Personal Assistant Needed for 16-Year-Old Boy in Stockholm

Stil Assistans AB

28 days left
to apply for the job

Personal Assistant for 16-Year-Old Boy

Do you want to add some sparkle to my life?

I am looking for someone who can help me in my daily life. I am a 16-year-old boy with cerebral palsy who is in 9th grade in Stockholm. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing video games, listening to podcasts, and watching sports.

As my personal assistant, I hope you share my interests. You will need to help me with everything as my body does not do what I want. I sit in a wheelchair and have unclear speech, which means I need your help to be understood. You will assist me with all daily living activities, such as exercise, school, bathroom visits, showering, and tube feeding. I also have epilepsy.

I have a dog at home, so you should not be afraid of dogs or allergic.

You will start from my home and accompany me in a taxi to school. There, I will need your help to perform my tasks. After school, we will go home where your work shift will end in the evening.

Who are you?

You are a reliable person who genuinely enjoys working with people and likes when things happen. You are proactive and see opportunities instead of obstacles. You also need to have good social skills as I enjoy spending time with friends. It is also important that you are responsible and have a good attitude.

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