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Exchange Rate Chart - HTGSEK
2021-12-13 - 2024-12-13 +0.005.43%

Currency Pair HTG/SEK: Haitian Gourde and Swedish Krona

The currency pair HTG/SEK represents the exchange rate between the Haitian gourde (HTG) and the Swedish krona (SEK). Understanding this currency pair is important for both investors and travelers who wish to exchange between these two currencies.

Haitian Gourde (HTG)

The Haitian gourde is the official currency of Haiti and is abbreviated as HTG. The gourde was introduced as Haiti's currency in 1813 and is divided into 100 centimes. Haiti has an economic structure that is heavily reliant on agriculture, remittances from abroad, and international aid. The currency's value can be influenced by political and economic factors both within and outside the country.

Swedish Krona (SEK)

The Swedish krona is the official currency of Sweden and is abbreviated as SEK. The krona has been Sweden's currency since 1873 and is divided into 100 öre. Sweden has a stable and diversified economy with strong sectors in industry, technology, and services. The value of the Swedish krona is influenced by factors such as interest rates, economic growth, and international trade.

Convert Between HTG and SEK

On our website, we offer a simple and user-friendly currency converter that allows you to quickly and smoothly exchange between HTG and SEK, as well as other currencies. Follow these steps to make a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency (HTG or SEK).
  3. Choose the target currency (HTG or SEK).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will immediately receive the result.

To give you a better understanding of the currency pair's performance over time, we also display a chart with historical exchange rates for HTG/SEK. This can be very helpful for analyzing trends and making informed decisions.

Explore Other Currency Pairs

In addition to HTG/SEK, you can also convert between a variety of other currencies on our website. Whether you need to exchange euros, dollars, yen, or any other currency, our currency converter provides a fast and reliable solution.

10.94 SEK -0.0811 SEK
1.54 SEK -0.0046 SEK
11.50 SEK -0.0363 SEK
0.99 SEK -0.0002 SEK
13.86 SEK -0.1054 SEK
12.26 SEK -0.0898 SEK