Job Advertisement: Restaurant Hörnet is Hiring for Summer

V&E Gastronomi AB

Östergötlands län, Vadstena

Previous experience is desired

49 days left
to apply for the job

About Restaurant Hörnet

Restaurant Hörnet is a well-established and beloved restaurant in Vadstena, where our ambition is to create a cozy meeting place where guests can enjoy a delightful dinner focused on the finest quality ingredients, refined with high-class craftsmanship. We love to explore the connection between food and wine in combination.

We who work at “Hörnet” are a close-knit team who enjoy working together, and we are now looking for reinforcement for the summer.

About you

We are looking for someone with a great interest in food, who is curious and enjoys working.

You will be responsible for presenting and inspiring guests in their choice of food, and together we can provide the guest with a fantastic food and drink experience. Everything we produce in the kitchen and dining room is made with love and care. We plan to start hiring for the summer, but there is also an opportunity for part-time work already this spring.

We accept applications via email at [email protected].

Warm welcome with your application! Best regards, Erika and Victor

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