Embedded Software Engineer till Mpya Sci & Tech

Mpya Sci & Tech AB

Västra Götalands län, Göteborg

Tidigare erfarenhet är önskad

30 dagar kvar
att ansöka till jobbet

Mpya Sci & Tech är skapat av och för människor som älskar teknik och naturvetenskap. Vi är inte här för att göra något som alla andra gör. Vi tar nischad rekrytering och konsulting till en ny nivå med fokus på kandidatperspektivet. Det är därför vi kallar oss Talent Advisors. Vi tror att de riktiga talangerna är de individer som vågar utvecklas genom hela livet. Med lång erfarenhet och djup kunskap om branschen har vi skapat ett framåtlutat och spetsigt bolag, på vårt sätt.

På Mpya Sci & Tech tror vi på ett hållbart arbetsliv där vi tillsammans bygger en kultur med genuin delaktighet, ivrig nyfikenhet och möjlighet att få vara sig själv. Kom och utvecklas ihop med oss i Göteborg och Stockholm. Hos en arbetsgivare i världsklass.

Gothenburg is the place to be if you want to be part of developing the autonomous vehicles of the future! Is your passion also within ADAS and AD come join Mpya Sci & Tech!

Mpya Sci & Tech is built by and for engineers. We have created a company where you as an Mployee always are in focus. In everything we do, we strive to create a high degree of involvement and to be sensitive to our Mployees ideas about their future work and careers, not by empty words, but through real actions. Building a strong collective culture with favorable conditions for you as employee and finding the assignment where you can be passionate and develop yourself with balance in life. That is how we do it!

We are right now looking for embedded software engineers for the Automotive industry with knowledge in ADAS and Automated Driving development.


  • M.Sc. in any of the fields: Physics, Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or other relevant engineering degree.
  • Knowledge of ADAS and Automated Driving development in MATLAB and Simulink
  • Programming skills in: C and C++
  • Experience with modeling and simulation
  • Several years of experience of software development in the Automotive industry and ADAS

Your soft skills:

As an Mployee, we believe you have excellent communication skills and are keen of relationships, both with customers and colleagues. You are positive, organized and have good time management skills. We also believe that you can work both independently as well as part of a team and can display initiative when necessary.

Who we are

At Mpya Sci & Tech, we believe in a sustainable work life where we together build a culture where you can, Be excitedly curious, Be inclusive and allowing and Be who you are.

We believe that the real talents are the individuals who dare to develop throughout their lives. With long experience and deep knowledge of the industry, we have created a forward-leaning and edgy company, in our own way. Come and flourish together with us in Gothenburg and Stockholm.


Does this sound like the opportunity you been waiting for? Please go ahead and apply!

We work with ongoing selection so don´t hesitate to apply via www.mpyascitech.com (http://www.mpyascitech.com). Most welcome with your application!

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