- Salary statistics
- Signal guard
Signal guard salary
28 800 - 45 800 kr / month
Women earn 94% of what men do.
Salary progression Signal guard
![Profession Signal guard and its salary](/assets/images/ai/936x534/20241102_193722_image.webp)
Signalman's Professional Role and Tasks
Working as a signalman involves being responsible for safety at road construction sites and similar environments. As part of the security and safety personnel, the main task of a signalman is to direct traffic and ensure that both workers and motorists move safely through or past the work site. This requires great attention to detail and precision, as misjudgments can lead to serious accidents. A signalman must be prepared to handle stressful situations and make quick decisions.
Signalman Salary and Gender Pay Gap
The salary for a signalman varies depending on experience, workplace, and gender. The average salary for the profession is 32 400 SEK per month. Interestingly, on average, men earn 33 200 SEK, while women's average salary is 31 300 SEK, which means that women earn approximately 94% of what men do in this profession. Hourly signalmen have an average hourly wage of 195 SEK, based on 166 working hours per month.
Salary Development and Maximum and Minimum Salary
Over the past year, the average salary for signalmen has increased from 30 700 SEK to 32 400 SEK, showing a positive salary development in the profession. The highest salary for a signalman is 45,800 SEK, held by a man in the public sector with a post-secondary education of three years or more. For women in the same sector, the highest salary is 41,200 SEK. On the other hand, the lowest salary for a signalman is 28,800 SEK for men in the state sector with less than nine years of pre-secondary education, while women with similar qualifications have a minimum salary of 29400 SEK.
Education and Skills Requirements
To work as a signalman, formal education beyond a short internal training offered by the employer is often not required. This can be an advantage for those entering the profession without prior experience or education in the field. In addition to basic training, it is important for signalmen to have good communication skills, the ability to work under pressure, and a high sense of responsibility.
Future Outlook and Working Conditions
The profession of a signalman is an important element in the construction and civil engineering industry, and the need for trained personnel is expected to remain stable as infrastructure projects increase. However, working conditions can be demanding, with outdoor work in varying weather conditions and irregular working hours depending on the project's timelines. It is important for signalmen to be physically fit and mentally prepared for these challenges.
Summary of Benefits and Challenges
Working as a signalman offers a relatively good salary without the requirement of higher education, making it an attractive option for many. However, there are challenges in the form of salary discrepancies between genders and potentially demanding working conditions. For those who feel a strong sense of responsibility and have a good ability to handle stress, the role of a signalman can be both rewarding and satisfying.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24600 kr | 28200 kr |
25-34 | 99% | 28900 kr | 31300 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 31800 kr | 34100 kr |
45-54 | 93% | 33200 kr | 35100 kr |
55-64 | 95% | 32900 kr | 34500 kr |
Snitt | 94% | 30000 kr | 32400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 23800 kr | 28100 kr |
25-34 | 92% | 29000 kr | 32000 kr |
35-44 | 89% | 33500 kr | 35700 kr |
45-54 | 84% | 34200 kr | 36200 kr |
55-64 | 89% | 33100 kr | 34600 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 31000 kr | 33100 kr |
Snitt | 89% | 31000 kr | 33600 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 102% | 26000 kr | 30000 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 31900 kr | 35700 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 39000 kr | 41900 kr |
45-54 | 90% | 40800 kr | 43400 kr |
55-64 | 107% | 40400 kr | 43000 kr |
65-68 | 39300 kr | 40700 kr | |
Snitt | 96% | 36800 kr | 39900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 23300 kr | 27600 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 27300 kr | 29800 kr |
35-44 | 103% | 29300 kr | 31100 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 29800 kr | 31400 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 30600 kr | 31800 kr |
65-68 | 107% | 28900 kr | 31200 kr |
