Akupressör salary

Therapists in alternative medicine

What will be the salary after tax?

Hälso- & sjukvård

Salary and Work for the Profession of Acupressurist

The profession of acupressurist belongs to the category of therapists in alternative medicine. Despite the increasing interest in alternative medical treatments in recent years, the latest collected data shows that the average salary for an acupressurist is 0 kronor. This means that we lack reliable salary information for both men and women in this profession. The reported average salary changed from unknown to 0 kronor since the last measurement.

What Does an Acupressurist Do?

An acupressurist works to relieve pain and stress by applying pressure to specific points on the body. This method is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, where it is believed that the body has meridians or energy pathways that can be influenced to promote health and well-being. Acupressurists use their hands, elbows, or other tools to stimulate these points and thereby improve the patient's health.

Education and Qualifications

To become an acupressurist, no formal college education is required, but there are several training and certification programs that can provide a solid foundation in the field. These programs can vary in length and scope, and it is important to choose a program that is accredited and recognized by the industry. Many acupressurists also have training in other forms of alternative medicine, such as acupuncture or massage, to broaden their knowledge and services.

Requirements for Employment

To succeed as an acupressurist, it takes more than just technical skill. Since the profession often involves close contact with clients, it is important to have good communication skills and empathy. Building a loyal customer base takes time, and many acupressurists start their own practices or work as freelancers. Having a strong presence on social media and a professional website can also be crucial for attracting new clients.

Working Conditions and Benefits

The working conditions for acupressurists can vary depending on whether they work in a clinic, a spa, or run their own business. The flexibility to set your own working hours can be a great advantage, but it also means being prepared to handle administrative tasks such as accounting and marketing. Benefits such as paid training or other employment benefits are rare in this profession, especially for those who work independently.

Things to Consider

If you are interested in working as an acupressurist, it is important to understand that this profession requires both physical and mental commitment. You should be prepared to invest time and resources in your education and marketing to build a stable customer base. Constantly updating your skills and staying informed about new techniques and research in alternative medicine can also be crucial to your success.

About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB) and the Swedish Tax Agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Akupressör has the SSYK code 3230, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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Salary, Taxes, and Fees
Net salary 31 450
Net salary
31 450
11 658
12 134

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* Updated with 2024 taxes