Image that illustrates Good man

Good man salary

39 100 kr

Interior designers, decorators and scenographers etc.

What will be the salary after tax?

31 900 - 40 900 kr / month

Women earn 97% of what men do.

Kultur, media, design

Salary progression Good man

Average salary 39 100 kr
Males 40 000 kr
Females 38 800 kr
Profession Good man and its salary
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Salary and Working Conditions for Legal Guardians

Working as a Legal Guardian entails a meaningful and responsible role where one assists individuals who are unable to manage their financial or personal affairs on their own. But what is the salary of a Legal Guardian, and what are the working conditions in this profession?

Salary Statistics for Legal Guardians

The average salary for a Legal Guardian is 39 100 kronor per month. There has been a notable increase from the previous 34 750 kronor, indicating a positive trend in salary levels. However, there is a gender pay gap; on average, men earn 40 000 kronor while women earn 38 800 kronor, meaning women earn 97% of what men do.

For hourly Legal Guardians, the average salary is 235 kronor per hour, based on 166 working hours per month. The highest salary for a Legal Guardian is 40900 kronor, a man working as a privately employed executive with a high school education of up to two years. In contrast, the highest salary for a woman in the same profession is 31900 kronor.

  • Highest salary for men: 40900 kr
  • Highest salary for women: 31900 kr
  • Lowest salary for men: 39400 kr
  • Lowest salary for women: 31900 kr

Roles and Responsibilities of a Legal Guardian

A Legal Guardian acts as a support person for individuals who need assistance in managing their finances or personal affairs. This may include paying bills, managing property, or ensuring the individual receives the necessary care and support. The profession requires a high level of responsibility and empathy, as well as the ability to handle various administrative tasks.

Tasks may include:

  • Pay bills and manage financial obligations
  • Administer and oversee property
  • Ensure care and support are provided as needed
  • Prepare and submit financial reports

Education and Skills Requirements

There are no specific educational requirements to become a Legal Guardian, but knowledge in finance, law, or social work can be advantageous. Good organizational skills, effective communication abilities, and a strong ethical approach are important qualities for success in this profession.

Future Outlook and Competition

The demand for Legal Guardians is expected to remain stable as the population ages and more individuals require support in their financial and personal affairs. Competition in the profession can vary depending on the region and needs. It is important to stay updated on legal changes and guidelines that may impact the work.

Benefits and Working Conditions

As a Legal Guardian, one may sometimes have access to benefits such as paid training to enhance competence in the field. Flexibility in working hours and the opportunity to work from home may also be offered, depending on the nature of the assignment and the client. However, it is important to be aware that the profession may entail significant responsibilities and demands for availability.

In conclusion, the profession of a Legal Guardian offers an opportunity to work on meaningful tasks that have a direct positive impact on the lives of others. It is a profession that requires both heart and mind, with a salary that is reasonable considering the level of responsibility.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Good man is 40900 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Privately employed officials with a upper secondary education, maximum 2 years. The highest salary for a woman in this profession is 31900 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Good man is 31900 kr. This salary belongs to a woman also working in the Multiple sectors. The lowest salary for a man in this profession is 39400 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
45-54 33100 kr 38200 kr
55-64 33000 kr 35800 kr
Snitt 79% 31600 kr 35700 kr
Salary per sector
Salary based on education
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Good man has the SSYK code 4430, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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8000 kr
90000 kr
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Net salary 31 450
Net salary
31 450
11 658
12 134

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* Updated with 2024 taxes