Snitt | 100% | 28200 kr | 30400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24900 kr | 28300 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 28800 kr | 31000 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 30900 kr | 33200 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 32800 kr | 34600 kr |
55-64 | 32700 kr | 34400 kr | |
Snitt | 97% | 29500 kr | 31900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24900 kr | 28300 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 28800 kr | 31000 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 30900 kr | 33200 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 32800 kr | 34600 kr |
55-64 | 32700 kr | 34400 kr | |
Snitt | 97% | 29500 kr | 31900 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 25000 kr | 28600 kr |
25-34 | 99% | 28800 kr | 31400 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 32400 kr | 34800 kr |
45-54 | 93% | 34000 kr | 36000 kr |
55-64 | 95% | 33300 kr | 35200 kr |
Snitt | 94% | 30700 kr | 33200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24300 kr | 28500 kr |
25-34 | 92% | 29500 kr | 33000 kr |
35-44 | 89% | 34700 kr | 37300 kr |
45-54 | 84% | 35900 kr | 38300 kr |
55-64 | 89% | 34600 kr | 36600 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 32800 kr | 34100 kr |
Snitt | 89% | 32400 kr | 35200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 102% | 25800 kr | 29900 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 31500 kr | 35700 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 39200 kr | 42400 kr |
45-54 | 90% | 40900 kr | 43800 kr |
55-64 | 107% | 39900 kr | 42700 kr |
65-68 | 40500 kr | 42200 kr | |
Snitt | 96% | 36800 kr | 40200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 23600 kr | 27800 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 27200 kr | 30100 kr |
35-44 | 103% | 28900 kr | 30600 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 29800 kr | 31500 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 30700 kr | 32000 kr |
65-68 | 107% | 29000 kr | 30000 kr |
Snitt | 100% | 28100 kr | 30400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 25200 kr | 28700 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 28500 kr | 30800 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 31100 kr | 33500 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 33100 kr | 34900 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 29900 kr | 32300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 25200 kr | 28700 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 28500 kr | 30800 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 31100 kr | 33500 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 33100 kr | 34900 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 29900 kr | 32300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24300 kr | 27800 kr |
25-34 | 99% | 29000 kr | 31100 kr |
35-44 | 94% | 30800 kr | 32700 kr |
45-54 | 93% | 31700 kr | 33400 kr |
55-64 | 95% | 32300 kr | 33500 kr |
Snitt | 94% | 29000 kr | 31300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 23300 kr | 27600 kr |
25-34 | 92% | 28300 kr | 30400 kr |
35-44 | 89% | 31400 kr | 33000 kr |
45-54 | 84% | 30900 kr | 32200 kr |
55-64 | 89% | 31300 kr | 32400 kr |
65-68 | 94% | 29300 kr | 32200 kr |
Snitt | 89% | 29100 kr | 31200 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 102% | 27000 kr | 30600 kr |
25-34 | 100% | 34600 kr | 35900 kr |
35-44 | 93% | 38100 kr | 39400 kr |
45-54 | 90% | 39300 kr | 39500 kr |
55-64 | 107% | 45200 kr | 45500 kr |
Snitt | 96% | 37200 kr | 38400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 99% | 23100 kr | 27500 kr |
25-34 | 98% | 27300 kr | 29600 kr |
35-44 | 103% | 29800 kr | 31500 kr |
45-54 | 99% | 29800 kr | 31300 kr |
55-64 | 99% | 30600 kr | 31700 kr |
65-68 | 107% | 28900 kr | 32000 kr |
Snitt | 100% | 28200 kr | 30400 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24600 kr | 27900 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 29300 kr | 31400 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 30400 kr | 32600 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 32200 kr | 34000 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 29000 kr | 31300 kr |
Age | Base salary | Monthly salary | |
18-24 | 97% | 24600 kr | 27900 kr |
25-34 | 102% | 29300 kr | 31400 kr |
35-44 | 97% | 30400 kr | 32600 kr |
45-54 | 97% | 32200 kr | 34000 kr |
Snitt | 97% | 29000 kr | 31300 kr |
About the data
All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.
All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.
Profession Signal guard has the SSYK code 5419, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.
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