and women in this profession, with men earning an average of 46 300 kronor and women earning 45 700 kronor. This means that women earn approximately 99% of what men do in this occupational group.

Changes in Salary Over Time

It is also worth noting that the average salary for a Coach, Psychologist has increased by 43 900 kronor since the last measurement, indicating a positive trend in the profession. Hourly employees can expect an hourly wage of around 276 kronor, based on a working month of 166 hours.

Variation in Salaries

The salary range within the profession can vary significantly depending on educational level and sector. The highest salary for a man working in the municipal sector with a doctoral degree is 53100 kronor, while the highest salary for a woman in the same sector and educational level is 50300 kronor. On the other hand, the lowest salary for a woman with a 3-year high school education in the municipal sector is 30900 kronor, while the corresponding salary for a man is 34500 kronor.

Job Description for a Coach, Psychologist

A Coach, Psychologist often works to support individuals in their personal and professional development. Their main task is to help clients identify and achieve their goals using psychological principles and coaching techniques. This can include everything from stress management and conflict resolution to leadership development.

Daily Tasks

  • Conduct individual or group sessions to identify the client's needs and goals.
  • Utilize various psychological and coaching methods to help clients overcome obstacles.
  • Develop and implement action plans to achieve specific goals.
  • Maintain accurate records of the client's progress and adjust plans as needed.

Education and Qualifications

To become a successful Coach, Psychologist, a background in psychology is usually required, often supplemented with further training or certification in coaching. Many employers prefer candidates with a master's degree or higher in relevant fields. It is also important to have experience working with people and a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation.

Key Skills

  • Strong communication skills to interact effectively with clients.
  • Ability to actively listen and understand the client's perspective.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop effective strategies.
  • Empathy and patience to support clients through their development process.

Work Environment and Benefits

The work environment for a Coach, Psychologist can vary depending on the workplace and employer policies. Many in this profession have the opportunity to work flexibly, including remote work, which can be an attractive benefit. Some employers also offer paid training and development opportunities to stay updated in the field.

Future Outlook and Challenges

The future job market for Coach, Psychologists is difficult to assess precisely due to limited data. According to the Employment Service, no specific assessment is currently made for this profession. However, with the increasing awareness of mental health and personal development, the demand for these services can be expected to rise.

Competition in the Profession

Competition can be tough, especially in specialized areas. It is important to continuously develop skills and stay updated with the latest research findings and techniques to remain relevant and competitive in the job market.

Working as a Coach, Psychologist is a rewarding profession that offers opportunities to truly make a difference in people's lives. With the right education and skills, this profession can provide both personal and professional satisfaction.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Coach, psychologist is 53100 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Municipal sector with a postgraduate education. The highest salary for a woman in this profession is 50300 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Coach, psychologist is 30900 kr. This salary belongs to a woman also working in the Municipal sector. The lowest salary for a man in this profession is 34500 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
25-34 100% 40900 kr 41000 kr
35-44 97% 46400 kr 46500 kr
45-54 101% 48800 kr 48900 kr
55-64 98% 50000 kr 50200 kr
65-68 52300 kr 52300 kr
Snitt 99% 45800 kr 45900 kr
Salary per sector
Salary based on education
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Coach, psychologist has the SSYK code 2241, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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31 377
11 738
12 129

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