Operations Manager Wanted for Hemma bo Home Care in Stockholm

Hemma och Bo Hemtjänst i Sverige AB

29 days left
to apply for the job

We are now looking for an operations manager for our business in Stockholm. The person we are looking for should be a qualified social worker or currently undergoing training to become a social worker.

Hemma bo home care has been around since 2005, and we operate within housing support and home care services. We want to develop and broaden our scope within the area/legislation SOL and therefore want to find the right employee moving forward.

The right profile and requirements for the position include good knowledge of the Swedish language,

- ongoing education or qualified social worker

- good knowledge of data and digital systems

- B driver's license

Desirable personal qualities

- communicative leader

- ability to have a flexible approach to the nature of the work

- able to handle problem-solving and complex cases

If you are interested in helping to develop a business, you should apply to us at HEMBO.

We are recruiting continuously, so please send in your application today via email!

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