Vacant job
- Jobs
- Job Opening: Chef with Experience in Asian Cuisine
Job Opening: Chef with Experience in Asian Cuisine
JKpool ABSödermanlands län, Eskilstuna
Previous experience is desired
21 days left
to apply for the job
We are looking for a joyful, service-minded, detail-oriented employee who enjoys working in a team and can handle a fast-paced work environment.
Job Description
You will work on preparing Asian dishes according to the recipe.
You will assist kitchen assistants in producing all preparatory ingredients and work on kitchen routines such as hygiene control, ingredient handling, and other preparations in a small team of colleagues.
You should have experience working as a chef and with Asian cuisine.
It is a plus if you speak any of the following languages: Mandarin and Vietnamese.
Salary and scope: Full-time/part-time with hourly wage,
guideline on wage setting according to the collective agreement within the restaurant industry.
Contact: Send your application to [email protected]
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