Store Employee Wanted at Alvar & ivar Sourdough Bakery

Alvar & Ivar Surdegsbageri AB

Västra Götalands län, Göteborg

Previous experience is desired

5 days left
to apply for the job

We are now looking for a cheerful and energetic employee for our store. The position is approximately 25 hours a week with a start date in April. The store operates on a two-week schedule with varying working hours, either Tuesday to Friday or Wednesday to Saturday.

Alvar & ivar sourdough bakery has been around since 2009 and is located on Kastellgatan in the heart of Linnéstaden. We are a small B A K E R Y where all baking and sales occur in the same location, bakers and store staff work closely together, and it is important to enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Everything we produce is E C O L O G I C A L L Y certified, and we are especially known for baking real sourdough bread from real ingredients. We also bake some sweets, such as cookies and buns, and offer our customers simple snacks and sandwiches. The store also sells delicious cheeses, our own apple juice, and other goodies.

We work purposefully every day to offer both the B E S T quality in our products and the best S E R V I C E to all our wonderful customers.

J O B D U T I E S include; taking care of customers, keeping the store clean and tidy, opening/closing, dishwashing, cleaning, sandwich preparation, handling orders, packaging, etc.

Important Q U A L I T I E S we are looking for in you are: that you are meticulous, friendly, cheerful, and responsible, and that you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. At least O N E year of experience in a similar industry (café, store, restaurant) as well as cash handling experience and fluent Swedish is a requirement. We also hope that you have a great interest in food and a desire to learn more about our breads.

In parallel with the bakery, we also run an organic apple orchard with our own juice production in Tjörn.

Would you like to work with us? Great! Send an E M A I L with your cover letter + CV, and we hope to hear from you!

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