Hygiene assistant, medical care salary

29 400 kr

Other health and care staff

What will be the salary after tax?

25 600 - 39 300 kr / month

Women earn 103% of what men do.

Hälso- & sjukvård

Salary progression Hygiene assistant, medical care

Average salary 29 400 kr
Males 28 800 kr
Females 29 700 kr
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Salary and Work for Hygiene Assistants in Healthcare

Working as a hygiene assistant in healthcare means playing a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Often working behind the scenes, hygiene assistants directly contribute to the well-being and safety of patients. The average salary for a hygiene assistant in healthcare is 29 400 SEK per month. There is a slight difference between genders, with men earning an average of 28 800 SEK and women earning 29 700 SEK, meaning that women earn 103% of what men do in this profession.

Job Description

As a hygiene assistant, your main tasks involve ensuring that the premises are clean and free from infection risks. This includes cleaning operating rooms, patient rooms, and other healthcare spaces. You often work with disinfectants and specialized equipment to eliminate bacteria and viruses. The profession requires precision and attention to detail, as even small mistakes can have serious consequences for patients' health.

Education and Qualifications

There are no formal education requirements to become a hygiene assistant in healthcare, but a high school education with a focus on healthcare may be beneficial. Many employers offer on-the-job training to ensure you have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the work safely and effectively. Experience in cleaning or healthcare may also be advantageous.

Job Outlook

According to the Employment Service, there is limited data to make a concrete assessment of the job outlook for hygiene assistants in healthcare. The profession is part of a broader occupational group that includes occupational therapy assistants and other healthcare personnel. This means that the forecasts are not perfectly tailored to hygiene assistants specifically, but the general need for healthcare staff suggests good employment opportunities.

Salary Development

The average salary for hygiene assistants in healthcare has recently increased from 27 100 SEK to 29 400 SEK, indicating a positive salary development. As a new hire, your salary may vary depending on the employer and experience, but over time and with further education, there is potential for salary increases.


Benefits for hygiene assistants may vary depending on the employer. Some healthcare facilities offer benefits such as paid training, which can be a significant advantage for your career development. Other potential benefits may include a company-paid mobile phone and subsidized meals.


If you are interested in working as a hygiene assistant in healthcare, it is important to be aware of the physical and mental demands of the job. You will need to handle cleaning agents and sometimes work under time pressure. It is also crucial to have a strong sense of hygiene and safety, as your work directly impacts the health and safety of patients.

Lastly, even though the profession may not always be in the spotlight, your role as a hygiene assistant is crucial in ensuring a safe and clean healthcare environment. It is a profession that requires both precision and commitment, and it can be very rewarding to know that you are contributing to the well-being and safety of patients.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Hygiene assistant, medical care is 39300 kr. This salary belongs to a woman working in the Municipal sector with a postgraduate education. The highest salary for a man in this profession is 35400 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Hygiene assistant, medical care is 25600 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Government sector. The lowest salary for a woman in this profession is 25800 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
18-24 102% 22900 kr 27400 kr
25-34 100% 25200 kr 29000 kr
35-44 104% 26400 kr 29400 kr
45-54 98% 27800 kr 30500 kr
55-64 103% 28700 kr 31200 kr
65-68 31500 kr 35100 kr
Snitt 103% 25900 kr 29400 kr
Salary per sector
Salary based on education
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Hygiene assistant, medical care has the SSYK code 5349, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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31 450
11 658
12 134

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* Updated with 2024 taxes